1x20: Clarity

Episode Synopsis: Rachel and Simone finally call a truce to their rivalry, but Santana and Kurt become suspicious when they think Simone is playing both Rachel and Finn. Cassandra tells Rachel that she's not sexy enough to dance the tango, allowing the NYADA Glee Club to assist Rachel in proving Cassandra wrong. Finn continues to stress over the set-list for the Sectional Showcase.

"All right, I'm going to the store." Rachel yelled from the doorway, holding her purse close to her. "Does anyone need anything? Just tell me now."

"A box of detergent." Kurt said from the sofa, not looking up from his laptop. Finn and Santana were also on the couch, but Finn was looking over sheet music for Sectionals while Santana was lazily watching television. "I need to wash my shirts for when Blaine comes to visit for Sectionals."

"Wait, you invited Blaine to Sectionals?" Santana asked as Finn looked up from the sheets of paper. "Aren't you afraid that somehow Blaine is going to end up on the stage, grabbing a mike and singing in every musical number since everyone thinks it's such a "good" idea for Blaine to sing all the time?"

"Blaine's not going to do that." Kurt pointed a finger at Santana, suddenly turning meek. "I already warned him that he couldn't."

"All right." Rachel sighed. "Santana, do you need anything from the store?"

"Yeah, how about a box of tampons." Santana simply said, causing Finn to contort his face in slight disgust. "Oh please Hudson, like you didn't know girls have their period." Santana noticed Finn's lack of comfort on the subject, looking back to Rachel.

"Okay, tampons." Rachel wrote down the list on her phone so that she wouldn't forget. "Babe, do you want anything?" Rachel turned her attention to Finn. Finn looked up at Rachel, rubbing his temples slightly.

"Do they have anything at the store that can help me organize and divide the set-list songs in my head?" Finn continued to rub his temples, sounding more than stressed.

"I have an idea." Rachel walked over to Finn, rubbing his shoulders. "How about you come with me? You need to relax and unwind. I promise it will help you." Finn looked over at Rachel, finally giving in as he closed the folder and stood up from the sofa.

"All right, but on one condition." Finn said, staring at his fiancée. "I'm not in the aisle when you're buying female…toiletries."

"Are you sure about that?" Rachel gave Finn a sly glance, biting her bottom lip. "What about the other things that are in the same aisle? You know the things that we buy that only wecan use…" Rachel tiptoed, pressing a kiss to Finn's lips as his smile turned mischievous.

"All right, you win." Finn grabbed his jacket and started sliding the door to the loft open, noticing Rachel looking extremely amused. "Come on Rachel, before the store closes." Rachel giggled, following Finn out the door with a smile. As soon as Finn closed the door, Kurt and Santana looked at the folder Finn left on the desk.

"Should we touch this?" Kurt wondered. "I mean, Finn was working on it and…" Kurt observed Santana simply reaching for the folder and opening it, looking at the set-list Finn had so far.

"I don't believe it." Santana closed the folder, putting it down on the table.

"What? Finn gave you a crappy song?" Kurt chuckled at Santana's disdain.

"No not that…" Santana sighed, pointing to the folder. "He has Simone 'slash' Rachel penciled in for one of the songs."

"Aside from Simone and Rachel hating each other's guts, why is that a bad thing?" Kurt asked, folding his hands.

"You heard what that Simone bitch said to Brody and Cassandra in the auditorium." Santana argued. "She said that she was going to purposely mess up one of those high notes she knows she can hit just so Finn's Glee Club can lose Sectionals. God, I feel like punching her in face."

"But we can't do that." Kurt tried to remind his friend. "Look, I get that you want to help Finn because you love the big lug, but what can we do? Simone does have one of the best voices in Glee Club and there's no way that Finn is going to pass up a chance to let Simone Barberrie take the stage if it means winning Sectionals."

"Well then…" Santana gave Kurt a smirk, causing him to become uncomfortable. "I guess that means that we're going to have to tamper with Simone actually getting the role."

"What do you mean by that?" Kurt wondered. "And why do all of your plans involve me somehow?"

"Because Lady Hummel, you're loyal and they just do involve you." Santana answered. "And don't you love your brother and want him to succeed in life?"

"Yeah, I guess…" Kurt shrugged his shoulders, not sure where Santana was getting at.

"So that means that we're going to have to ruin Simone's chances of getting the solo." Santana tried to open Kurt's eyes. "We're gonna have to be sneaky and intervene. Little Miss Simone…you're about to get Lima'd."

Finn entered the bedroom the next night, noticing that clothes were thrown all over the floor, skirts were hanging from the ceiling, jeans were in a pile on the bed and shirts were occupying Finn's chair. Finn walked over to Rachel's closet, noticing that she was throwing clothes one by one. Finn caught a couple of her clothes until one of her bras landed on his head. Finn cleared his throat, taking the bra off his head.

"Rachel, if you just wanted to have sex, you could have just said so." Finn chided, holding Rachel's bra. Rachel smirked, taking the bra from Finn and putting it down next to her. Finn noticed Rachel's stress and bent down next to her. "Are you okay, Rach?" Rachel let out an exasperated sigh, shaking her head.

"I have my callback for Funny Girl coming up and I have no idea what I'm going to wear." Rachel said. "This isn't just some school show, this is Broadway and I really wanted to just wow them, Finn."

"And you are going to wow them, Rachel." Finn assured her, rubbing her back. "Rachel you are amazing and you have this talent that is just…incredible. You're going to be fine at your callback, I promise you. Do you already have a song all picked out?"

"Yeah, I do." Rachel nodded her head, staring at Finn. "I just want to make you proud. You've been there for me all this time and…I don't want to disappoint you if I don't get the role."

"Rachel, I'd never be disappointed in you if you didn't get a role." Finn put his hands on her shoulders, gazing into her eyes. "I'd never be upset with you. If there's anyone I'd be upset with, it's the casting directors for failing to see what a beautiful, talented, woman you are. And you don't have to worry about making me proud. I am proud. Look, you're going to be amazing, Rachel and you're going to knock them dead. Like I said, I want you to get the role for you. Don't worry about me."

"If I do get the role, you'll be there right?" Rachel asked softly, still looking at Finn.

"What kind of question is that?" Finn softly smiled to her. "Of course I will be there. In the first row of that theatre…just don't expect me to be there every night." Rachel leaned in and kissed Finn, the smile still on her face as Finn responded to the kiss. Finn removed his lips from Rachel's, gazing into her eyes as she put her hands on his cheeks.

"I wasn't expecting that, but how about for the first twenty shows?" Rachel joked, causing Finn to press another kiss on her lips while letting out a chuckle. Rachel parted the kiss once more, Finn finally wondering if there was something else that was wrong.

"Rachel, I know where kissing leads to…and you know where kissing leads to…so why do you keep getting out of the groove?" Finn asked, staring at her.

"I have a serious question for you." Rachel folded her hands, looking down at the ground. "And it's pretty serious."

"Sure, what is it?" Finn continued to look at her, noticing that she was trying her hardest not to cry.

"Finn…do you think I'm sexy?" Finn continued to stare at her as Rachel said those words, not even having to think about his answer.

"Of course I think you're sexy, Rachel." Finn crossed his heart with his finger while he said it. "I promise. You are the sexiest person I've ever seen. You're even sexier than Kate Upton and all the models in the Victoria Secret catalogues."

"Okay, I'm not that sexy." Rachel couldn't help but chuckle slightly. "No way am I 'Kate Upton' sexy."

"Yes you are." Finn pulled Rachel in and hugged her as they both sat on the floor. "What made you think you weren't sexy? I think you're so sexy that you could wear just sweatpants and one of my shirts and you'd be smoking hot." Rachel gripped onto Finn's shirt, a smile tugging her lips.

"Well, we have dance finals coming up and Cassie doesn't think I'm sexy." Rachel sighed. "She refuses to let me dance the tango because it's a 'sexy' dance and I lack 'sex appeal'."

"You do not lack sex appeal." Finn shook his head, feeling upset that Cassandra had put words into Rachel's mind to make Rachel think she wasn't special. "I can promise you that you don't lack it. Why do you think that I keep telling you that you're so freaking beautiful, all the time."

"I thought you only do that when we're in the moment." Rachel corrected him teasingly.

"I think it on a consistent basis." Finn added. "Just staring at you, I think…'my god I can't believe Rachel Berry is my fiancée. She's so beautiful and so sweet and amazing.' And if you want you can go into my brain like in those alien movies and check my thoughts." Rachel laughed, looking at Finn with a smile.

"Thank you." Rachel put a hand on Finn's cheek.

"What? What did I do?" Finn pointed to himself.

"You were your sweet, amazing self." Rachel sat in Finn's lap as she gazed at him. "And you made me feel sexy again."

"I can really make you feel sexy, if you catch my drift." Finn wiggled his eyebrows playfully as Rachel smacked him in the chest softly, letting out a laugh.

"I can't argue with that, now can I?" Rachel kissed Finn quickly, her mind whirring. "But I just wonder…how am I going to get Cassandra to see that I'm sexy enough for my dance final? I know that being a dancer you have to be graceful, but also sexy."

"How about this…" Finn stared at Rachel, noticing her face turning quizzical. "How about I help you on your dance final? I think I can bring out the 'sexy' in you, although you have no problem doing so for me."

"I think that can be helpful." Rachel nodded her head, kissing Finn once more. Rachel parted her lips from Finn's, noticing that he was groaning.

"Rachel…" Finn looked at her with pleading eyes. "How about you put those clothes down and come to bed with me?"

"Well…" Rachel stood up from Finn's lap, holding out her hand for him to take. "I don't know how on earth I could say no to that." Finn let out his signature goofy grin as he took a hold of Rachel's hand, Rachel pulling him up from the floor as she kissed him tenderly on the lips.

Santana entered the dance studio the next afternoon, finding Simone standing in front of the mirror as she practiced on her deep breathing. Santana shook her head, leaning against the wall while Simone continued to pretend Santana wasn't there. After a few moments, Santana let out a sigh, walking over to Simone and leaned against one of the bars.

"I know what you're up to." Santana said. Simone turned her head to Santana, giving Santana a smirk of her own. "I know what you're up to and it's going to stop now before I go all Lima Heights on your ass."

"I have no idea what you're talking about." Simone feigned her innocence. "Whatever are you talking about, Santana?"

"I'm talking about what you're going to do to Finn and Rachel." Santana glared at Simone. "I know that you're going to sabotage Sectionals and Rachel's Funny Girl callback. There is no way that I am going to let you hurt my friends."

"Finn? Rachel? Your friends? Good one." Simone scoffed.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Santana scrunched her face in anger. "They are my friends."

"Oh really? Why are Finn and Rachel your friends?" Simone crossed her arms. "I'm just curious, after all. I like to know my enemies before I ripped them apart one by one."

"All right, look Simone. I can see right through your 'bitch' act." Santana said. "You're scared inside but you project yourself by making yourself look like a bitch."

"Oh really? What makes you so sure?" Simone looked away from Santana, not eyeing her.

"Because I used to do the same thing." Santana said softly. "Look, I know what it's like—no one understands you, you have to be tough because everyone could push you around at any given moment. But you need to understand that there's nothing wrong with showing some emotion once in a while. I know, life sucks, I'm sure. But you need to stop making everyone want to get away from you and you have to show everyone that you do really care about others."

"You still didn't answer my question. Why are you friends with Finn and Rachel?" Simone seemed adamant to get an answer from Santana.

"Because even though they're like those scabs that are impossible to peel off no matter how hard I try, they are there for me when I need them, and I'd like to give them the same courtesy that I'm there for them when they need my help." Santana sighed. "Now are we done talking about them so I can move on? Don't do anything stupid. Not only could you guys lose, Finn could get kicked out of NYADA and he worked hard to get in here. It'd be a shame if someone like you wrecked it for him."

"Maybe he's not the one I'm after." Simone looked away from Santana to face the mirror. Santana thought about it for a moment, heading next to Simone and sitting down.

"Wait a minute, you're not after Finn to get kicked out…you're out there to make Rachel miserable." Santana shook her head. "Why are you making Rachel's life harder than it needs to be?"

"Because I want Finn, that's why!" Simone yelled. "He's everything that I could have dreamed for. He passed everything on my guy checklist. He's smart, he's funny, he can sing, he's nice…but all those things don't matter because Finn's with Rachel."

"Making Rachel miserable is not going to make Finn love you." Santana stood up from the floor. "That's just going to push him away even more."

"So what's going to make him love me? Hmm? You seem so sure about these things, what's going to make Finn love me?" Simone sounded exasperated.

"To be honest with you…nothing is going to make Finn love you." Santana shrugged her shoulders. "He loves Rachel, plain and simple."

"What does he see in her anyway?" Simone walked away, heading towards the doors of the dance studio.

"I can't answer that because I don't know myself." Santana called after her. "Look, if you want to know, ask Finn. Maybe Finn can tell you—but Simone no matter what you do, you can't change Finn's mind about Rachel. He's hung up on her. And I'm not going to let you get in the way of Finn and Rachel. Everyone deserves to be happy, even cold hearted bitches like you…" Santana made her way past Simone, exiting the dance studio and going towards the hallway. Simone looked out the dance studio doorway and as if it was scripted from a movie, she saw Finn and Rachel walking hand in hand towards the auditorium. Simone was seething—she wished she could have had Finn; but she was going to have to find a way to get rid of Rachel in the process.

{Simone watches Finn and Rachel walk down the hallway and she looks upset, slowly following them as she stares at Finn}



Baby I seen the chick you're with

Wish that I never did

Freaking perfect and 5'10

Just wanna punch her lip

Cause I know I've been wasting time

Trying to catch your eye

Yeah I know that I've been so blind

Thinking that I'm your type

And now I'm at home and all alone

About to pick up the telephone

Got to call my genie so he knows, yeah

I wish I was tall

I wish I was fast

I wish I could shop with a bag full of cash

Cause if I want you, I gotta have that

Come, come kiss me boy

I wish I had style

I wish I had flash

I wish I woke up with a butt and a rack

Cause if I want you, I gotta have that

Come, come kiss me boy

{Scene changes to Finn and Simone in class and Simone watches Finn as Finn writes something down on paper and listens to the teacher}

Baby, I'm gonna keep it real

Boy you're the one I want

I don't own any five inch heels

Just got my Nike's on

Never thought I was insecure

Boy look at what you've done

I don't know what I studied for

Clearly you like them dumb

And now I'm at home and all alone

About to pick up the telephone

Got to call my genie so he knows, yeah

{Scene changes to dance class and Simone dances with the dancers, staring over at Finn who's not looking at her but talking to Rachel as Rachel giggles}

I wish I was tall

I wish I was fast

I wish I could shop with a bag full of cash

Cause if I want you, I gotta have that

Come, come kiss me boy

I wish I had style

I wish I had flash

I wish I woke up with a butt and a rack

Cause if I want you, I gotta have that

Come, come kiss me boy

{Scene changes to the auditorium and the Glee Club watches Simone looks at Finn but Finn's oblivious to Simone's glances}


I wish I was tall

I wish I was fast

I wish I could shop with a bag full of cash

Cause if I want you, I gotta have that

Come, come kiss me boy

I wish I had style

I wish I had flash

I wish I woke up with a butt and a rack

Cause if I want you, I gotta have that

Come, come kiss me boy

I wish I was tall

Cause if I want you, I gotta have that

Come, come kiss me boy

I wish I had, I wish I had, I wish I had, yeah, yeah

Cause if I want you, I got have that

Come, come kiss me boy

As soon as Simone finished her performance, the other Glee Club members watched her in silence, none of them getting up from their seats to cheer her on. The smile she did have on her face vanished and turned into a pout. Finn looked around at the other members, finally clapping his hands so that Simone wouldn't feel upset about her performance while Rachel reluctantly joined him.

"That was great." Finn stood up as Simone got down on the stage, taking her seat behind everyone else. "Wasn't that great guys?"

"I guess…" Vicky shrugged her shoulders, looking over to her friends.

"It was okay…" Melissa added, staring over at Celina.

"I think it was…interesting." Celina said. Finn crossed his arms while shaking his head.

"Guys, in this room we support one another. I don't know what goes on out these doors but in here we give our support." Finn scolded. "I don't want to hear anything else about if songs were 'maybe' good. That was great, Simone." Finn turned his head to Simone, giving her a small smile. Simone studied Finn for a moment, finally letting out a smile of her own. Rachel stared at Simone, giving her rival a small smile. Just like Finn said, they had to support one another—even if Simone was her number one enemy. Simone and Rachel shared eye contact with one another, Simone still studying Rachel's smile. Simone slowly reciprocated the smile, the both of them looking at one another with a grin.

After Glee Club ended, Rachel started to make her way over to her playwriting class in order to get some clarification on the homework assignment that was due the next morning. Rachel spotted Simone walking out of the auditorium, making her way to her locker and from the look on her face; it looked like Simone was in a terrible mood. Rachel considered Finn's words from Glee Club, making her way to Simone with a smile on her face.

"Hi Simone." Rachel waved slowly, noticing that Simone was staring right at her.

"Hi?" Simone raised an eyebrow to Rachel. "Can I help you with something?" Rachel took a deep breath at Simone's snarky attitude, keeping the smile on her face.

"I just wanted to tell you that you did a great job in Glee Club today." Rachel said. "I mean, you were just amazing. Some of those notes you hit, kind of makes me question my vocal registry." Simone sounded surprised that Rachel complimented her vocals. Simone secretly thought that Rachel had the best vocals in Glee Club. Then again, she decided to be wary. Maybe Finn put her up to being nice to her since no one else was nice.

"I don't get why you're so worried about other people's vocals." Simone shrugged her shoulders, looking down at her sheet music. "I mean, you obviously know that you're talented and everyone just loves you here. Even the teachers are crazy about you."

"That's not true." Rachel shook her head, leading Simone to scoff.

"Yes it is." Simone said as she rolled her eyes. "All the teachers love Rachel Berry. They say that you're so talented and that you're the crème de le crème. You're like the delicious cream at the top of the milkshakes, the one that everyone wants and once they get a taste of it, they want more. Me, I could belt out any note I wanted yet no one likes me. I wonder why that could be?" Simon walked past Rachel, but Rachel wasn't going to give up. She was going to get Simone to like her even if it was the last thing that she did.

"Maybe no one likes you because you don't like anyone." Rachel followed Simone down the hallway. "Simone, I'm sure that under all that competitiveness, there's a girl that's so loveable that no one can keep their eyes off of."

"Oh really?" Simone turned around after hearing Rachel's words. "So you think I'm mean?"

"Well…I wouldn't say that you're mean…" Rachel tried to dance around it. "I just think that maybe you're…intense."

"How am I intense?" Simone asked, shrugging her shoulders.

"You always fight everyone for a solo and as I recall, you handcuffed Finn to one of the chairs in the auditorium in order to force him to listen to you." Rachel let out a slight chuckle. "Simone, sometimes it's okay to want to be the best out of everyone there, but there's a fine line between being in your face and being confident." Simone looked over at Rachel as if she was truly thinking.

"What do you think of me?" Simone asked after a moment of silence. Rachel continued to stare over at Simone, noticing that Simone looked remorseful. "You think I'm some sort of monster, don't you?"

"No…" Rachel walked over to Simone, motioning her to come closer. "I don't think that you're a monster." Rachel put her hands on Simone's shoulders, looking at Simone with a smile. "I see me when I look at you—well the old me. You're so determined and you're willing to do whatever it takes to get what you want…but you have to put your guard down Simone. Remember, we're teammates on the same Glee Club. We don't have to fight each other, and let's face it we can both really sing." Simone smiled at Rachel, nodding her head. "You don't have to worry. I'm not after you and I won't be. You're an amazing talent Simone, but you have to let people see that you're just as amazing as your talent. Look, maybe we got off on the wrong foot; I know we did...which is why I think that we should start anew." Rachel took her hands off Simone's shoulder and extended one of her hands to Simone. "Hi, I'm Rachel Berry and I'm your teammate." Simone couldn't help but grin, taking Rachel's hand and shaking it.

"Hi, I'm Simone Barberrie." Simone smiled. Rachel and Simone grinned at one another for a few more moments before letting each other's hands go. "So…now that we're teammates…tell me, what's going on between you and Cassie?"

"What do you mean?" Rachel raised an eyebrow.

"I heard that Cassie had decided not to let you dance the tango because she didn't deem you 'sexy' enough for it." Simone said as the two of them started to make their way down the hallway.

"Yeah, I guess you could say that. Finn's trying to help me there." Rachel answered, looking at Simone.

"Let me guess, you're going to choreograph some sexy routine that's almost going to have Finn begging to have a piece of you after the performance?" Simone let out a chuckle while shaking her head. "That's not sexy. That's leaving nothing to the imagination."

"So what do you think we should do?" Rachel wondered.

"Beat Cassandra at her own game." Simone faced Rachel, looking as if she was hatching a plan of her own. "You have to do a number that's sexy yet—shows off your talents. Don't you have that callback for Funny Girl coming up?"

"Yeah…" Rachel looked over at Simone while nodding her head.

"Well then…" Simone smirked, looking into Rachel's eyes. "You have to use your talents of Broadway against Cassandra July. It's the only way."

"I'm still so confused!" Finn exclaimed as Kurt and Santana sat there in the auditorium, looking through sheet music. "There's this one song that I think both Rachel and Simone would sing, but since Simone doesn't want to share the spotlight, there's no way in hell they can both sing it. The problem is now I have to choose the person I want to sing without using my personal reasoning."

"What do you mean by that?" Kurt looked to his brother, raising an eyebrow.

"If I give Rachel the solo, then it will look like I'm favoring her because we're going to get married." Finn sighed. "But if I give Simone the solo, then I'm going to feel bad because Rachel didn't get the solo—that and Simone's crazy."

"Yeah, she's totally cray-cray." Santana added, not looking up from her nails.

"It's so hard." Finn ran a hand through his hair as he continued to look at the sheet. "I hate doing this…"

"My god, Finn." Santana slapped Finn in the arm, causing him to let out a yelp.

"Santana, what the hell is wrong with you?" Kurt looked over to Santana. "Finn's not your personal punching bag."

"He's wallowing in his own bull-crap, that's the problem." Santana said. "Finn, stop acting like a bitch and make a decision already. It's pretty obvious; just give the solo to Rachel!"

"Did you just say I'm acting like a bitch?" Finn ignored Santana's recommendation, still gazing at her in shock.

"I'm sorry; did you want me to say that you're a pansy?" Santana glared at Finn. "Finn, you're obsessing over this. Simone's not nice and Rachel needs to prepare for the Funny Girlcallback thing."

"One problem with that, the callbacks are before Sectionals." Finn answered.

"So what? Rachel should still get the solo." Santana said. "Simone's only interested in herself." Santana, Kurt and Finn heard the auditorium door open, noticing Rachel and Simone walking over to Finn with a smile.

"Hey…" Finn looked at both Rachel and Simone, a little baffled that they weren't at each other's throats. What was this transformation? "Hey, was there something you both needed?"

"We need that song." Rachel pointed at the song sheet Finn had in his hand. "For the both of us, scrap it for Sectionals."

"Um…the both of you?" Finn pointed to Rachel and Simone, noticing their heads were shaking vigorously. "Is there something wrong?"

"Simone gave me a great idea on how I could be sexy, but classy." Rachel smiled widely. Finn started to smile towards Simone, looking impressed.

"Really, Simone?" Finn smiled. Simone nodded her head to him with a smile. "Wow, that's amazing. All right, you both can get the song."

"But we'd need the entire Glee Club in order to pull this off." Rachel looked to Santana and Kurt with hope in her eyes.

"Sure, why not." Kurt agreed.

"I'm down." Santana said. Rachel clapped her hands while looking at Simone but Santana continued to look at Simone with interest. There was something off about Simone wanting to be Rachel's friend all of a sudden, and Santana was going to get to the bottom of it.

Cassandra watched some of the senior NYADA dancers practice for the Sectional Showcase, but her mind continued to wander towards Finn Hudson and his dopey Glee Club. She had never hated a student in her years of being a teacher at NYADA—ever. However, there was something about Finn that made her want to just throw something at him, or possibly ram her car into him in the school parking lot. As Cassandra was plotting Finn's demise, she noticed Rachel entering with the rest of the Glee Club, the ladies wearing black and gold dance leotards with high heels and the guys wearing black t-shirts, black pants and dress shoes. Cassandra leaned back in her chair for a moment, gazing right at Rachel with interest.

"What do you want Schwimmer. You're wasting my time." Cassandra looked back down at her grade book, causing Rachel to clear her throat.

"You said that you didn't think that I was sexy enough to dance the tango. You also said that I didn't have enough sex appeal." Rachel walked towards Cassandra as she folded her hands. "I wanted to prove to you that I do have the 'sexy' factor."

"Oh trust me, Schwimmer you don't." Cassandra smirked. "You're as sexy as a broom. However, I would like to see you make a fool of yourself so go ahead. It would make my day worthwhile." Cassandra started to motion for the senior NYADA dancers to move but Simone stopped them before they headed to the sidelines.

"We're going to need to borrow some of your dancers since there aren't enough boys in our Glee Club." Simone said. Cassandra leaned back in her chair, staring intently at the Glee Club but mostly kept her eyes on Rachel. Rachel thought she was sexy but in the end it was up to Cassandra to decide.

{The girl 'Finn Harmonic' members snap their fingers as Rachel and Simone walk ahead and do their own choreographic dance}

[Finn Harmonic Girls]

Remember, Remember, Remember, Remember,

Remember, Remember, Remember, Remember


Baby look at me and tell me what you see

You ain't seen the best of me yet

Give me time and I'll make you forget the rest


I got more in me and you can set it free

I can catch the moon in my hand

Don't you know who I am?

Remember my name (Finn Harmonic Girls: Fame!)

{Simone grabs Brody and Rachel grabs Finn and starts dancing with them while the other members circle around them in order to make Rachel and Simone stand out}

[Rachel and Simone]

I'm gonna live forever

I'm gonna learn how to fly (Finn Harmonic Girls: High!)

I feel it coming together

People will see me and cry (Finn Harmonic Girls: Fame!)

I'm gonna make it to heaven

Light up the sky like a flame (Finn Harmonic Girls: Fame!)

I'm gonna live forever

Baby, remember my name

[Finn Harmonic Girls]

Remember, Remember, Remember, Remember,

Remember, Remember, Remember, Remember

{Brody and Simone jump on one of the long tables as Brody and Simone start waltzing on one of the tables}


Baby hold me tight, cause you can make it right

You can shoot me straight to the top

Give me love and take all I got to give

{Rachel grabs Finn and starts dancing the tango with him and Rachel smiles into Finn's eyes as he twirls her around}


Baby I'll be tough, too much is not enough

I can ride your heart till it breaks

Cause I got what it takes

Remember my name! (Finn Harmonic Girls: Fame!)

{Rachel and Simone grab Brody and Finn and start dancing with them while the other members do their own choreograph dance around them}

[Rachel and Simone]

I'm gonna live forever

I'm gonna learn how to fly (Finn Harmonic Girls: High!)

I feel it coming together

People will see me and cry (Finn Harmonic Girls: Fame!)

I'm gonna make it to heaven

Light up the sky like a flame (Finn Harmonic Girls: Fame!)

I'm gonna live forever

Baby, remember my name

{Rachel and Simone grab the girls and start snapping their fingers and dancing as they look at one another}

[Finn Harmonic Girls]

Remember, Remember, Remember, Remember, (Rachel: Remember my name)

Remember, Remember, Remember, Remember (Simone; Remember my name)

Remember, Remember, Remember, Remember (Rachel: Remember my name)

Remember, Remember, Remember, Remember (Simone; OH! REMEMBER MY NAME!)


{All of Finn Harmonic start dancing with the NYADA dance seniors and Rachel and Simone look at each other with a smile}


I'm gonna live forever

(With Simone: I'm gonna learn how to fly!) [Finn Harmonic Girls: High!)

I feel it coming together

(With Simone: People will see me and cry) [Finn Harmonic Girls: Fame!]

[Rachel and Simone]

I'm gonna make it to heaven

Light up the sky like a flame (Finn Harmonic Girls: Fame!)

I'm gonna live forever

Baby, remember my name

{Rachel and Simone dance over to Cassandra with Finn and Brody and Rachel crosses her arms with a satisfied smirk}

[Finn Harmonic Girls]

Remember, Remember, Remember, Remember


Remember my name.

Cassandra continued to gaze at Rachel, letting out a sigh as she shook her head. Rachel and Simone gazed at one another, hoping that they had gotten the point across. Rachel knew she was good enough to do the tango. She just needed Cassandra to give her a chance.

"I'm sexy and I'm perfect just the way I am." Rachel proclaimed, causing Finn to release a smile towards her. "Besides, I looked it up in the NYADA hand guide. You can't prevent me from learning a dance because that's hindering my education. I'm paying money to learn…and I'm not going to let you get in my way of learning. So are you going to let me dance the tango or not?" Cassandra continued to look at Rachel, her mind beginning to churn. After a moment, Cassandra folded her hands, letting out a sigh.

"You have a lot of spunk don't you?" Cassandra finally said, but her voice sounded disgusted. "Let me just tell you one thing. New York is a dog eat dog town. It's not going to be easy…and I'll do my very best to make sure that I'm the dog that eats you alive—that goes for you too Frankenteen." Finn turned back to Santana, noticing that Santana was about to charge Cassandra for stealing that name. "You can dance the tango but I will make sure that I make your life a living hell while doing it. You think I won't? Try me." Cassandra got up from her seat, making her way towards the exit. After Cassandra left, Rachel stood there feeling satisfied. She was able to get what she wanted because she never gave up. Rachel turned around to her teammates, folding her hands and giving them a wide smile.

"Thank you guys so much." Rachel said. "You really are the best team a girl could ask for…especially you Simone." Rachel faced Simone, noticing that Simone was just staring at her with a beam. "I had you all wrong. You really do care about everyone around you…someone just had to care for you. Now…I'm going to hug you." Simone grinned as Rachel embraced Simone, the other members clapping for Rachel and Simone…now glad that they were friends. The only two people not buying it were Kurt and Santana. They weren't convinced that someone could change overnight. They really weren't convinced.

Santana entered the diner for her shift, but she noticed that she wasn't going to be the only one there until Finn and Rachel arrived. Dani was working behind the counter, wiping it and pouring salt in the saltshakers. Santana released a sigh, knowing she had to say something sooner or later. Santana stood across from Dani, holding one of the saltshakers in order to help her. Dani didn't look up at Santana, but continued to pour the salt into the shakers.

"So…" Santana started by saying, still looking at the saltshakers. "How have you been?"

"I've been fine…" Dani shrugged her shoulders. "It's been…quiet."

"Okay, Dani…look." Santana sighed, causing Dani to stare at her. "I'm sorry that I was with Brittany when you were gone. Okay? But I don't know, I'm really confused here. I don't know what I'm doing…I really don't know. This is the first time that I've ever had feelings for someone while I still had feelings or Brittany. You just…you have to bear with me here. I'm a confused jumbled mess, even more so since Finn forced me to join his Glee Club so that they'd have enough members for Sectionals. I don't know…I…" Santana shook her head, staring to walk away from Dani. "I'd understand if you never wanted to talk to me again."

"You know I was pretty mad when I found out that you were with Brittany." Dani said as she watched Santana. "I guess that was me over exaggerating."

"What do you mean?" Santana turned back to Dani.

"I realized that you're going to always going to love that person that you broke up with." Dani shrugged her shoulders. "Brittany was your first love, I get that. Just like Rachel is Finn's first love. Look, I guess that was just me being jealous and I understand that you're confused." Dani walked from behind the counter over to Santana, taking one of Santana's hands in hers. "But if this is going to work then you're going to have to be committed to me."

"I know." Santana nodded her head. "I completely agree." Santana then looked down to the ground, letting out a sigh. "Which is why this can't work."

"I think I'd have to agree too…" Dani spoke after a moment of silence. "Maybe this wasn't meant to work out…but we can always be friends." Santana looked to Dani, nodding her head with a sincere smile.

"I would like that." Santana hugged Dani tightly, Dani reciprocating the hug. Santana broke the hug, still staring at Dani before heading towards the counter. "So you have to tell me about Daft Punk and Oakland. Were they really that amazing?"

"Oh yes…yes they were." Dani laughed as she made her way to Santana, discussing her trip to Oakland.

Santana entered the loft later that evening, noticing that the lights were off in the living room. Santana gave a bored expression, flipping the switch on, only to find Rachel and Finn making out on the living room couch. Santana walked over to Finn and Rachel and with a devious smirk, she slapped Finn in the back of the head. Finn removed his lips from Rachel's, to emit a cry of pain. Finn turned around to spot Santana, grumbling as he and Rachel sat up.

"I'm surprised that Kurt's not here with a Nerf water gun, spraying at you in order to get you both to stop." Santana smirked. "Where is Kurt anyway?"

"He's in his room, video chatting with Blaine." Finn grumbled, rubbing the back of his head from where Santana slapped him. "Is there something you wanted, Santana?"

"Well, I was just going to head to my room and probably call Brittany or something." Santana shrugged her shoulders.

"Wait, Brittany?" Finn questioned as Rachel shared the same muddled expression. "What happened to Dani?"

"Dani and I decided that it wouldn't have worked out since I'm still in a phase where I don't know what I want yet." Santana sat down on the comfy car seat chair, looking down at her nails.

"Santana, I'm so sorry." Rachel apologized. Santana shook her head, letting out a small smile.

"It's okay, Rachel." Santana said. "We're still friends. We are. It's just…remember when you asked me if I still had feelings for Brittany?" Rachel nodded her head at Santana's question before Santana continued. "I do…I really, really do. I just want to find the right time for us to get together again…"

"Take all the time you need, Santana." Rachel said. "Remember, us being in New York is a challenge for us to find ourselves and become someone in this world."

"Well, I hope I find myself soon." Santana shrugged her shoulders. "So…are you ready for your Funny Girl callback?"

"You know what? I am." Rachel looked at Finn who was smiling back at her. "I'm ready. I'm truly ready. I'm going to give it all I got and hopefully that will be enough."

"It's going to be enough." Finn said to her. "Because you are so talented, and you're amazing…you're going to knock them dead…I know you will."

"You think so?" Rachel grinned.

"I know so." Finn told her as he wrapped his arms around her. Santana smiled at both Finn and Rachel, letting out a small chuckle. Usually when their lips were tethered to one another, Santana found it annoying but hearing how supportive they were of one another made Santana smile. They truly were perfect for one another. Rachel, Santana and Finn noticed Kurt coming out of the room, giving his friends a warm grin.

"Yay, Kurt came to join us." Santana said with a wide beam as Rachel clapped her hands. Kurt sat down next to Finn and Rachel while Santana stared at them. "So Lady Hummel, how is Blaine doing?"

"Blaine says everything is great." Kurt shrugged his shoulders. "He said that Regionals is coming up soon and they're practicing really hard."

"I can bet it." Rachel said while Finn gazed over at Kurt. "The long distance thing is pretty hard, huh?"

"Just a little bit…but Blaine's coming in a couple of weeks to see Finn's Glee Club." Kurt smiled at his brother. "Mr. Schuester's also coming and so are some of the New Directions. They can't wait to see it."

"If I don't make a fool of myself, first." Finn sighed, leaning back on the couch.

"You're not." Kurt said. "And do you know why?"


"Because those kids look like they're having the time of their lives and they look ready for competition." Kurt soothed Finn. "It's going to be fine. They're going to be ready because you're teaching them. You taught them how to work together as a team and I'm sure that you've made an impact in their lives. You should be so proud of yourself."

"You know what, Kurt?" Finn's face shone with confidence. "You're right. I mean those kids look like they love being in Glee Club…and you know who changed for the better under my control? Simone." Kurt and Santana tensed at Simone's name, but Finn didn't notice. "I bet it was me telling everyone to accept her that made her change her attitude for the Glee Club. She seems to love it now and she won't be so difficult to deal with now that she has friends there. I mean, right?" Kurt and Santana gave Finn a nod of their heads but they gave each other a worried glance. Finn had no idea what Simone was capable of—but Kurt and Santana did.

Simone headed into the dance studio the next afternoon after getting a note from who she thought was Finn to meet her there. She looked around for Finn's tall figure, but instead she spotted Santana and Kurt standing by one of the dance bars. Simone raised an eyebrow towards Kurt and Santana, crossing her arms and staring at them as if she had no idea what they wanted from her.

"What are you two doing here?" Simone asked, shrugging her shoulders. "Glee Club's not for another twenty minutes?"

"Look, you may have gotten everyone to see your goody, goody act…but we can see right through you." Kurt said, pointing at Simone. "You may have fooled Finn into think that he's reformed you and you may have fooled Rachel that she thinks you're her friend but Santana and I know you're still the same cold hearted bitch that we saw when we first laid our eyes on you." Simone's innocent act disappeared, a smirk appearing on her face.

"Whatever gave it away?" Simone scoffed towards them.

"No one can be reformed like that in the matter of a week." Santana said. "It's not possible."

"It took Santana three years to reform herself." Kurt pointed to Santana. "What we want to know is why? Why are you so intent on going after Finn and Rachel after they've done nothing but support you since day one? Rachel thinks you have an amazing voice and Finn thinks that you're misunderstood yet you're still very talented. I happen to think there's nothing misunderstood about you. You're cold, pathetic and sad…and when Finn and Rachel find out they are going to come after you like there is no tomorrow."

"Finn and Rachel aren't going to find out I've been playing them." Simone's smirk disappeared, her expression turning dangerous. "If you even so much whisper about my ruse to Finn and Rachel I will make sure that I make your lives hell. I'll start by making sure that you're no longer apart of the Glee Club. I have more than one person on my side."

"Let me guess, Cassandra the Bitch and Brody the Man Whore?" Santana said.

"Exactly." Simone said. "If our calculations are precise, Finn and Rachel will be miserable and they'll want to be far away from each other as possible, especially when Rachel doesn't get the Funny Girl part."

"Wait, why wouldn't Rachel get the Funny Girl part?" Kurt asked, facing Simone with interest.

"Because Kurt, it's simple…I'm going to the callback." Simone let out a fake laugh. "See, my daddy has like a million Tony Awards so all he had to do was say the word and I was in callbacks. Unfortunately he can't give me the role which means it will be up to me to pry the role from Rachel's unsuspecting hands."

"But you helped her…with Cassandra, we saw you." Santana said.

"Cassandra sure knows how to act, doesn't she?" Simone said. "She wanted to make Rachel's life hell. I'm sure you would have known that…did you?"

"Simone, we're not going to let you toy with Rachel and Finn's emotions." Kurt strictly said.

"And what happens if I do?" Simone walked closer to Kurt and Santana as she let out a chortle. "There's nothing you can do about it. I have the brains to make you look like a liar. And by the time that this is all done with, you're going to be out of the Glee Club, Rachel's not going to get the role and Finn will be out of school and mine. There's nothing you pathetic losers can do about it. Now…let's go. We have Glee Club." Simone turned on her heels, walking away from Kurt and Santana who gazed in misperception. There was no way that Santana and Kurt could make things clear enough for Finn and Rachel to see how much of a jerk Simone was—especially since Simone had both Kurt and Santana wrapped around her little finger.

{Scene changes to the NYADA Auditorium for the Glee Club rehearsal. The girls wear sparkly black dresses with high heels and the boys wear black dress shirts, black dress slacks and black dress shoes. Rachel stands in the middle of the stage, staring out as she's imagining an audience}


High dive into frozen waves where the past comes back to life

Fight fear for the selfish pain, it was worth it every time

Hold still right before we crash cause we both know how this ends

A clock ticks till it breaks your glass, and I drown in you again

Cause you are the piece of me

I wish I didn't need

Chasing relentlessly

Still fight and I don't know why

{Finn comes down from his position on the stage as he stares over at Rachel with a loving gaze. Rachel and Finn meet each other in the middle of the stage as Finn runs his thumb across Rachel's cheek}

[Rachel and Finn]

If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy

If our love is insanity, why are you my clarity

{Finn Harmonic start walking down the stage as Finn and Rachel dance along with them. Simone looks at Rachel and smiles at her as Rachel smiles back, but when Rachel turns away Simone gives Santana and Kurt an evil smirk as she dances around them.}

[Finn and Kurt with Finn Harmonic]

Hey-ay, Hey-ay,

Hey-ay, Hey-ay,

Hey-ay, Hey-ay,

Hey-ay, Hey-ay,

[Rachel and Finn]

If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy

If our love is insanity, why are you my clarity

{Finn and Rachel go the opposite direction on the stage as Santana and Kurt come down. Santana looks out at the auditorium, thinking about how Simone is blinding both Finn and Rachel along with the Glee Club}


Walk on through a red parade and refuse to make amends

It cuts deep through our ground and makes us forget all common sense

Don't speak as I try to leave cause we both know what we'll chose

If you pull then I push too deep and I'll fall right back to you

[Santana and Kurt]

Cause you are the piece of me

I wish I didn't need

Chasing relentlessly

Still fight and I don't know why

If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy

If our love is insanity, why are you my clarity

[Finn and Kurt with Finn Harmonic]

Hey-ay, Hey-ay,

Hey-ay, Hey-ay,

Hey-ay, Hey-ay,

Hey-ay, Hey-ay,

[Rachel and Santana]

Why are you my clarity

Why are you my remedy

Why are you my clarity

Why are you my remedy

{All of Finn Harmonic join in the middle of the auditorium as Rachel, Finn, Santana and Kurt walk towards the edge and stare out at the auditorium}

[Rachel, Santana, Kurt and Finn]

If our love is tragedy, why are you my remedy

If our love is insanity, why are you my clarity

{Song ends as they all look out the auditorium as the screen fades to black}


Ariana Grande as Simone Barberrie

Kate Hudson as Cassandra July

Cassadee Pope as Celina Jones

Victoria Justice as Vicky Martinez

Jesse McCartney as Dustin Shafer

Olesya Rulin as Melissa Stewart

Dean Geyer as Brody Weston

Demi Lovato as Dani


I Wish (Originally by Cher Lloyd feat T.I.): Performed by Simone Barberrie

Fame (Remember My Name) [Originally from the Musical 'Fame']: Performed by Rachel Berry and Simone Barberrie with Finn Harmonic

Clarity (Originally by Zedd feat. Foxes): Performed by Rachel Berry, Finn Hudson, Santana Lopez and Kurt Hummel with Finn Harmonic