Chapter One: Renascentiae Animae

"The trio has been sent to be born into their respective families; you readers must be wondering who I am Well, I'm the narrator & I'll be popping up from time to time oh by the way you can call me Xavi & right now the first one up out of the trio will be Ava.

"That's it your highness just a couple more pushes & the baby will be here." replied one of the midwife elves in excitement. The queen is huffing & puffing as she pushes out her newborn baby. "Waah! Waah! Waah!" the baby has finally been born.

"It's a beautiful girl, your highness." In excitement one of the midwife fairies says "Quick go get the king at once!" An elf royal guard rushes to get the king all while screaming "My king! My king! The princess is here! The princess is here!" in excitement the king says "Princess!? So, it's a girl!!" The king & the royal guard rushes back to the bedroom so he can see his newborn child. "Dear look isn't she the cutest little ½ elf ½ fairy baby you've ever seen!?" "Indeed, she has your eyes & my nose what are we going to name her?" The queen thought for a few seconds & replies "How about Keeley Aine Olufemi?" The king replies in amazement & says "That's a wonderful name, my little Keeley let everyone know the princess is born & make haste."

The royal guards two elves & two Fairies jump two attention saying "Right away your majesty!!" The four guards rush off to the communications room to relay the good news to their allied countries.

Omg, where am I right now? Who are these people? Wait! It's all coming back to me now. I was to be reborn into another world so these must be my new parents? I see looks like I was born a hybrid as I wanted. So, my new name is Keeley is it, I wish I would have told Riley that I wanted to keep my old name, Ava. But oh well I'll just have to make that my nickname in this world, oh wow!! My mother is beautiful look at those emerald green eyes it's so captivating & long beautiful blonde hair by looking at those ears I can tell she's an elf.

So that must mean my father is a fairy. He's kind of short but he also has a lean & toned body build & has dark skin. If I remember correctly one of the elves called my mother highness & my papa called me the princess so with that being said I was born into royalty & my dad is a king & my mom is a queen how awesome! Is that!

"My queen... the king & queen of Xadia sends their blessings." replied an elf guard. "Thank you; you may leave now." "Lina, go to the communications room & let our fellow allies know that we will be having a feast tonight to honor the birth of our daughter." "As you wish my queen." She says while bowing.

Keeley thought to herself, A feast huh! That sounds wonderful & all but I'm just a baby I can't even eat yet this is going to suck. I should be more optimistic after all this world is different from mine maybe they have a way for me to enjoy the food after all. Also, I wonder what kind of food will they be having will it be like something that you see in an anime? Or movie?

10 minutes later Lina comes back with word from the other allied countries. "My queen we got word back from the fairy kingdom & they had agreed, but the dragon king & queen sends their apologies as they will not be able to make it." "Did they say why?" "Indeed, they did my king. The queen had said Kendra is also due to have her child as well & she can give birth at any moment." The queen says in a surprised & excited tone "By the goddess Riley herself must be blessing us." "Pardon me but may I ask why you say that?" "Of course, I assure you this isn't just some mere coincidence this didn't happen just by chance. For me & this continent strongest & smartest warrior to also give birth is nothing but a blessing."

The king also adds "Also last time I remember she had no partner. She even said she'll only have a kid if it's the goddesses & gods will; & It'll be with one of them." "Well, tell them in two days' time we'll have a huge feast for both newborns." "As you wish my queen."

Now that I think about it, I wonder who it is. Is it Theo or Mirai & if they remember their past lives as well & I hope all is well? Maybe when I get older & able to actually speak, I'll see if that kid is Theo or Mirai or not. I guess for now I'll take a nap for a few hours & see what happens next after I wake up.

Keeley starts yawning & closes her eyes to go to sleep. "Looks like someone is tired & so am I. I'll be getting some rest now... childbirth has me wiped out." "Of course, your majesty my king will you be resting as well?" "No, I'm going to stay up for a little bit just have the guards stand outside the doors & the doctor on standby." "As you command my lord."

Yo! It's me again your friendly narrator Xavi; childbirth is a wonderful thing. That's one of the trios down two more to go next up are Theo & his mother Kendra in the country of Xadia.

"Waah! Waah! Waah!" "The baby is finally here & it's a boy!" chimed one of the female nurses. "My Summus Dominus do you have a name for him yet?" "Indeed, I do his name will be Theo Michael Basu; his name will be known throughout the world & as his mother, I shall guide & support him on whatever path he chooses." "Don't forget about me my dominus after all I did say that I'll pledge my complete loyalty to your one & only child."

"Natsumi it's you... of course, I didn't forget also later we need to perform the binding bonding ritual with you two later; but come over here & hold him." As Natsumi went over there to hold him one of Kendra's elite female guards comes in the room with some announcements "My dominus the king & queen is here in honor & celebration of your birth & first born."

"Oh, how wonderful you may let them in." "As you wish my dominus." "Kendra! How's our godchild? Is it a boy or girl?" asked the queen of dragons in an exciting tone. "It's a boy & I named him Theo." "I can already feel his potential power radiating he's going to be powerful for sure; I can't wait to see what he can do." said the king with an intrigued look on his. The queen calls for one of her guards & tells them to send word that Kendra's son has been born & he's the king's & queen's godchild; so, any action was taken upon him or any disrespect will be dealt with accordingly.

"So, I presume that you are Theo's protector? Natsumi is it?" in a firm voice Natsumi answers "Yes, my queen you are correct it is a privilege to be so." "Awesome!!" replied the king. "Also, I hear that you want to perform the binding bond ritual is that correct?" "Indeed, that is correct my king; is that a problem or something?" she says in a respectable manner.

"Oh, it's no problem at all & the queen was just surprised when we heard from Kendra that is all." "Surprise? Why surprise if I may ask?" "Well because the binding bond spell that you ask for isn't any ole binding spell." "Indeed, a typical binding spell is just an agreement between either two mutual parties or one that is forced upon someone." replied the queen.

The queen continues to add "But you see the one you asked for the binding bonding spell which is an unbreakable one where you give your mind, body, soul, spirit & ultimate loyalty to a said person plus you'll be bound to obey his every command." "But I have to ask why do you want this to happen? What's your endgame here?" Asked one of Kendra's female royal elites. "It's nothing cliche I can assure you that; it's not because of something like oh my dominus saved my life & I want to pay her back or I feel obligated & etc."

"I have my own personal reasons which is one I realize my purpose in this life is to be a protector & who not better to protect than my very own dominus child. Two there's an added bonus to this kind of spell the stronger he gets the stronger I get plus there is an off chance that I can be able to use some of his powers & abilities as well, & three my dominus already have 4 elite loyal guard/servants so why not become his right hand & most trusting servant/guard; the spell is just extra precaution to make sure that I'm absolutely loyal to him no matter what."

"Okay, I see now I'm glad that you answered with complete honesty & a reasonable motive because otherwise, this spell wouldn't have worked." "Why is that my queen?" Natsumi asked with concern. "Well because one in order for this spell to work you have to be 100% genuine & willing & not if you are being forced or feeling obligated to & two your reasons have to be truthful & somewhat justifiable/reasonable." the queen said very sternly.

"Oh, okay make sense but may I ask by what u meant by this spell wouldn't have worked? You were saying it as if you've already cast it, my queen." "That's because as soon as we entered this room, we started casting it; it really works best when said person is unaware of it." Kendra chimes in yawning & says "Well with that being said I would like to call it a night & rest up we'll continue this convo another time."

"Of course, your dominus as you wish." said all four elite female royal guards. Everyone started to leave the room & the king & queen spent the night in one of the guest's rooms. Natsumi takes Theo to her room to sleep.

"Well, I'm back again & I hope You'll enjoyed or like what you've read so far & now lastly on the list is Mirai let's see how this goes."

Whaat Is going on!? Who are these people? My memories are a little hazy & blurred. I can only remember bits & pieces like I remember talking to some goddesses & gods but who are those two people standing next to me & why are their faces blurred out!? As far I can tell I really was reborn into a new world or like some weeb would say I can't be I got isekai'd. Okay so if this is my mother where is Anubis, I mean my father?

If I remember correctly, she said that her name is Lilith. I wonder what kind of demon is she & how strong because I would hate to only have half of my DNA be strong & the other be weak. At times like this, I wish I would have brushed up on my history of demons. Anyways I can't wait until I'm able to walk & train because my goal is to become the strongest & have everyone know my name.

"Where's Amelia?" "I'm right here my lady ask & it shall be done," she says while bowing & kneeling on one knee with her left hand on her chest. "Come meet my child & your new master Mirai Aosoth Keket. Soon as she's able to walk we'll begin her training." In a humble tone, Amelia says "Your will my lady I will protect & support her for as long as I may live or until she sees fit." A 3D spell formation appears in Lilith's room & outcomes in Anubis "My lord what brings you here?" asked Amelia

"I'm here to see my daughter." "Wait!! Your daughter!? I had no idea this is awesome!" "Oh, how so?" Anubis asked being intrigued. "Because this is a first, she is the first to have both bloodlines of a demon & a god she's a Daemon Deus!!" "Just because one has a good or powerful bloodline doesn't mean that'll be strong also" added Anubis. "I agree this will all depend on her potential & how good she'll be."

I like how they assume that there's a chance I could fail. My father should know better since he knows my past life & how I was a grandmaster in over 7 different martial arts & master in 11 different others. That's beside the point I wonder what kind of powers & abilities that I'll get & or have? So, this Amelia demon chick is supposed to serve under me aye I hope she isn't weak or anything.

"Well, I'll be off there are some questions I need to ask Riley," Curious Lilith asks "Questions? What kind of questions?" "I'll tell you some other time so in the meantime, you should rest up." Lilith says in a joking manner "Fine keep your secrets to yourself I believe I have a vague idea of what you are about to ask." With that Anubis teleported away.

"I figured that you'll be coming well not figured but knew. To answer your questions, you came to ask about Ava who will be known as Keeley. She is the only one who kept her memories, Theo doesn't have any of his past memories but did retain his combat muscle memories & Mirai the one you care about the most she only remembers her life just not her best friends."

"If I may ask, why did you do it that way? What's your end game?" "Endgame? There is no endgame I just wanted to spice things up it'll be more fun this way & it'll give them all different goals to strive for." "Okay, I'm intrigued I see where you're going with this let's see how this all plays out."

Yo, it's me again your boi Xavi well that was interesting if I would say so I mean all three of them. them with different memories. Also, for those of you who don't know Daemon Deus is Latin for Demon God. Oh, yea one more thing before I go, we will be fast-forwarding 5 years into the future for the trio I hope you'll enjoy.