Episode Synopsis: Kurt, Rachel, Dani and Santana create their own 'Glee' assignment in order to cheer Finn up, but when Santana doesn't take the assignment seriously, it leads to an outburst from Finn and some insight from Dani for Santana to dig deep and find her true feelings for Finn.
Rachel, Carole and Burt were in the waiting room at a nearby hospital, waiting to see what the diagnosis on Finn was. Rachel remembered that he was conscious when the ambulance came, but he looked like he was severely weakened. She kept thinking that he was possibly going to die—it looked that serious. One phone call to Burt and Carole later and they were all in the hospital, hoping that Finn was going to make a full recovery. Carole came over with three cups of coffee, handing one to Burt and one to Rachel, holding the third one close to her.
"Thank you…" Rachel softly told Carole, Carole giving her a comforting smile. Rachel didn't feel like drinking the coffee, she just wanted Finn to be okay. "This is all my fault."
"What?" Burt turned his head, seeing Rachel was on the verge of tears. "How was this your fault?"
"If I hadn't stressed Finn out with my own problems, then we wouldn't be here right now!" Rachel exclaimed. "What if Finn had a heart attack and we didn't know about it? He had the world on his shoulders and me moaning about a part on Broadway didn't exactly help."
"Rachel, whatever happened to Finn wasn't your fault." Carole assured her, rubbing her shoulders. "Finn has been an emotional wreck ever since he found out about his father and—Burt did you see the Victoria's Secret commercial that came on during the commercial break of All My Children? Our son is an underwear model!"
"So you think Finn was doing all this just to fill some void or something?" Burt asked.
"Burt honey…he started calling you 'dad'. Finn's just trying to block his father out of his life with so many things. I knew we should have intervened." Carole rubbed her temples.
"I should have forced him to eat. He didn't want to." Burt admitted. "He refused to eat. He kept claiming he was busy. I should have intervened more. I'm…I'm terrible."
"No, you're not." Carole shook her head. "Whatever happens to Finn…we can get through this. I know we can." As Carole said that, the doctor came out holding what looked to be Finn's file.
"Hi, are you the Hudson's?" The doctor asked, pointing to Carole and Burt.
"Yes, yes we are." Carole nodded her head.
"Good news is, Finn's going to be fine." The doctor said. Burt and Carole let out relieved sighs as Rachel stared at the doctor. "Would you mind coming with me so you can see him? I think there's something that we need to discuss about him." Carole and Burt quickly nodded their heads, motioning Rachel to follow. Rachel, Burt and Carole entered one of the hospital rooms, spotting Finn sitting in the bed while looking out the window. "Finn, you have some visitors here to see you." Finn turned to the door, seeing his parents and Rachel.
"Oh god, Finn." Rachel walked over to him, seeing he started to smile at her. Rachel wrapped him into a hug, Finn reciprocating the hug and breathing in her scent. "Finn, what happened?" Rachel looked into his eyes, noticing that he was just as baffled.
"This dear is the cause of malnourishment, insomnia and dehydration." The doctor explained. Finn stared at the doctor while Burt and Carole gaped at Finn. "Finn when was the last time you actually sat down and ate something, or the last time you slept for an entire night or the last time you actually drank something?" Finn tried to answer but as he opened his mouth, he realized he couldn't. Rachel stared at Finn, hoping that there was an explanation for what the doctor was saying.
"Finn…when was the last time you did any of those things?" Rachel asked, her eyes widening. "You were fake sleeping, weren't you?! When we would go to bed, you'd pretend you were sleeping!"
"Um…not exactly…" Finn winced.
"Finn, when was the last time you sat down to eat?" Carole wondered. Finn stared at his mother, letting out a sigh.
"I ate here and there. Not like a real meal but…something." Finn admitted. "Like…well…I ate some crackers and….that was pretty much it."
"Finn, that's not taking care of yourself." Burt said. "You told me that you were fine, that also meant that you were eating and drinking. You promised me that you were going to take care of yourself."
"I did take care of myself." Finn argued back.
"Look where you are, Finn!" Burt pointed to the hospital room. "If you were really taking care of yourself then you would be at work right now instead of at a hospital. I'm sorry, I don't mean to yell at you…but this is serious. This is your life that we're talking about here." Burt took one of the hospital chairs and placed it next to Finn, sitting down. "Finn, you need to understand that you have people that love you, that care about you. You can't break down and feel worthless because one person didn't want you. He doesn't want you, then he can go screw himself. Look, your mother loves you, I love you, Rachel loves you, Kurt loves you—the point is, you have so many people that love you. Are you really going to let what one person thinks define you?"
"That's the problem!" Finn shouted, not sure why he was angry. "Christopher is supposed to define me! He's my birth father! Kids get told all the time that your parents are supposed to love you because you're there's! Why doesn't he love me?!" Finn's voice started to break as he felt like he was going to cry. "Why doesn't he love me, Burt? I want someone to explain to me why my own father doesn't love me!" Finn broke down into tears, Burt pulling him into a hug. Burt rubbed Finn's back comfortingly as Finn continued to cry, Carole and Rachel feeling tears in their eyes from the encounter.
"I don't know buddy…I don't know why because you're such a wonderful person." Burt softly said. "I know life sucks and it's not fair, Finn. I know, believe me. I've seen enough of life to know when it just plain sucks. You need to understand that there are a lot of people that are here for you and love you. You're not alone."
"I know people say I'm not alone…" Finn whispered, tears still dripping down his face. "But the problem is, no matter how many people say I'm not alone and how many people there are near me…I still feel alone. I'm the one going through this…no one else." Burt pulled Finn closer to him as Finn started sobbing again.
"It's okay, buddy." Burt gripped Finn tightly, Carole walking over to her son.
"Sweetheart…" Carole ran a hand through Finn's hair, feeling terrible for him. "Let me tell you a little story." Finn looked up, staring at Carole, seeing she was smiling towards him. "You're not going to remember this because you were really little, you were two. Your grandmother, my mother…she was infatuated with you. I think she kept trying to take you home with her every time she visited and she'd always want you to sleep over at her house when we went to see her. Anyway, she was sick when you were two years old…she passed away a week after we saw her. I was heartbroken that she was gone. I felt alone even though I still had my father. Christopher had been in jail at that time so my life was just in shambles. There were days that I didn't want to get out of bed, but then knew I had to. Then one night, you were more fussy than usual and I was wondering what was the matter….that was when you said your first word. You said 'Nana.' There was something that clicked in me…my mother would not want me to keep sleeping through life. She'd want me to take very good care of you, because she loved you so much. That was when I realized that I wasn't really alone. I had you-it was you that reminded me that I was never going to be alone. I learned something from a two year old and I don't know how many parents can say that about their kids. To this day, I continue to think, 'my son isn't Einstein but he's a damn genius.' He just needs some reminding sometimes just how powerful he actually is." Finn couldn't help but slightly smile at his mother, she talked so fondly of him. "And Finn, I'm not supposed to love you. I love you because I knew I loved you. From the moment I saw you, I knew that we were together for as long as we both lived. You're so special Finn, and if someone can't see that, then they don't deserve your love. I know it hurts and I know rejection stings, but you need your own…'Finn' in order for you to realize that you're not alone." Finn's smile vanished, guilt forming on his face.
"I'm sorry that I didn't take care of myself." Finn apologized, looking down at his hands. "Are you mad at me?"
"Mad? No." Carole shook her head, her face becoming a bit serious. "Disappointed? Just a tiny bit. I'm mostly worried. I love you baby, and I don't want you to not take care of yourself because of one person. You need to have fun. Go sing at a karaoke bar, take a dance class, make love to your girlfriend for all I care." Finn and Rachel gave embarrassed smiles, staring at Carole. "Just…be eighteen. You can still keep your job and you can still run the Glee Club—but you can't take on double the work because you're feeling empty and hollow, wanting to fill your life with work. All work and no play is unhealthy Finn. As you can see, you're in a hospital because all you did was work and not take care of yourself."
"What if I don't find that two year old version of myself anywhere and I feel alone for the rest of my life?" Finn worried. "I mean, I'll be miserable because someone doesn't love me. I know it's easy for you because you're older and you've been through this but it's not easy for me. I'm still learning."
"You're going to find it, Finn." Carole soothingly told her son. "I guarantee it." Burt patted Finn's back, seeing that he was turning to Rachel. "I'll let you and Rachel talk. Come on Burt, let's get Finn something to eat."
"All right." Burt nodded his head. Burt turned to Finn, releasing a grin. "Is there anything you'd like that's not in the hospital? I know firsthand that hospital food is terrible."
"Maybe a gigantic burger?" Finn suggested, his smile returning. "Also some fries? I need to eat." Finn and Burt chuckled, Burt rubbing Finn's shoulder.
"I love you, buddy." Finn nodded his head towards Burt, patting his hand.
"I love you too." Finn reciprocated, watching Burt and Carole leave the room. Finn looked over at Rachel, seeing she was walking towards him and folding her hands against the bed railing. Finn winced slightly, afraid that Rachel was going to yell at him for being stupid. "If you're going to yell at me…go ahead, I can take it." Rachel simply shook her head, sitting in the chair Burt recently occupied.
"I'm sorry, Finn." Rachel softly said, looking away from Finn.
"You're sorry?" Finn cocked his head to the side, still staring at Rachel in confusion. "Rachel, why are you sorry? I'm the one that should be sorry."
"Because if it wasn't about me stressing you about the whole Funny Girl audition thing…" Rachel started to say until Finn put a hand up.
"Rachel, stop." Finn sighed. "The reason I am in this hospital bed right now is because I didn't take care of myself. It has nothing to do with you. I should have taken better care of myself, okay? So I don't want to hear you blaming yourself for why I'm here, do you understand me?" Rachel nodded her head as Finn grabbed her hand, his expression softening. "I'm not here because of you, okay? I'm not just saying it, baby. Okay?" Rachel leaned over and hugged Finn, Finn gripping tightly to her. "I'm sorry, Rachel."
"It's okay." Rachel pressed a kiss into his hair, gazing at him. "There's something I want you to know."
"What is it?" Finn asked, placing his forehead on hers.
"I really wanted the Funny Girl role because I was trying to win it for you." Finn's face twisted into misperception, wondering what Rachel had meant.
"You wanted me to speak in a 50's accent and wear a dress?" Finn questioned, causing Rachel to giggle.
"No, no silly." Rachel smirked. "You were going through hell…and I just wanted some good news for us. I wanted something you could be happy about, so that might explain why I was being so difficult about not getting the callback then." Finn looked touched as he stared into Rachel's eyes, giving her a kiss on her cheek.
"That's the nicest thing anyone has ever said or done for me." Finn whispered, Rachel gripping onto Finn as he pulled her to lie in the bed next to him. "But I don't want you to do it because of me; I want you to do it because of you."
"But I am doing this for you, for me, for us." Rachel looked at him, making light circles on his chest with her fingers. "Besides, wouldn't you like it that you were the wife of the girl from Lima, Ohio on Broadway? You'd get to come backstage whenever you wanted, sit in on rehearsals."
"That does sound very tempting." Finn shifted a bit in the bed to make more room for Rachel, pulling her closer to him. "Hey, Rach?"
"Yes?" Rachel noticed her face was inches away from Finn's, a loving smirk on both their lips.
"I figured out what I'm going to do in New York City." Finn smiled. "I'm going to be a teacher. Not just any teacher, a music teacher and I'm going to make the kids love me like we did with Mr. Schuester and I'll have a Glee Club and we'll go to Sectionals, Regionals, Nationals and…" Rachel cut Finn off with a passionate kiss, wrapping her arms around his neck. Finn hungrily responded to the kiss, engulfing so much passion into it. Finn didn't hear a knock at the hospital door, but he knew who it was by the sound of their voices.
"We knew you were hungry, but don't eat Rachel's face off." Santana smirked as Kurt followed her. Finn broke his kiss from Rachel, rolling his eyes at Santana.
"Great to see you too, Santana." Finn muttered, Rachel stifling a giggle.
"So Finn, what did the doctors say?" Kurt asked, leaning against the bed railing. "Is it bad?"
"Dude, I just collapsed because I didn't eat or drink anything…I also didn't sleep well." Finn lightheartedly said, trying to prevent his brother from worrying. "I'll be okay."
"Well, you need to eat." Kurt scolded.
"I will. Mom and Dad went to go get some food, so just relax." Finn chuckled. Kurt's face expression relaxed, placing a hand on Finn's shoulder.
"Don't worry me like that again." Kurt softly said. "I don't know what I'd do if I lost you."
"I'm alive and well. I think I'll be okay." Finn put a hand on Kurt's shoulder, appreciating his brother's concern.
"Well, since you're okay, we're going to head back to work." Santana pointed towards the door. "Gunter thinks I went to go grab more Yeast-I-Stat for him at the pharmacy. So, come on Kurt, Rachel." Kurt patted Finn's shoulder once more, following Santana out the door.
"Do you really have to go?" Finn wondered, looking at Rachel sadly.
"Yeah, unfortunately." Rachel started getting up from the bed, noticing Finn's sad face. "I'll be back tonight, I promise baby."
"Wait, they're not going to let me go home?" Finn sounded a bit frightened.
"No, I'm afraid not." Rachel sighed. "It's just overnight precautions. They do it for everyone that's rushed to the emergency room. Now, I want you to eat when your parents get back and then I want you to sleep, okay? You need to get better." Rachel pressed a kiss to Finn's forehead, noticing Finn's pout.
"I don't want you to leave." Finn sounded like he was a whining three-year old. "Please don't go."
"I'll be back, okay?" Rachel ran a hand through his hair. "Besides, I have to keep my job. Look, just…take the quiet time until your parents come back to take a nap. All right?" Finn sighed, relenting as Rachel pressed a kiss to his lips. "I love you, Finn." Rachel squeezed his hand.
"I love you too, Rachel." Finn forced a smile, seeing Rachel head out the door and down the hall. Finn looked around the hospital room, feeling his heart sink of depression. Now that everyone was gone, Finn really did feel alone—and being alone really, really sucked.
"So is Finn going to be okay?" Dani questioned as she, Santana, Kurt and Rachel wiped down the tables after the dinner rush.
"Yeah, Finn's going to be just fine." Rachel assured her. "He just needs to take proper care of himself and not be too hard on himself." Rachel looked down at the counter, feeling just a bit saddened. "I'm worried about him."
"We all are, Rachel." Kurt said. "I mean, what he did isn't as drastic as cutting himself or developing bulimia or something but, this was a cry for help. Finn's obviously depressed."
"Wait, so he went from doing too many things to being depressed? Please explain." Santana stared at Kurt, not understanding the situation.
"Finn was always depressed after the whole father drama in Lima. But something's missing from his life. Sure, he tries to fill his void with work, school, Glee Club, doing a provocative commercial and having sex with Rachel—"
"Seriously, is my sex life with Finn interesting to you and Santana or something?" Rachel was beginning to feel annoyed.
"Yes. I just question how you possibly can love being pressed against someone who is as hot and sweaty as a sack of potatoes left out in the sun to purposely go rotten." Santana smirked at Rachel.
"All right, let's move on here." Kurt started at both women, hoping to continue his thought. "I think at the end of the day, Finn is just lonely and sad. I think that we should try to make him feel better."
"How are we going to make him feel better?" Dani inquired, gazing at Kurt.
"I remember in High School when one of us had a rough week, our Glee Club teacher Mr. Schuester would have an assignment with the other members singing to one of us songs that were inspiring and encouraging. It worked when my dad had his heart attack and when Santana was ousted in school, so why can't it work for Finn here?" Dani, Rachel and Santana thought about it, realizing that it was a good idea.
"That's an excellent idea, Kurt." Rachel smiled. "Finn deserves to be happy…so as his friends I think it's our obligation to make sure Finn is as happy as he could be."
"That's the right attitude, and I think I know just the song for us to start our assignment of cheering up Finn. I did kind of have an idea, Dani…do you think you can help me?" Kurt looked to Dani who gave him a nod of her head.
"What kind of idea?" Santana wondered as Dani grabbed her guitar and Kurt sat down in one of the booths.
"Well, it's like Finn's this reflection of all of us. When we all look in the mirror, we see a little bit of Finn in ourselves. Rachel sees his determination, I see his instincts and Santana…you have to see something?"
"Yeah, I see his man boobs when he comes in the bathroom and takes my toothpaste without asking." Santana smirked.
"Santana, take this seriously!" Kurt scolded. "We took you seriously when you were forced out of the closet. Finn deserves the same satisfaction."
"I am taking this seriously," Santana nodded her head. "Just like I seriously believe that Finn has man boobs that are full of cow's milk because he was Otis from the Barnyard in his past life."
"Anyway." Dani interrupted, giving Santana a serious look as she started playing a few chords on the guitar. Kurt sat down with her as they started to rehearse the song they were going to sing for Finn, with Rachel and Santana listening away.
Aren't you something to admire
Cause your shine is something like a mirror
And I can't help but notice, you reflect
In this heart of mine
If you ever feel alone and the glare
Makes me hard to find
Just know that I'm always parallel on the other side
[Dani and Kurt]
Cause with your hand in my hand and a pocket full of soul
I could tell you there's no place we couldn't go
Just put your hand on the glass, I'll be trying to pull you through
You just gotta to be strong
{Scene changes to Dani, Kurt, Rachel and Santana in Finn's hospital room, Dani playing the guitar while Kurt and Dani sing with a smile}
[Kurt and Dani]
I don't wanna lose you now
I'm looking right at the other half of me
The vacancy inside of my heart
There's a space and now you're home
Show me how to fight for now
And I tell you baby it was easy coming back into you
Once I figured it out
You were right here all along
It's like you're my mirror
My mirror staring back at me
I couldn't get any bigger
With anyone else beside of me
And now it's clear of this promise
That were making two reflections into one
Cause it's like you're my mirror
My mirror staring back at me
Staring back at me
Are you something, an original
Cause it doesn't seem merely a sample
And I can't help but stare, cause
I see truth somewhere in your eyes
I can't ever change without you
You reflect me, I love that about you
And if I could, I would look at us all the time
[Dani and Kurt]
Cause with your hand in my hand and a pocket full of soul
I could tell you there's no place we couldn't go
Just put your hand on the glass, I'll be trying to pull you through
You just gotta to be strong
I don't wanna lose you now
I'm looking right at the other half of me
The vacancy inside of my heart
There's a space and now you're home
Show me how to fight for now
And I tell you baby it was easy coming back into you
Once I figured it out
You were right here all along
It's like you're my mirror
My mirror staring back at me
I couldn't get any bigger
With anyone else beside of me
And now it's clear of this promise
That were making two reflections into one
Cause it's like you're my mirror
My mirror staring back at me
Staring back at me
{Finn continues to stare at Kurt and Dani as they smile at him, hoping his expression changes into a happy one}
Yesterday was history
Tomorrow's a mystery
I can see you looking back at me
[Kurt and Dani]
Keep your eyes on me
Baby, keep your eyes on me
I don't wanna lose you now
I'm looking right at the other half of me
The vacancy inside of my heart
There's a space and now you're home
Show me how to fight for now
And I tell you baby it was easy coming back into you
Once I figured it out
You were right here all along
It's like you're my mirror
My mirror staring back at me
I couldn't get any bigger
With anyone else beside of me
And now it's clear of this promise
That were making two reflections into one
Cause it's like you're my mirror
My mirror staring back at me
Staring back at me
Finn absently stared at Kurt and Dani as Dani put the guitar to the side. Finn wasn't quite sure what was going on here—but he kind of disliked the singing attention at the hospital. Kurt folded his hands, looking to Rachel and Santana, trying to study Finn's face.
"So babe…what did you think?" Rachel asked after a moment. Finn raised an eyebrow, not sure what to make of it.
"Why the hell did you sing me a song about mirrors?" Kurt realized Finn didn't get the true meaning of the song, shaking his head with a sigh.
"The song is not about a mirror, Finn." Kurt said. "It's complicated to explain what the song's about but..."
"The song's about a couple that everything they did basically reflected each other, and after they broke up they still realized their reflect one another." Dani said, turning to Kurt with a small smile. "Sorry but you were beating around the bush there."
"The way we used it, was that you reflect what we do." Kurt added. "You're important, Finn."
"Oh really? Then why doesn't my father see that?" Finn bitterly asked.
"Okay, that's it." Santana walked over to Finn, slapping him across the face. Dani, Rachel and Kurt's eyes widened as Finn looked shocked towards Santana. "Snap out of it!"
"Santana!" Rachel reprimanded, walking over to her. "Why did you slap Finn?!"
"Because he needs to stop moping around!" Santana said. "My grandmother doesn't love me and you don't see me sobbing my eyes out and starving myself to death because of it! Finn needs to realize that his father just doesn't care! That's it!"
"Santana, you're being insensitive!" Dani yelled, looking at her girlfriend.
"How am I being insensitive?" Santana released a sigh while Kurt stared at Finn who was still in shock. "Look, we're all making a big deal about this! Maybe the best way is just to let this run its course."
"THIS ISN'T A PHASE, SANTANA!" Finn bellowed, staring at Santana with anger. Santana looked taken aback, taking a step away from Finn as his lips curled into a snarl. "I'm not you! I don't know how to put things behind me! All right?! It's as simple as that! Now just leave me alone!" Finn turned away from Santana, facing towards the window while Santana's face softened. Santana didn't know what to say next, so she left the hospital room. Rachel walked over towards Finn, placing a hand on his shoulder, but he shook her off, shaking his head in sadness. "Rachel, right now I just want to be left alone. Please!" Finn couldn't stress it enough that he wasn't in the mood for anything. Rachel nodded her head, motioning for Kurt and Dani to follow her.
"If you ever just want company, then just call me, okay?" Rachel pointed to her phone. However, she heard Finn let out a scoff.
"Right." Rachel knew Finn didn't want to be upset with her, but he was just upset in general. Dani and Kurt left the hospital room as Rachel walked back in, grabbing a seat and sitting down next to him. Finn turned his head slightly, seeing she was sitting there, folding her arms.
"Finn, you don't really want to be alone, do you?" Rachel softly said. Finn shook his head, Rachel pressing a kiss to his forehead. "I had a feeling. I'm sorry Santana slapped you."
"No, it's okay…" Finn stared at Rachel, looking as if he was in thought. "I'm just a mess, you know."
"I know." Rachel chuckled, putting her forehead to Finn's. "But you're my beautiful mess." Finn pressed a kiss to Rachel's lips, Rachel caressing Finn's cheek where Santana's hand made contact. Rachel felt Finn's lips turn into a smile against her own as she smiled against his lips as well, for the first time in a while feeling nothing but peace.
"I don't get why everyone is so pissed right now." Santana walked out of the hospital with Dani. Dani wasn't exactly thrilled with Santana, especially after Santana wrecked the assignment of making Finn feel better by making him worse.
"Let's try you slapped Finn across the face." Dani huffed, not looking back at her. "Santana, I don't know why you're so mean to Finn all the time, and frankly I don't know how he puts up with it."
"I am not mean to Finn all the time." Santana retorted, staring at Dani. "Why do you think I'm mean?"
"Well you weren't exactly offering Finn chocolate bunnies and marshmallows." Dani sighed. "Santana, why do you hide your potential real feelings from Finn? I know how you really feel about him."
"Oh no, oh…" Santana slightly laughed. "I'm sure I play for the other team. I have no feelings for Finn."
"I didn't say you had feelings for Finn." Dani said. "I said how you feel about Finn. You love him—like a sibling. You have a brother/sister vibe going on there."
"If we have a brother/sister vibe then we'd be arrested for incest." Santana joked. "I had sex with Finn once, and never again."
"Santana." Dani let out a small smile, walking closer to her. "I know you love Finn, and I know you want everyone to be tough all the time, but sometimes it's okay to just break down. You have to be there for him like he's there for everyone else."
"Look Dani…it's hard for me to admit my feelings." Santana showed a bit of insecurity.
"I know it's hard for you to admit your feelings." Dani chuckled. "It's hard, and it's not easy…but sometimes you have to put your wall down…and let people see how you truly feel. There's nothing wrong with that. There's nothing wrong with being close to Finn." Dani leaned and kissed Santana's cheek lightly, walking away from her with a smile. Santana sat on a nearby bench, thinking about the words Dani had just told her, wondering if she really did love Finn—like a brother. Finn was that annoying song that was in her head, and although Finn was annoying most of the time, he was also sweet…like a nightingale.
{Scene changes to Finn feeling sleepy and Rachel singing a lullaby to him with a smile, nuzzling her nose with his while she lies next to him in his hospital bed}
I can't sleep tonight
Wide awake and so confused
Everything's in line
But I am bruised
I need a voice to echo
I need a light to take me home
I kinda need a hero
Is it you
I never see the forest for the trees
I could really use your melody
Baby I'm a little blind
I think it's time, for you to find me
Can you be my nightingale
Sing to me, I know you're there
You could be my sanity
Bring me peace, sing me to sleep
Say you'll be my nightingale
{Santana sits on the outside bench, looking down at her phone with pictures of her, Rachel, Finn and Kurt, her eyes fixated on Finn}
Somebody speak to me
Cause I'm feeling like hell
Need you to answer me
I'm overwhelmed
I need a voice to echo
I need a light to take me home
I need a star to follow
I don't know
I never see the forest for the trees
I could really use your melody
Baby I'm a little blind
I think it's time, for you to find me
Can you be my nightingale
Sing to me, I know you're there
You could be my sanity
Bring me peace, sing me to sleep
Say you'll be my nightingale
{Scene splits with Rachel laying in Finn's hospital bed, watching him sleep as she smiles towards him and Santana walking through the hallways of the hospital, looking out the window of Finn's hospital room}
I don't know what I'd do without you
Your words are like a whisper come through
As long as you're with me here tonight
[Rachel and Santana]
I'm good
Can you be my nightingale
Still so close
I know you're there
Ooooooooooh! Nightingale
Sing to me I know you're there!
Cause baby you're my sanity
You bring me peace
Sing me to sleep
Say you'll be my nightingale
"I'm going to get something to eat, do you want anything?" Rachel asked a few hours later after Finn woke up from his nap. "I could get something from Burger King or Wendy's."
"Sure." Finn smiled at her. Rachel put her purse on her shoulder, gazing into his eyes.
"I'll be back in about a half hour with your food. I'll bring you anything with meat." Rachel half joked as Finn nodded his head.
"And a frosty please?" Finn asked. Rachel nodded her head, pressing a kiss to his forehead. "Chocolate maybe?"
"A chocolate frosty. Got it." Rachel put her thumb up as she made her way out of the hospital room. Finn kept the half grin on his face as he reached for the remote and turned on the television to keep himself occupied. He became intrigued with the football game that was on the television, leaning back in the hospital bed. He was actually glad that he was going to leave the hospital tomorrow. He couldn't wait to sleep in his own bed. Finn heard someone knock on the door, his head turning towards the entrance and noticing Santana feebly standing there. Finn motioned for Santana to enter, hearing the door close behind her.
"So…" Santana walked over to him, looking up at the television channel. "Football?"
"Yep." Finn continued to stare at the television, trying his hardest to ignore Santana. Santana sat down in the chair next to Finn, folding her hands while looking down. She was going to do it. She was going to say what was on her chest.
"I love you." Santana blurted out, causing Finn to shockingly turn to her. Finn muted the television, sitting up in his bed, still giving Santana a look of tremor.
"You what…" Finn coughed at Santana's revelation. "Santana, I thought you played for the other team."
"Well that didn't work out well…" Santana muttered, turning her attention back to Finn. "I don't love you like that Pillsbury Dough Turd."
"But you just said you loved me." Finn turned pale. "Santana are you okay?"
"I'm not good with the whole feelings thing! Okay!" Santana sighed. "All right, I'm sorry I slapped you and I'm sorry that I yelled at you, but you really do not know how frustrating you are sometimes."
"I'm frustrating?" Finn enquired. "How?'
"I…you…just the things you do…" Santana said. "You're annoying, everything you say and do is annoying and frankly I don't know why I like it so much! Maybe because…because you're like my brother…my creepy brother who I had sex with at one point but still…my brother."
"So I'm like a creepy brother. I always wanted to be one." Finn sardonically said.
"Finn, just listen to me. What I'm about to tell you is something that I don't want to repeat because it's going to be against my nature." Santana snapped her fingers in front of him, getting his attention. "Finn, the reason I slapped you was because I was scared. You're like this gigantic rock that we all depend on and when I saw that the rock of our loft was having nervous breakdowns left and right, it made me feel like all hope was lost. The truth is I do care Finn, that's why I'm a bitch. I'm a bitch because I care. I guess when I saw that you were vulnerable, I freaked out. I meant every word I said to you back in Lima. And I'm going to say this now—you are special. And if your father doesn't love you, then he can go eat a piping hot pepper and fall down a well. You still have your friends that care about you—and I know that you feel lonely even when you're not alone. I don't know how normal that is but, trust me Finn…I know what it's like to have someone not love you. So here's what you're going to do. You're going to give me a hug, because I'm going to be there for you now so you won't be alone. You were there for me when I was kicked out of the closet and now I'm going to be there for you. Okay?" Finn thought about, letting out a small smile.
"Am I still a creepy brother if I hug you?" Finn chuckled.
"I'm giving you permission to hug me." Santana smiled, motioning for Finn. "Now come here and give me a hug, Cabbage Patch Kid." Finn grinned, embracing Santana into a hug. Santana rubbed Finn's back as Finn became content. "Hey, Finnocence?"
"Yeah?" Finn looked to Santana, raising an eyebrow, the smile still on his lips.
"I love you, Finn." Santana softly spoke, Finn giving her another hug.
"I love you too, Santana." Finn and Santana stayed in that embrace, not noticing that Rachel had come back with her and Finn's food. Rachel stopped, a smile creeping on her face as she leaned against the doorway, noticing that Finn actually had an honest smile on his face for the first time in a long time.
The next evening, Santana sat on the loft floor, staring down at some sheet music at her feet. Rachel exited her room, clapping her hands together as she joined Santana, smiling over at her friend. Santana gave Rachel a friendly smile, looking back down towards the music.
"So I finally was able to put Finn to sleep." Rachel crossed her legs to get more comfortable on the floor. "He should sleep like a baby."
"You make it sound like Finn is your child." Santana teased. "Did you feed him too?"
"As a matter of fact, yes." Rachel clapped her hands together. "We went to this beautiful restaurant with candlelight's looking over the horizon of New York City. It was so romantic."
"I'm sure it was." Santana chuckled. "Did he marvel at the skyscrapers? He thinks that they're…something."
"Yeah, he marvels at them. I think it's because there aren't a lot of skyscrapers in Lima, Ohio. I was mesmerized by them when I first saw them too…" Rachel looked down at the sheet music, picking one up and scanning it. "What's this for?"
"Well, remember how we vowed that we were going to make Finn feel better?" Santana saw Rachel nod her head before continuing. "I was thinking maybe we could sing him something that will make him cry—of joy of course."
"Aww, Santana." Rachel gushed, taking her friend's hand. "You really do care about Finn."
"Yeah, well…" Santana shrugged her shoulders, her face turning apologetic. "Sorry I slapped your husband-to-be. I was kind of freaking out because he was supposed to be strong one and all of a sudden he's breaking down."
"I know." Rachel patted Santana's hand. "I'm not mad…but we also have to be considerate about his feelings. He can't be strong all the time."
"I know that now, especially since Dani gave me a talking to. Who knew she was good at that kind of stuff?" Rachel and Santana shared a laugh, but the laughter slowly died when Rachel had a thought in her mind.
"Santana? Do you mind if I ask you a question? I promise it's not too invasive." Santana bobbed her head as Rachel let out a deep breath. "Do you still love Brittany?" Santana thought about Rachel's question, giving Rachel a serious look.
"I'll always love Brittany, Rachel. It's just…maybe I needed a fresh start in New York. If Brittany and I were meant to get back together in the end, then let it be. But I'm going to let the universe do it's thing and maybe the universe will steer me in the right direction."
"I know it will." Rachel seemed so sure. "You're destined for great things, Santana. I know you are." Rachel leaned her head on Santana's shoulder, Santana feeling a nice warm feeling in her heart. Santana looked over to one of the sheet music that was sitting there, grabbing it while Rachel smiled softly.
"What do you think of this song?" Santana asked. Rachel read the lyrics of the song, becoming confident that it would have been perfect.
"That's…amazing. Finn would love this one." Rachel's mind was whirring, getting an idea in her head. "I have an idea. We could turn this song into something Finn would never forget. I'm going to need my telephone…and my check book."
"Where are we going?" Finn was being pulled down the streets of Manhattan the next morning by Rachel, Kurt and Santana, baffled by where he was going. "Santana, Rachel, Kurt…will someone please tell me what's going on?"
"Where's the fun with the element of surprise?" Kurt asked his brother, Finn raising an eyebrow to him. "Now, no more questions."
"Can I at least get a hint?" Finn didn't like surprises, especially if the outcome ended badly for him. "Come on, guys. Please?"
"Come on, Finn…let's go." Rachel said in a sing-song voice. Finn looked up, noticing that they were at NYADA—but there was no school, so why were they there? And why were Santana and Kurt there? They didn't go to school at NYADA.
"Wait, what are we doing here?" Finn turned to Rachel and Kurt with interest. "There's no school today."
"We know there's no school today." Rachel smiled, pulling Finn into the school with Santana and Kurt in tow. Finn noticed that there were arrows on the wall, facing his friends with a raised eyebrow.
"What are these?" Finn asked, pointing to the walls.
"We're going to sing to you." Kurt revealed. "You're going to follow the arrows on the walls and you're going to get your surprise when you reach the end." Finn looked at the walls, seeing that the title of the song was plastered on the side—made out of newspaper letters.
"I'll Stand By You?" Finn scratched his head. "Didn't I sing this song like three years ago?"
"Yes but it was to a sonogram of a baby that wasn't even yours." Kurt bluntly answered, causing Rachel and Santana to giggle.
"Come on, just trust us. Okay?" Santana stared at Finn, realizing that he was warming up to the idea.
"All right, all right. Sure." Finn agreed. Finn saw down the hall that there was a piano, and the NYADA pianist started playing the song.
{Rachel walks over to Finn, holding out her hand as she releases a grin towards him, Santana and Kurt smiling towards them}
Oh, why you look so sad
Tears are in your eyes
Come on and come to me now
Don't be ashamed to cry
Let me see you through
Cause I've seen the dark side too
When the night falls on you,
You don't know what to do
Nothing you confess
Can make me love you less
[Rachel with Kurt and Santana harmonizing]
I'll stand by you
I'll stand by you
Won't let nobody hurt you
I'll stand by you
{Finn grabs Rachel's hand and Santana, Kurt and Rachel start walking along the school, following the arrows. They eventually end up in front of the auditorium as Finn looks at them}
So, if you're mad get mad
Don't hold it all inside
Come on and talk to me now
And hey, what you got to hide
I get angry too
Well, I'm a lot like you
[Kurt and Santana]
When you're standing at the crossroads
Don't know which path to choose
Let me come along
Cause even if you're wrong
{Rachel opens the NYADA auditorium door and Finn's eyes widen in surprise when he sees the NYADA Glee Club, New Directions, Mr. Schuester, Burt, Carole and all the New Directions Alumni standing on the stage, singing along with Kurt, Santana and Rachel}
[Santana with Kurt, Rachel, New Directions, NYADA Glee Club, New Directions Alumni, Burt and Carole]
I'll stand by you
I'll stand by you
Won't let nobody hurt you
I'll stand by you
Take me in into your darkest hour
And I'll never desert you
I'll stand by you
{Rachel pulls Finn and has him sit down in one of the auditorium seats as she, Santana and Kurt go on the stage as Finn smiles widely}
And when, when the night falls on you baby
You're feeling all alone
You won't be on your own
[Rachel, Santana and Kurt with New Directions, NYADA Glee Club, Burt, Carole and New Directions Alumni]
I'll stand by you
I'll stand by you
Won't let nobody hurt you
I'll stand by you
Take me in into your darkest hour
And I'll never desert you
I'll stand by you
I'll stand by you
Won't let nobody hurt you (Rachel: I'll stand by you)
I'll stand by you
Take me in into your darkest hour (Santana: I'll stand by you)
And I'll never desert you
I'll stand by you
I'll stand by you
I'll stand by you
Won't let nobody hurt you (Kurt: I'll stand by you)
I'll stand by you
Everyone faced towards Finn, noticing that he was in tears—but he was smiling. Rachel couldn't help but shed a few tears for him as well, making her way over towards him with a smile. Finn got up from his chair, engulfing Rachel into a hug as he happily cried, Rachel crying into him as well. Kurt and Santana high fived, making their way over to Finn and Rachel and hugging them. Everyone couldn't help but smile, and some even shed tears, knowing that they finally made progress in Finn becoming truly happy again—until...
"Hello?" A voice said, causing Finn to stiffen and Rachel's eyes to widely open. Everyone turned their heads towards the door, noticing Christopher entering the auditorium. Finn looked completely confused while Santana, Kurt and Burt turned defensive. Finn kept a grip on Rachel, gazing at his birth father. Finn didn't want to admit it—but the happy feelings he had were replaced with fear.
"What…what the hell are you doing here?" Finn asked, shaking his head. "I thought you were in jail!" Rachel was also confused as to what Christopher was doing there, Christopher walking closer to his son.
"You thought wrong." Christopher glared Finn into his eyes, seeing nothing but terror in Finn's eyes. The next words sent shivers down Finn's spine, causing him to completely freak out. "Looks like I found you—again."
Mike O'Malley as Burt Hummel
Remy Rosemont as Carole Hudson-Hummel
Demi Lovato as Dani
Matthew Morrison as Will Schuester
Melissa Benoist as Marley Rose
Jacob Artist as Jake Puckerman
Blake Jenner as Ryder Lynn
Alex Newell as Wade "Unique" Adams
Darren Criss as Blaine Anderson
Heather Morris as Brittany S. Pierce
Jenna Ushkowitz as Tina Cohen-Chang
Kevin McHale as Artie Abrams
Vanessa Lengies as Sugar Motta
Samuel Larsen as Joe Hart
Becca Tobin as Kitty Wilde
Chord Overstreet as Sam Evans
Mark Salling as Noah "Puck" Puckerman
Dianna Agron as Quinn Fabray
Amber Riley as Mercedes Jones
Harry Shum Jr. as Mike Chang
Mirrors [Acoustic Version] (Originally by Justin Timberlake): Performed by Dani and Kurt Hummel
Nightingale (Originally by Demi Lovato): Performed by Rachel Berry and Santana Lopez
I'll Stand By You (Originally by The Pretenders): Rachel Berry, Kurt Hummel and Santana Lopez with New Directions