The Festive time

His eyes widened and fear was evident in them, droplets of sweat formed on his slightly wrinkled forehead and he gulped frightened by the thought of him being dead and bearing the pain I endured. I picked up the napkin from my side table and offered it to him,

"You might need this."

"huh?" he said shockingly.

"Frightened by the reminder of death? huh, then you might have done those malicious crimes in the past." I said in a lowered voice but a harsh angered tone.

"How do you know about everything?" he asked while his expressions were of being confused and he was in a continuous state of shock at the fact that I knew his vile deeds.

"Well, at least you accept your deeds," I said while smirking, I didn't expect him to lose this easily but maybe the guilt made him confess his crimes.

"Stop it and tell me." He said in a gruff tone his vile attitude didn't die though.

"I would soon but do you want to hear your horrendous crimes here first let me heal and get discharged from here, only then I would tell you everything," I said while daringly staring into his eyes.

"When will you get away from here?" he asked

"Today is 20th December I will meet you on Christmas day in the same cafe I got shot and give you your present hmm," I said and smirked.

"Huh?" he had a confused expression.

"Now you may leave," I ordered.

He looked at me with a shocked look on his face and stood up from his stool. He stumbled from it and was about to fall, he dust off his coat and stood up clumsily.

When the nurse came to help him he shrugged off her rudely and went away. Hmm, I smiled at his condition why would do such a deed which would make you ashamed in your own eyes? Thinking that there would be no one to stop you and keep continuing your Power abuse on innocents and playing with their lives and thinking you are unstoppable eventually leads you to your horrible end. I wanted to confirm his crimes and wanted to confess them himself which he did, this would help me in two ways. One was to reach Edmondson and the second was to put Lorenzo to death by revealing his crimes in the Court with solid witnesses and strong evidence.

Days passed and each day I kept getting better and better, I healed earlier than Doctor's expectations. I think pain does make you stronger. My sweet and wise mother says it right, pain and suffering are the soil of strength and courage. Finally came the day of Christmas, when I would get discharged from this hospital and meet that vile person. I was going from the hospital when I saw Nurse Michelle, she smiled at me and I smiled back at her and waved her bye. All this time I saw her work relentlessly without being tired or even having a line on her forehead. Whenever someone would call for her help she would rush to help them to the fullest. I remember, when I use to suffer from immense pain and she would urgently come to me, either she used to give me pain relief or if I couldn't take it to prevent overdose she would try to say good things to me so I could feel less pain. I can never repay her that.

I walked outside, I could see the colourful glimmering Christmas lights, the smell of fruit cakes and baked goods filling the entire street everywhere people were filled with joy. Christmas celebrations were at their peak. I turned my face and saw a child who was sitting in a corner had some things in her hand and was shivering with cold. I went near him quickly removed my coat and covered him with it gently.

"Here you go, son?" I said kindly.

"Thank you very much sir!" he said

"Why are you here in this cold you should go back to your own home?" I asked concerned.

"I can't." He replied in a sad tone.

"Why?" I asked curiously.

"I don't have a home." He said in his innocent voice while a tear left his eye.

"Huh?" I said in a shocked tone and my eyes filled with tears seeing the condition of this boy and less than I know who was behind it made me even more furious. This is the time I feel helpless when I am unable to help everyone but I would put bars who did.

"Would you like to buy these flowers and a Christmas gift?" he wiped his tear and forwarded the items with his tiny hands and asked.

"Huh, hmm yes I would all of them." I was lost in my thoughts, but I quickly came back and said to him.

"All?" he asked.

"Yes, my dear child," I replied while smiling.

"Thank you! "He happily said and gave it all to me, his eyes were filled with joy.

"How much sir?" I asked in a playful voice.

"1 pound sterling." He replied.

"Oh, I'm afraid I don't have a pound." I pretended mischievously.

"Then 25 pence would be enough!" he hurriedly said.

"Hmm, ok here you go". I handed over him the money and was turned back to leave, he looked at it and surprisingly shouted from behind,

"But sir these are 25 pounds I asked for 25 pence only! I can't take it please take it back" I was quite shocked by his act. The self-esteem was more in him than most of the people around here. What a shame for adults, they are supposed to be role models for their children, someone they can look up to but they are busy fulfilling their nasty greed. Adults should learn honesty from ordinary kids like him it's much needed.

"The rest are for your honesty, always be honest and just no matter what the situation is understood?" I said while looking at him pleasantly.

"Yes, I would be always. He had a bright and wide smile on his innocent face."

I patted his shoulder and was about to leave when I saw a woman. Her condition was not very fine, her hair was slightly messed up and her clothes were covered with dust. She seem to desperately look everywhere when her eyes laid upon this innocent child. She came running towards him, sat on her knees in front of him and touched his cheeks gently, her eyes filled with tears.

"Jack?" She said emotionally.

"Mother?" he said shockingly.

"Oh my dear son Jack, where have you been, why did you leave your mother alone?" She hugged him tight and burst into tears.

"I'm sorry mother I left your hand in the market when you said not to, I'm sorry." He said in an innocent voice while crying continuously.

"No problem my son, thank god you're fine. I thought I would lose you." She cried and kissed his forehead.

"Mother, this man helped me. He gave me this." He pointed towards me and showed his mom the money I just gave.

"Thank you so much sir, thank you so much I can't thank you enough." She touched my feet, and thanked me I instantly took her hands and said gently,

"No need miss, please don't do this."

" Please take this back we can not keep it" she urged me to take my money back.

" It's a reward from me to your honest and brave son," I said politely.

"Thank you, sir, but I can't have it.

" Consider this reward and finding your mother a gift from God hmm," I told him gently.

"A gift from God?"

"Yes my son"

" Thank you very much, sir, Jack are you hungry? She said to me while having tears in her eyes then faced her son and asked in a lovely voice.

"Mother, I'm hungry, will you make my porridge?" Jack innocently said.

"Yes I would my child, I would let's go home hmm. Thank you so much, sir, Let's go." She said.

I looked at them leaving the way they looked at each other happily and joyfully. Was this The Christmas Spirit? I wiped my tear and looked towards the gift I just bought. Suddenly the person came to my mind to who I would give it, I rushed inside the hospital. And saw Nurse Michelle checking her clipboard, I rushed towards her and gave her the gift and flower,

"What is this sir?" She asked while widening her eyes.

"It's for you," I replied sweetly

"Me?" She asked having a surprised expression and pointing towards herself.

"Yes, you always take care of others I thought to give this to you as a little thank gift to make you feel happy," I replied while smiling.

"Thank you so much, Mr Frederick." She said happily while tears formed in her blue eyes.

"My pleasure," I said and turned around to go outside when she abruptly asked from behind,

"Where are you going, Mr Frederick?" She asked from behind.

"To complete an incomplete task."