Chapter 9: Wedding Ceremony

In fact even for Beginning Titans, they have only seen Creation Gods like Tarturus and Chaos a few times in their entire life. Therefore, it took quite a while before they recovered from their shock.

They had never expected that the marriage would even gain the attention of a Creation God.

After that, they immediately greeted Tarturus and said, "We greet Tarturus, Creation God of the Primordial Underworld."

Not only in the hall, countless voices were also heard from outside the palace, they might not be able to see what was going on inside, but the fluctuations in the aura and laws around them made them realize that the a Creation God has arrived.

Perseus looked at the young man on the throne, he also greeted him along with the people in the hall. The only one who still looked relaxed was Nyx,.

"Since the Twelve Beginning Titans killed Ouranos, and Chaos is sealed in some unknown space, I took it upon myself to officiate this wedding.'

Seeing that there were no objections, he continued.

His gaze made Perseus feel as if he was being stared at by the universe itself. He felt so unimportant that he thought that he never existed or that he was just part of his gaze.

After staring at him for a while, he finally smiled.

"Mortal, too think that one primordial goddess and two beginning titans will become your wife. Treat them well you hear me?,"

, ​​"..... Of course" Perseus gave a forced smile.

'What kinda idiot does this guy think I am' Perseus cursed the Creation God in his mind.

'Of course I'll take good care of my wives. Even Zeus would be jealous of me if he knows that I married them. He hasn't even tried a Primordial Goddess before'

"Uncle, are you threatening my husband?"

Nyx immediately responded with a displeased expression when she heard his words.

Seeing her response, the Nine Beginning Titans looked at each other once more.

"Hahaha," Tarturus suddenly laughed.

He looked at Nyx with a playful smile before saying, "as the saying goes; women will go crazy for love, looks like this happened to you too."


"Hahaha, now I don't have to worry anymore. It would be troubling if you just toy with your husband" Tarturus added.

Nyx, "..."

"Alright, alright, let's start the ceremony."

Tarturus then looked at the Imperial Eunuch, the latter then summoned a group of maids standing at the side of the hall.

The maids immediately went forward while throwing flowers in the air. While the maid in the centre carried a tray with a cup of tea on it.

She stopped in front of Perseus first and handed the tray to him.

Perseus then stood up and took the tray.

After that, he walked towards the throne.

Nyx, Themis and Tethys also stood up and followed behind him.

As soon as Perseus arrived in front of Tarturus, he slightly bowed and handed the tray to him.

"God-uncle please accept my tea," he said calmly.

The Titans were amazed by his demeanor, but only he knew how nervous he was.

Fortunately Tarturus didn't try to create problems for him, he took the cup on the tray after Perseus spoke.

He then drank the tea in the cup and said, "I hereby declare you to be the husband of my goddaughter, Nyx and two Beginning Titans, Themis and Thethys.

His voice reverberated throughout the whole of Tarturus. The sky seemed to be churning beneath his voice.

Meanwhile, Perseus took out something from within his robe.

It was a pale white sheet of paper with words already imprinted on it.

He handed the paper to Tarturus. After reading it, he then asked, "godson, do you want to use this Styx Contract as a dowry?"

"No," Perseus shook his head.

"I want to give better, but I currently don't have anything on me worthy of my three wives. So this Styx Contract can be considered as a collateral of sorts until I finally give them the dowry they deserve."

After saying that, he turned back to face his three wiveswho was following behind him.

"I'm sorry I can't give you better. But I promise, in 1 years time, I will give the three of you the grandest wedding since the dawn of time."

"This Styx Contract is my collateral to the three of you, do you accept it?" He then asked Nyx, Themis and Tethys.

Even though their faces were covered, he could still see them blushing, the skin on their neck had become different shades of red..

"Mm," Nyx nodded lightly.

"En" Themis gave an embarrassed nod

"I'll follow both elder sisters" Tethys shly said

Under the gazes of the Tarturus and the Nine Beginning Titans, Perseus then stepped forward to give his new wives a kiss.

Perseus was naturally tempted to take off the cloth covering their faces and kiss them.

Now that Nyx's position was facing forward, even if she shows her face, apart from him, only Tarturus was able to see her full face. The rest could only see her side profile.

Other than that, she didn't seem to mind it.

She just stood still, from her gaze, Perseus could tell that she was anticipating him kissing her.

Maybe the heavens did want to compensate him, Tarturus who was behind him suddenly said, "boy, anywhere in the world, marriages always end with a kiss between the groom and the bride. Don't even think about bringing my goddaughter home before you kiss her here."

Perseus, ​​"..."

He thought to himself, 'if I don't even have the courage to kiss her here, then I can only be a bottom this whole life.'

Once again, he steeled his resolve, his hand moving towards the cloth covering her face. As soon as he touched the cloth, suddenly an invisible force pressed down on his hand causing his hand to fall down and it finally caused him to pull the cloth.

He saw Nyx's eyes flicker, it was clear that she did that.

The Nine Beginning Titans held their breaths, many of them had only seen Nyx's face a few times, and the last time they saw her face was at least a thousand years ago. But now, in front of all of them, Perseus removed her face covering.


Nyx suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck. A seductive smile appeared on her face as if she was saying "quickly kiss me and take me back to your home."

'I can't stop here,' Perseus thought.

Even the heavens would personally smite him if he refused to kiss her after marrying her.

He started to bring his face closer to hers while both of his hands were holding her willow waist, although he felt very nervous and he sure had never been this nervous, it was also a very unbearable feeling.

It felt as if he stole everyone's treasures in the world.

Time seemed to slow down, but their lips still met in the end, causing the hall to become so silent that space seemed to freeze.

Nyx's eyes widened for a moment, they might have kissed once during their sexual interourse, but this was a kiss where each of them took the initiative.

Perseus, ​​on the other hand, was feeling intoxicated as he tasted Nyx's lips once again. Her breath was as fragrant as the flowers in a heavenly garden, he felt like he wanted to forever breathe beside her breath.

thud... thud... thud...

Perseus felt like his heart was about to jump out of his chest. He wasn't sure how he would be able to kiss his other two wives.

Perseus and Nyx had no other choice but to stop kissing as it would be unfair to both Themis and Tethys.

Wiping away the string of saliva, Nyx quickly covered her face again before turning back and waited as Perseus kissed his other two wives.