The Masquerade

"Mademoiselles can I have your attention for a minute?" Lauren the lady who was showing her diamond earlier came by Rosanne and Eliza and took along them to meet in her inner friend's circle.

"Yes, what is it, Lauren?" A lady from the table eating caviar asked in an elegant tone.

"I want to introduce this lady who made everyone's heart stop with her beauty as soon as she entered the room, Ms Rosanne Berlusconi," Lauren said with a bright smile on her face.

"Nice to meet you," Rosanne said in her ever-so-sweet voice.

"Nice to meet you too Ms Rosanne, please take a seat." A lady seating beside her said and offered Rosanne a seat next to her.

"Thank you. "Rosanne picked up her gown and sat elegantly like a duchess.

"Ms Rosanne your name is really beautiful like you." The lady sitting next to her said.

"Oh, thank you." Rosanne was blushing and a delicate smile came on his face.

"Rosanne Berlusconi, a lawyer in Greco & E Law firm. Right?" A woman appeared from behind and said in a bitter tone.

"Yes, I was the lawyer there," Rosanne replied politely with a slightly different expression.

"I remember you, you handled a case where you were the plaintiff." The lady said in an angered tone. The anger seemed buried for a long time.

"Hmm, can I know your name, miss?" Rosanne asked politely.

"Stella Ross." She said and the rage inside her was evident in her old yet evil eyes.

"Stella Ross the one with the money laundering charges, yes now I remember I won the case," Rosanne said while smiling.

"You- " Before that woman could say something Lauren stopped her seeing the dessert that was served by the waiter.

"Let's not ruin the evening with the bitter past and enjoy this night with some delicate dessert," Lauren said to calm the situation.

"Ummm. It tastes delicious." Rosanne said while taking a bite and looked straight towards Stella while smiling.

A gentleman was walking in curiously, a dashing gentleman indeed. Through the stairs towards the seating above the room, from where the entire room could be seen.

"Sir, he is here." The guard said to Lorenzo who was seated arrogantly on the brown leather sofa smoking his cigar while Samuel took a seat.

"Mr Romeo Romano good to see you at my son's party," Lorenzo said and exhaled the smoke,

"I appreciate your invitation," Samuel said with a bossy attitude while being completely unbothered by who is Lorenzo Armani.

"I am glad you accepted it," Armani said and placed his cigar down.

"Hmm." Samuel nodded.

"I have heard much about you, you have done quite some work in a short time," Lorenzo said in his gruff voice,

"I like things to go faster," Samuel replied with his unflinching attitude.

"Hmm, but sometimes the fast one falls first because he won't know where to stop." Edmondson pointed out.

"Hmm, I guess you are the one who acts more like a slow poison," Samuel said daringly.

"What do you mean?" Edmondson said while his voice raised and so did his anger,

"I mean spreading in the entire body slowly and killing the person," Samuel said while crushing his two fingers.

"Hmm?" Lorenzo frowned,

"I'm more of a fast-paced man I like things to be fast and efficient," Samuel replied while averting his gaze towards Lorenzo.

"So do I, life is short to become a snail." Lorenzo laughed it off.

"I agree." Samuel nodded.

"So Mr Romeo why did you come here?" Lorenzo asked in a curious tone.

"To pay off some old debts," Samuel said while his eyes darkened.

"Debts? It's unlike for a person like you to be indebted. I mean you are quite wealthy for that." Leonardo said.

"Not all debts are financial some are on your soul too, "Samuel said in a deep husky tone.

"True words Mr Romano." Lorenzo's face was scrutinised and his eye filled with tears while saying this in a very serious tone. Maybe he has some debt on his soul too?

"Hmm." Leonardo nodded and left the place.

"You resemble an old friend of mine, he died last year. His name was Samuel, Samuel Greco. " Edmondson said in a sad tone.

"Oh, accept my condolences," Samuel said while smiling from inside that the person he thinks is dead is right in front of him.

"Thank you," Edmondson replied and nodded hopelessly.

"Well, he seems to be a close friend of yours according to your aggrieved tone," Samuel said.

"You're right he was a close one but a brainless one too. That man believed in justice, the rights of the innocent, and truth. Huh? What a fool right?"Edmondson laughed it off.

"Truth is not stupidity it's a principle. A moral that holds you like a strong pillar." Samuel said while his eyebrow raised and his voice showed his bitterness for Edmondson's behaviour and the daring attitude of himself,

"Samuel?" Edmondson's eyes widened by listening to his words as they were the same as what Samuel used to say.

"Excuse me," Samuel said.

"Edmondson I would like to have a private talk with Mr Romano. "Lorenzo said showing that he want Edmondson to leave.

"Yes sure." Edmondson still in shock went downstairs.

"So, Mr Romano, you are from Rome, right?" Lorenzo said.

"Yes, my ancestors are from there but I was born and raised in London," Samuel said.

"So what's your unfinished business in Italy?" Lorenzo asked in a questioning tone.

"There is one very old, a decade old," Samuel said while emphasising a decade old.

"Oh, I see," Lorenzo said and his face went blank and his eyes showed sadness in them.

"What happened is something wrong?" Samuel asked.

"Huh? Nothing just some memories flashed before my eyes," Lorenzo said.

"I guess they were excruciating," Samuel said.

"Yes, they were," Lorenzo said.

"Can I ask you something?" Samuel asked.

"Yes, you may," Lorenzo said,

"Why did you invite me here? I mean I'm quite new here." Samuel asked in a subtle tone,

"Well, I was in search of a man of his word and I liked your honesty," Lorenzo said while coming back from his past.

"But do you already have honest people around you or you don't?"Samuel exclaimed.

"I don't know I am a bit concerned about this matter." Lorenzo expressed worry.

"Please clear yourself, Mr Lorenzo," Samuel asked in a confused tone,

"I have been betrayed," Lorenzo said.

"Huh?" Samuel asked shockingly.

"I am in a position, where I can not trust anyone. Everyone is surrounding me and looking at my authoritative seat. I am well aware of the fact that everybody you see here at this party wants to sit in my seat and be the King of this Kingdom." Lorenzo exclaimed.

"So what can I do? Samuel asked.

"I have an offer for you," Lorenzo said.

"What?"Samuel asked.

"Be my consigliere," Lorenzo said in a lowered voice.

"What???" Samuel's eyes widened in shock.

"I am giving you a very reputable position, I was aware of these greedy people but my son is too naive to understand their evil plots. I need a man who gives him the right suggestion and is enough for these spineless people. "Lorenzo said while hatred evident in his tone,

"I would think about it. "Samuel said while thinking.

"Yes sure take your time, there is a meeting held tomorrow morning. I will wait for your answer there." Lorenzo said,

"Hmm, I will be there." Samuel nodded.

"You can now go and enjoy today's night," Lorenzo said with his thin lips formed in a smile. Romeo stood up and went from there. And on his way to the hall thinking.

What is going on in Lorenzo's mind? How can he trust a man he just met over his loyal partners? Why does he want me as his consigliere when the position is already taken by Edmondson? Is Edmondson betraying him? That confirms my information then, Edmondson is revolting against Lorenzo.

"What did happen Romeo why were you meeting Lorenzo?" Edward came and asked Samuel in a concerned tone,

Before Samuel could say anything an announcement was made.

" Ladies and Gentleman, I would like your attention. The hour of the night has come in which the special ball is about to begin. You may now were your masks and enjoy the Armani Masquerade Ball." The lady said and everyone applauded. Lights of the chandeliers and lanterns were dim, and the scent of sweet vanilla filled the entire room in which all were proceeding.

It was a beautiful ballroom right next to the dining room. It was circularly floored, the flooring had a beautiful Italian painting painted on it lovingly, the pillars took the burden of the beautiful angel-painted roof on top, it had few stairs which led to the glass room. Glass room as per the name was surrounded by tall glass windows showing the midnight moon, glistening stars and to it was the opening to an extremely beautiful terrace whom view was a picturesque sight.

A full moon shone in the sky filled with glitzy glam stars reflecting on the solemn Sicilian sea, the scent of roses filled the entire space. It was a serene sight.

Romeo (Samuel) came inside and his heartfelt to skip a beat at the beauty of the scene. Samuel, Rosanne, Edward, Eliza, Edmondson, Katherine, Leonardo everyone wore Exquisite Masks and attires. Eliza wore the mask and was looking here and there to look for Edward when someone tapped her shoulder from behind. She confusingly turned back and it was Edward. He took her hand and a smile came on both of the beautiful faces.

Edmondson wore the mask and so did Katherine, Katherine stood there knowing no one will ask for her hand. So she herself went for Leonardo,

"Ciao, signor!"

"Cia, signora. What do you want?" Leonardo said arrogantly.

"A dance partner." Katherine said confidently.

"Then go and find one, what are you doing here?" He said and pushed her back slightly as if she was a untouchable.

"Well, I-" Katherine though humiliated to core but kept on saying.

"I get it, you thought I would dance with a women in rags like you?" Leonardo said and cackled at her mockingly.

"What do you mean?" She asked.

"You very well understand it, now get lost!" He grunted on her face, she could feel the bitterness in his tone to the core of her soul. She stood there frozen, Leonardo mocked him and went past her while pushing her from his shoulder as if she was nothing. A tear rolled down her cheek. The rejection she felt now grew stronger in her heart as sorrow and hatred, it was not the first time Leonardo was like this. The person she admire and what's to become Queen of treated her always like a maid or worse than that.

The second person she looked upto while wiping her tear was Edmondson. The second ladder for her to climb and reach her goal with, who she hated but had to do it. Edmondson's footsteps were approaching towards Katherine, approaching hopefully, lovingly. Her eyes widened in shock but he went slide past her and she was left in shock as she looked behind and there was Rosanne.

"Rosanne, would you like to dance with me?" Katherine's heart ached as Rosanne again gained the position she longed for.


"My lady, would you mind if I take your hand?" Leonardo came from behind and took Rosanne's hands into his while taking her away.

Edmondson stood there feeling devastated because of his rejection. Katherine smiled happily by looking at Edmondson's face.

"Looks like someone got a taste of his own medicine." She said and smiled,

"Would you like to dance?" Jacob suddenly appeared from the crowd and took Katherine's hand.

"Jacob you?" She asked.

"Yes me, surprised?"Jacob asked while smiling.

"Surprised but delighted," Katherine said slyly.

Leonardo stood in front of Rosanne, he had to make good ties with her to be precautious for the future.

"Oh, Mr Leonardo Armani right?" Rosanne said,

"Yes, and you Rosanne Berlusconi right?" Leonardo asked in his cold tone,

"Yes." She replied,

"You look beautiful tonight." He said,

"Hmm. "Rosanne said in a grey tone then Leonardo swirled her in the ballroom and left her hand as it was a Masquerade signature move to switch the dancers. Rosanne swirled and swirled and swirled till she bumped into a man. She lift her head and saw Samuel's face. The moment stopped, everyone and everything just stopped.

All the colours were fading from the surroundings, it was all black and white. All the people disappeared from there, all the tensions, stress, depression, aggrieved pain, teary eyes, lonely days, that heart-wrenching pain everything disappeared at that moment. Both of them looked into eyes of each other. Samuel and Rosanne both were talking through their eyes,

"Where were you all these years?" Rosanne asked with tears in her eyes.

"I was sent against my will," Samuel said while these words echoed in silence and Samuel's eyes were filled with tears.

"I know your reason, you don't need to explain," Rosanne said and caressed Samuel's cheek.

"I missed you very much, not a day passed without your face flashing through before my eyes," Samuel said while kissing her hand gently.

"I waited for you in the hope that you would come," Rosanne said in a grieved tone,

"Thank you," Samuel said in a grateful tone,

"No need to thank me it was your love that made me do it," Rosanne said lovingly.

"It's your promise that kept me going through that pain," Samuel told her.

"Let's forget the past and cherish this moment," Rosanne said while smiling through the pain.

"Yes, you're right." Samuel smiled too.

Both held each other's hand, their engagement rings were sparkling in that black and white frame. Only these two were shown brightest in that black and white frame, Rosanne's lush red gown and Samuel's classic Tuxedo. The white rose that Samuel gave to Rosanne, the rest disappeared. Samuel swirled Rosanne, their footsteps went forward, then backwards following the flow of their heartbeats. They looked at each other with love and affirmation. It was a beautiful scene when Samuel swirled Rosanne and her entire gown beautifully twirled in the moonlight. They went towards the terrace and they both stopped. Rosanne's hand in Samuel's, they both standing right in front of each other, Rosanne's valley of lily scent filled Samuel's heart.

They both liked each other beautifully, Samuel tucked Rose's golden wavy, silky, smooth strand behind her ear and caressed her cheek. Behind them was the moon shining brightly and reflecting upon the Sicilian sea, with the star-filled sky. Samuel kissed Rosanne's forehead with his love and tears left both of their eyes. It was a sight that they both cherished seeing each other after this long painful time.