The Second Chance

What have I done, It happened all because of me. First I could not get his Father justice, wasn't able to protect his family and... now I have lost him too. All of my life I did nothing except shatter the trust of my people. I always proved them wrong whenever they needed me I was not there, whenever they looked up towards me with hope at me I left them downhearted. Why am I like this... Just why? This child trusted me in the hope that I would help this impotent boy get justice for his Father. All his life what he did was protect his family the best way he could, fulfilling their needs and wants, and endured every difficulty alone like a brave man. In the age when your heart seeks a loved one, he only seeks justice. The test for some people is long and agonising, but some give up and some like him refuse to run and fight steadily. In this fog of regrets, agony and despair I listened to the voice of the freezing wind of winter which was entering inside me and capturing my heart. In this gloom far I saw a glimpse of light shining brightly. I followed it endlessly, ran towards it desperately, hoping that I would be saved from drowning in this deep ocean of regrets, hoping that someone would be enough kind to save a drowning soul, hoping for finding the most wanted thing, hoping for a second chance.

When I reached there before my eyes was a lorry, people were rushing in it as quickly as they can to be saved from the beast of the nights and the deadly winter. One man who looked like a security guard was continuously saying people to hurry in and was talking to the driver of the lorry,

"Oh Goodness gracious! we are standing on the edge of the knife!" The lorry driver said hopelessly.

"We sure are because of the greedy land grabbers, who are failed to fulfil their duties." The security guard said.

"Those incompetent rulers could not even safeguard us from the beasts of nights." The lorry driver said irritatingly.

"Ah! my friend that's our fate I guess. Are all the passengers in?" The security guard asked,

"I guess so". the driver replied and was about to go inside when I came and asked,

"Sir wait, Can I ask you where this lorry is going?"

"To the big ben gentleman." He replied.

"I would like to go there too," I said.

"You're most welcome," he said kindly and I went inside the lorry.

"OK mate let's pray for the good times." the driver bid farewell to the guard.

"Yes mate, have a safe journey." the guard sees him off.

"Have a safe night." the driver came in the lorry and was about to leave when a woman came running from behind and screamed,

"Wait please one more passenger to big ben."

"Hmm" everybody in the lorry looked behind the lady.

"Kind sir do you have room for one more passenger?" She asked with a voice as sweet as honey.

"Yes my child you may come." the driver replied.

"Thank you," she said being grateful.

The lady was hiding her face with a silk cloth completely like the moon on that cloudy night. Only her gazelle eyes could be seen, She had a mysterious aura which filled in the entire lorry and everyone in the lorry hid their precious belongings someone in their shoes, some in their coats and some slid their suitcases under their chairs. She looked for a seat when she went closer to sit with someone they would refuse by putting their luggage on the chair. Seeing everybody's hostile behaviour I offered her to sit next to my seat,

"If you're comfortable then you may sit here lady."

"That would be very kind of you sir," she said kindly.

"My pleasure" I replied while smiling.

"That would be very kind of you."

She came and sat beside me I moved towards the window to make her feel less uncomfortable and gazed outside the window. Looking at the dense fog which was only could be seen, it hid beautiful landscapes of the countryside in its embrace. The moonlight was fighting its way through the knights of the dark and thick fog.

I was lost in this scene when I felt something on my shoulder. When I looked at it, that lady laid her head on my shoulder. Her gazelle eyes were closed gently, and all of a sudden the fog was cleared and the moonlight shined on her directly. In that moonlight she glowed brightly, her soft and silky brown hair was playing gently with the cold breeze from my window. Her ruby locket which was shaped like an enchanted golden key was shining bright in the light of the moon. She was sleeping peacefully on my shoulder like a free-spirited soul. In her hands was a scroll holder which looked like it was for an heiress of a Royal Family. She was different from others, she was wearing a really fine red attire. Her dress was gracefully embroidered with a veil of golden flowers on her red dress. She was wearing a mother-of-pearl bracelet and a unique emerald ring in her delicate hands. That moment felt like everything has stopped, the only thing was moving her hair gently, I was lost in her beauty and couldn't even blink. That night was an eternity. I don't know when I went from my dreams to this reality. I opened my eyes when the glorious golden light of the sun sparkled on my face. She was still sleeping and her beauty was further evident in this radiance.

"The passengers for the big ben! your destination has arrived." The driver screamed.

She opened her eyes and looked into my eyes. At that moment we both were staring into each other eyes, the flower of spring blooming in this cruel winter. For a moment I was lost in her gazelle brown eyes and she was lost in my marble-like emerald eyes. The entire lorry passengers were hustling and bustling to leave the bus, but for me, the golden light filled the entire lorry, those people disappeared from the scene, and blossoms felt like flying in the air. This was the beautiful and serene moment of gleam.

"mmhmm, gentleman your destination has arrived" the driver coughed and said while smiling.

"Oh thank you" I hurriedly stood up and she smiled and went outside I was about to go but then the driver held my shoulder and said.

"The love has the only thing that blooms flower in the cold snow"

I looked at the driver surprisingly and he smiled at me saying,

"I was once at your age to son."

how did he know what I was feeling? But I just hurriedly went off without saying anything. What is this happening and who is she? This never happened before to me. When I got out that lady was out of my sight. Where did she go all of the sudden? Was she here or she was just a beautiful illusion? Who knows?

I continued my journey towards my destination. I came out of my illusions and stepped forward to my reality. I walked past the streets finding the home of the person I wanted to meet. I asked a couple of people and finally reached my destination.

The house was a brick red building with a few old windows and a red wooden door. It had an empty feeling to it, I locked the door and stood there waiting. Around me was a bustling market, every seller was proving to be better than the other one, it reflected the true reality we all try to prove that we are better than others and forget that it's our own life and we have different challenges than others and deny the fact that we all are best in our way.

The door opened and before I was my friend.

"I was waiting for you Samuel come in my friend." My friend said in a welcoming tone.

"Thank you for inviting me my dear friend" I replied while smiling.