Talk the talk

She instantly rushed to him, "What happened?"

"He just dropped all of a sudden. We don't know why." Ares replied to her.

She turned to Anteros who kneeled down to check his brother's heartbeat. He sighed.

"What? Is he still alive? Did I walk too far that his heart stopped?" She asked in a panic.

Anteros shook his head, "It's a different matter, you must check it yourself."

He didn't even look alarmed much so it must have been not that bad. 

She kneeled to his chest and placed her ear to hear any heartbeat.

She kneeled to his chest and placed her ear to hear any heartbeat.

She could hear him breathing normally, and she furrowed her eyebrows.

She felt his hands moving and grabbed her into a hug and muttered, "Tsk. Go to your prince."

Asteria saw him opening his eyes together. 

Wait, I thought he had fainted? "Huh?"

Behind her, she could hear a chuckle from them.