Episode Synopsis: Kurt starts a cover band and holds auditions after recruiting Finn, Rachel, Santana, Puck and Dani. However, when an over the top performer named Starchild (Adam Lambert) wants to join the band, Kurt's skeptical to let him in despite Finn welcoming Starchild with open arms. Finn finds out that Rachel joined cheerleading and has mixed feelings about it.
{Scene shows Rachel walking down the hallways of NYADA with a confident look with a smile on her face as everyone walks past her}
Rachel Voice Over:
I Rachel Berry am going to make a creative strike. I have always been in a comfort zone when I was in High School yet I never really lived by the saying of taking chances. I know being in Glee Club and being cast as Fanny Brice on Broadway is a lot but I need something to add to my extracurricular activities. I always wondered what was it that made girls like Santana so confident in their lives…and that was when I knew the answer. The answer to what made girls feel so empowering, feeling so alive, feeling amazing…was taking up a sport that gives you an adrenaline rush. Since I'm not exactly coordinated for sports, I narrowed it down to one. Sure, it was a sport that I thought I would never do and it was a sport that had me question my better judgement, but if this truly will make me happy, why not…
{Shows Rachel signing the NYADA cheerleaders' signup sheet with a smile}
"Finn, I need to talk to you." Kurt said as Finn wiped down some tables at the diner that afternoon. Finn looked up to his brother, giving Kurt a warm smile to let Kurt know he was acknowledging him.
"Hey bro, sure what's up?" Finn asked. He grabbed the rag and motioned for Kurt to join him by the counter. When Finn got to the counter, he spotted Rachel, Santana and Dani filling sugar in one of the containers, a sly smirk forming on his face. "Hey Sugar, how about some sugar?" Rachel turned to Finn, noticing the silly look on his face, causing her to spurt out into hilarity.
"Finn, that was corny…even for you." Rachel continued giggling as she, Santana and Dani shook their heads in amusement. Finn's smile turned into a pout as Rachel made her way over to him. "Oh come here, you." Rachel gave Finn a quick kiss, heading back to finish filling the sugar bottles.
"So what was it that you wanted to talk to me about, Kurt?" Finn looked to Kurt, folding his hands. However, before Kurt could say anything, the door opened to the diner and Puck entered, making his way to the counter in order to sit down. "Hey Puck, what can I get you?" Finn took out his notepad to write down Puck's order.
"I'll just take a cheeseburger and some fries." Puck shrugged, handing Finn the money for the food. As Finn put the money in the cash register, Puck let out a smirk. "Hey, Finn can I borrow $5?"
"Why do you need $5?" Finn asked. "Don't you work now?"
"Yeah, but I need money for the train ride home especially after I buy that new Ibanez guitar that I saw on display." Puck rubbed his hands together. Finn sighed, going into his pocket and taking out $5 to hand to Puck. Finn gave Puck the money but Puck had one more request for his best friend. "Also, how about you sing me my order?"
"Don't push your luck, Puckerman." Finn muttered, going over to the kitchen to hand the cook the order. "Anyway, Kurt you were saying something." Finn remembered his brother had something on his mind.
"Right, so working at and being in your Glee Club is amazing and all but I had an idea that is going to blow the house down." Kurt looked to Finn, Puck, Rachel, Santana and Dani as they gazed at him with interest. "I'm starting my own Cover band!"
"Wow…" Finn nodded his head, thinking that the idea was interesting. "You are still going to be in Glee Club, right?"
"Of course." Kurt said. "It's just that this is something that I wanted to do. I mean, you see all those YouTube stars that make it big by covering songs. Megan & Liz, Savannah Outen, Dave Days…you get my point. They made their start by covering songs, so why can't we do that too? I promise it won't interfere with Glee Club…."
"I see no problem with it." Finn supposed.
"Me neither." Santana added.
"Awesome…are you taking girls?" Dani spoke up, looking over at Kurt. Kurt grinned, nodding his head quickly.
"Yeah, sure. What instrument do you play?" Kurt asked.
"I play the guitar." Dani beamed. Kurt clapped his hands, seeming excited that he found his first band member.
"Congratulations Dani, you are officially in the currently untitled band." Kurt faced Finn, giving his brother a fake puppy dog pout. "Finn, you're going to join the band right?"
"I have Glee Club, man. You know that." Finn's face turned apologetic as Kurt sighed.
"But Finn, mom and dad always said that we should bond together." Kurt pointed out. "And you don't even have to sing. You could play the drums or something. Please Finn…please!" Finn relented, giving his brother a look of defeat.
"All right, I'll be the drummer of your band." Finn gave his brother a warm smile. "Besides you're right. It wouldn't hurt for us to bond." Finn faced Rachel and Santana as he wiggles his eyebrows. "What do you say Rach? Wanna join a band?" Rachel stared at Finn reluctantly, something Finn caught right away. "What's the matter, I thought you would like to play in a band. It's a chance for you to actually sing, take the spotlight and it would actually be okay." Rachel shrugged her shoulders, looking back to the sugar containers.
"I'm just not sure if I can juggle Glee Club, Funny Girl, work and then a band." Rachel slightly lied. "I mean, it's a lot. And I know that soon I'm going to have to quit but Funny Girlrehearsals aren't until after Christmas break and for now I'd just be busy."
"Oh come on Rachel, what's one more activity." Kurt pleaded. "I'm sure that you can do this. And it's not like you have to be there all the time. I think you could put up with just a half hour of rehearsals."
"I don't know…" Rachel ran her hands through her hair.
"Come on, please! Please! Please!" Finn got on his knees, giving Rachel a look of pleading. "Come on baby…what do you say?"
"Well Rachel, just getting Finn to grovel should be punishment for him enough." Santana smirked. "I mean come on, Berry. What do you have to do that's better than joining a cover band?"
"Uh, well…" Rachel looked at Finn, realizing she wasn't going to win this battle. She let out a sigh, finally nodding her head. "All right, I'll join the band."
"YES!" Finn got up from the floor and spun Rachel around in a heartbeat, causing her to let out a pained yelp. Finn immediately put her down, giving her a worried glance. He didn't hurt her, did he? "Rachel, are you okay?"
"Hmm. Yeah, I'm just a little sore." Rachel rubbed her back. "I fell earlier today, so…yeah."
"You fell? Oh my gosh." Finn quickly took one of the chairs that were nearby and placed it near Rachel. "Here babe, come sit down." Finn sat Rachel down as she gave a small grin towards him. "Don't worry; I'll go get you something cold from the kitchen. Hopefully they haven't used the frozen chicken yet…" Finn ran into the kitchenette while everyone gazed at Rachel.
"All right Rachel, spill. What really happened?" Santana said. "I know you didn't just fall. What were you doing that caused you to tumble?"
"Nothing, it's nothing." Rachel cleared her throat, noticing that Finn came back from the kitchen with an ice pack.
"They wouldn't let me use the frozen chicken so they gave me an ice pack instead." Finn sounded almost disappointed. Rachel couldn't help but beam towards him. Even when he was still clueless…he was still the most amazing man in the world. Rachel loved him more than life itself and there was nothing she wouldn't do for him. He always put her first, which she thought was sweet. "Here you go."
"Thank you, baby." Rachel took the ice pack from Finn and put it on her bruises. "I should be okay though, don't worry."
"I know. It's just that I don't like when you get bruised up like that." Finn leaned closer to her, putting his hands on her shoulder. "It must have hurt. Just try to be careful and try not to fall."
"Yes, Finn." Rachel giggled. Finn kissed Rachel's forehead, hearing the cook come in with Puck's meal.
"So Puck, are you going to join my cover band?" Kurt wondered.
"As long as I don't have to wear anything stupid, I don't see why not." Puck shrugged his shoulders. "It would give me a chance to shred on the new guitar I'm going to get. Speaking of which, I need to get back to work before some hotshot billionaire buys the guitar. I'll see you." Puck took the plate with the food as Finn started to say something.
"And there he goes…" Finn saw the door close of the diner, causing Dani and Santana to smirk at him.
"That's Puck for you, he always takes…never gives." Santana walked past Finn as Dani couldn't help but chuckle at well.
"All right, it's time to audition the lucky people that would want to be a part of my indie band!" Kurt clapped his hands the next afternoon in the NYADA dance studio as he, Finn, Rachel, Santana, Puck and Dani sat around. Finn, Rachel and Santana sat behind a table, looking over at the stage while Puck and Dani sat on the stage with their guitars. "All right, Finn what's the tally of how many people signed up to audition?" Finn looked through the signup sheet, grimacing as he gave Kurt an uneasy look.
"One." Finn said.
"What? One?! What are you talking about?!" Kurt grabbed the paper from Finn, skimming through the sheet. "How was it only one person that signed up?"
"Yeah and who names their kid Starchild?" Finn tried to hide his laughter but Rachel shot him a glare that silently was telling him that he was being rude.
"What kind of person names their kid Finn?" Santana chortled.
"What kind of person names their kid Santana?" Finn retorted. Santana and Finn glared at one another and Rachel had enough of their arguing.
"All right, both of you. Hands." Rachel ordered. Santana and Finn reluctantly held one of their hands out as Rachel smacked them. "That's what you get for being mean to each other."
"Ouch." Finn and Santana spoke in unison.
"You both deserved it." Rachel shrugged her shoulders. Finn and Santana tried to shake off the sting of the slap from their hands as Finn looked to his fiancée.
"I'm sorry I was mean to Santana." Finn apologized, noticing that Rachel was immediately softening up to him. Rachel saw Finn hold out his iPhone, snapping a picture of the both of them as Rachel giggled. She loved how Finn was able to bring a smile on her face. It made her feel truly alive. "Aw, you see that's a good picture." Finn showed Rachel. Rachel moved her head to the side, trying to get a better angle of the photo.
"I have a big nose." Rachel said. Finn continued to marvel at the picture, pressing a few buttons to make Rachel the screensaver on his phone. "Finn, I don't want you sharing that picture everywhere."
"And why not? You look absolutely stunning." Finn said. "Your nose is not big; it's beautiful…just like everything about you. That's what made Barbra Streisand unique and it's what makes Rachel Berry unique too."
"So you actually listened when I was ranting about my nose the other night about how it was too big?" Rachel felt almost touched that Finn had actually listened to the conversation they had. "Usually it's just me talking all the time and you pretending to listen."
"Well, I'm not pretending now." Finn leaned closer as he put his forehead on hers. "You look beautiful." Finn kissed Rachel tenderly, only for Kurt to slam down on the table and interrupt the Finchel moment.
"As much as we would love to sit here and watch Finn poop out sweet smelling flowers, rainbows and butterflies that just fill Rachel's heart with joy, we need to be focused." Kurt said, causing Finn and Rachel to eye one another. "When Starchild gets here, we have to be harsh but fair. It's the only way he's going to get the point that we're looking for serious members of the band. I need to build a brand and that's only going to happen if I have the best of the best on my side."
"All right, Kurt…sheesh." Finn sighed, putting his hands up in defeat. "I get you wanted to start a cover band but you can't just boss people around. I'm betting that's how the Jonas Brothers broke up…"
"Actually they broke up because of creative differences." Finn and Kurt turned to the door to spot a stranger enter wearing eyeliner galore along with a gigantic top hat and a coat that looked to have been sequined by something unimaginable.
"I'm sorry, who are you?" Kurt wondered.
"Oh, I am the great Starchild!" Starchild yelled, walking towards the stage. "I am here because I am interested in joining your cover band. I hope you don't mind…"
"Excuse me, what team do you play for?" Santana raised her hand, causing Kurt and Finn to glare at Santana.
"Santana, that's rude." Finn scolded.
"No, it's fine. I'm on the other team." Starchild smiled.
"Oh, I'm sure it's okay for me to say this then," Rachel folded her hands, looking at Starchild from head to toe. "My goodness you are gorgeous!" Finn's eyes widened after hearing that Rachel thought that Starchild was hot. It kind of made him jealous although he knew that Starchild had no interest in girls.
"Well, you can say that and thank you." Starchild bowed to Rachel.
"All right Rachel, stop flirting in front of Finn and let the man sing." Kurt bossily said, causing Rachel's smile to disappear and her mind to focus on the task at hand. They needed to see if Starchild was band material. Luckily, Starchild did not disappoint.
{Starchild grabs the microphone and he looks at the band as they start playing. Finn, Rachel and Santana look interested in Starchild but Kurt looks worried that Starchild is too good for the band.}
I'm gonna marry the night
I won't give up on my life
I'm a warrior queen
Live passionately tonight
I'm gonna marry the dark
Gonna make love to the stark
I'm a soldier to my own emptiness
I'm a winner
I'm gonna marry the night
I'm gonna marry the night
I'm gonna marry the night
{Starchild starts doing over the top stunts and Finn, Rachel and Santana smile as Puck and Dani nod while playing the guitar. Santana and Rachel take out their phones and start recording Starchild but Kurt looks unconvinced.}
I'm gonna marry the night
I'm not gonna cry anymore
I'm gonna marry the night
Leave nothing on the streets to explore
[Starchild with Puck, Dani and the NYADA band]
M-m-m-marry, m-m-m-marry, m-m-m-marry the night
M-m-m-marry, m-m-m-marry, m-m-m-marry the night
I'm gonna lace up my boots
Throw on some leather and cruise
Down the street that I love
In my fishnet gloves
I'm a winner
Then I'll go down to the bar
I won't cry anymore
I'll hold my whiskey up high
Kiss the bartender twice
I'm a loser
I'm gonna marry the night
I'm gonna marry the night
I'm gonna marry the night
I'm not gonna cry anymore
I'm gonna marry the night
Leave nothing on the streets to explore
[Starchild with Puck, Dani and the NYADA band]
M-m-m-marry, m-m-m-marry, m-m-m-marry the night
M-m-m-marry, m-m-m-marry, m-m-m-marry the night
Nothing's too cool
To take me from you
New York is not just a tan that you'll ever lose
Love is the new denim or black
Skeleton guns are wedding bells in the attic
Get Ginger ready to climb El Camino front
Won't poke holes in the seats with my heels cause
That's where we make love!
Come on and run
Turn the car on and run
I'm gonna marry the night
I'm gonna burn a hole in the wall
I'm gonna marry the night
Leave nothing on the streets to explore
{Starchild starts swinging from the chandelier as Finn, Santana and Rachel look amused}
[Starchild with Puck, Dani and the NYADA band]
M-m-m-marry, m-m-m-marry, m-m-m-marry the night
M-m-m-marry, m-m-m-marry, m-m-m-marry the night
Oh, m-m-m-marry, m-m-m-marry, m-m-m-marry the night
I'm gonna marry
I'm gonna marry
C'mon, c'mon the night
The night!
Finn, Santana and Rachel stood up from their seats and gave Starchild a standing ovation while Dani and Puck nodded their heads in agreement. Starchild was good…he was very good.
"Dude! That was so badass!" Dani clapped her hands as she came down from the stage.
"That was seriously hardcore dude." Puck added.
"All right, thank you for your time Starchild." Kurt curtly said. "We'll call you if we decide that you're cut out for the band."
"What?" Finn scrunched his face in confusion towards his brother, turning back around to give Starchild a nervous laugh. "I'm sorry, do you mind excusing us for a second?" Finn motioned Dani and Puck over as he led Rachel, Santana and Kurt over to the corner. "Dude, that guy has serious vocal chops. If he wasn't seriously about to graduate from NYU, I could consider letting him join the Glee Club."
"Finn's right, Kurt." Rachel said. "He is a star in the making! He's a visionary! He's perfect."
"He's amazing!" Dani agreed.
"He's in." Finn sternly told his brother.
"Do you think he'd sign my boob if I asked him to?" Santana asked almost out of nowhere. Finn, Rachel, Dani, Puck and Kurt gave Santana an odd glance, wondering where that had come from. "What? That's how amazing he is."
"But Finn, look at him." Kurt turned around, noticing Starchild's ensemble. "He's too over the top. You don't like over the top, remember I was too over the top before our parents got married?"
"Well, you had a crush on me and it kind of freaked me out." Finn admitted. "That was what kind of had me say that over the top was bad. I mean, sure he dresses like he's from the Corpse Bride but he can really sing. He sings better than Puck and I combined. No offense dude."
"None taken." Puck said. "Besides…he hung off a freaking chandelier! I always wanted to do that—although I pictured me hanging from a chandelier as a way to get away from the cops."
"He can't be in the band though." Kurt crossed his arms.
"And why not?" Rachel wondered. "Kurt, he's amazing."
"He's…different." Kurt continued to look over at Starchild. Finn had to admit that he was surprised to hear Kurt speaking this way.
"Kurt, I don't know if you noticed but we're all different." Finn said. "Being in Glee Club taught me that everyone is different and that's okay. It's not the end of the world. You know what, how about we take a vote since we are in the band after all. All those for Starchild." In a heartbeat Rachel, Santana, Puck and Dani's hand went up. "All right, all those that don't want Starchild?" Kurt put his hand up but Finn shrugged his shoulders. "Five against one, dude. Starchild's in the band." Finn walked past Kurt with a disappointed expression, walking to Starchild and holding out his hand. "Congratulations Starchild, you're in the band."
"Really?! Oh thank you!" Starchild shook Finn's hand while Kurt made his way over to the both of them.
"Practice is at 4:30 tomorrow…be there." Kurt spoke with no emotion and turned around as he exited the room. They had to wonder what was wrong with Kurt. He was never usually this rude—and he was usually more friendly.
"My brother is very excited that you're in the band." Finn tried to kill the tension. "That was his excited face."
"If that was his excited face, I wonder what his ecstatic face looks like." Starchild joked causing Finn to nod his head with a smile. Finn was going to have to talk to his brother, but for now, all he could do was make sure that Starchild was welcomed with open arms.
"I don't get it, Rachel." Finn continued looking at the video of Starchild's performance repeatedly on Rachel's cellphone as she stood by the mirror and wiped off her makeup. "Starchild is very talented and he reminds me of a glammed up version of Kurt. I don't know why Kurt wouldn't want someone that's just like him in the band. Besides, even you said it yourself that Starchild could sing!"
"Yes he can." Rachel tied her hair up in a bun, making her way to the bed to lie down next to Finn. "I like Starchild, he brings energy and he's very nice. I don't see how anyone could dislike him. Maybe there was something that we were missing during the audition."
"I mean, Starchild was over the top now that I think about it." Finn showed Rachel Starchild's performance. "Puck even liked it because he was hanging from a chandelier."
"Yes because it's always been Noah Puckerman's dream to hang from a chandelier." Rachel giggled, wrapping her arms around Finn's neck. "Finn, maybe Kurt will be fine in the morning. For now, maybe he just needs to blow off some steam. Maybe he's mad because Starchild was the only one that auditioned for the band. It happens."
"I get the feeling it's something else." Finn said. "I'm not sure what it is but it's something big that's bothering him. Maybe I should go and talk to him about it. I mean, I'm sure that I can get through to him, I am his brother after all."
"Yeah, talking to him would probably be a good idea." Rachel rubbed her back as Finn gazed at her with interest.
"Does your back still hurt or something?" Finn wondered, rubbing her shoulders.
"Just a little bit." Rachel admitted. "But don't worry about me, I'll be fine. I guess the fall I took was a little more serious than I thought. But I will be okay. I promise."
"All right, I just don't want to have to worry about you." Finn rubbed her shoulders, pressing a kiss into her hair. "If it gets worse then I suggest maybe we go and see a doctor."
"All right, but only if the pain gets worse." Rachel promised. She kissed Finn softly as Finn wrapped his arms around her, the both of them lying in bed in silence. It wasn't an awkward silence, it was a silence where they could hear each other's heartbeats and know that the silence was just to find the little things that they wouldn't be able to catch if they both were talking all the time. "Are you going to talk to Kurt?" Rachel traced a circle on Finn's chest, noticing he was looking down at her.
"Probably." Finn sighed. "Hey, there's something that I want to talk to you about, if you don't mind."
"Ooh, this sounds serious." Rachel looked at Finn, spotting the small smile on his face.
"Just think of it, in a couple of weeks we're going to be taking the biggest step of our lives." Finn sighed. "I just want to make sure that us getting married is what you want. I don't want it to be four months down the road or something and you regret marrying me. I'd never live with myself."
"Finn, of course I want to marry you." Rachel looked in his eyes. "I have questioned a lot of things in my life to be honest but the one thing that I'm not questioning is whether to marry you or not. I know what I want and it's to be with you as husband and wife, us being together for as long as we both shall live." Finn's smile widened, noticing that Rachel was serious. "And of course us being married means that there's not supposed to be any secrets between us…which means I have something that I need to tell you. Now before you criticize, realize that this is what I want and I'm not going to change my mind for anything. Go in my bag in the corner and you'll see what I mean." Finn looked over to Rachel's bag, getting up from the bed as he walked over, reaching down and unzipping it. Finn looked back up to Rachel as he took a pom-pom out of her bag, Rachel feeling her cheeks flush with embarrassment.
"Oh my god." Finn held the pom-pom in his hand, looking Rachel in the eyes. "You're a cheerleader?!"
"I know how the whole you dating a cheerleader thing went, I know." Rachel put her hands up in protest. "We all remember Quinn, Santana and Brittany. But, when I was at the first practice I felt so alive…I've never felt so free and full of adrenaline—until I fell after trying to do a stunt but it was a very mild stunt. They agreed that I didn't have to do the stunts and just worry about dancing my heart out. It's not ballet but…" Rachel wasn't sure what else she was going to say. "I know you don't like the idea…" Finn walked over to the bed, sitting down as he held the pom-pom in his hand.
"It's not that I don't like the idea," Finn explained. "It's more about how I'm just a little surprised that you out of all people want to dance around as a cheerleader. But there are no sports teams in NYADA, so what is the cheerleading team for?"
"Do you watch Bring It On?" Rachel smiled at Finn. "They have cheerleading competitions. Look, I know that this is probably one of the dumbest things I could possibly do but I want to take some risks while I'm in New York. I mean, I've always been the good girl that always does what she's told. Why can't I be the good girl that has the chance to do what she wants?"
"I completely agree, Rachel." Finn took one of her hands in his. "I kind of have the feeling that you weren't going to tell me because you were afraid that I would try to talk you out of it. I do have that tendency to do that. But…if this makes you happy then you should go for it. It actually makes sense why you didn't want to join Kurt's cover band in the first place since it would have been too many things at once. But I just want you to know something." Finn moved closer to Rachel, seeing she was looking him in the eyes. "I'm not going to stop you from doing this. I'm supposed to be encouraging you because you encourage me all the time. If this is something you want…go for it." Rachel smiled, going over to hug Finn tightly as he gripped her close to him.
"I'm sorry I didn't tell you." Rachel ran a hand through Finn's hair.
"I understand, Rachel." Finn smiled. "I know. Besides I realized I am the luckiest guy in the world. Who else could say that they're going to marry or sleep with a model/cheerleader?" Rachel laughed as Finn placed her down on the bed, hovering over her as he looked into her eyes. "I feel like one of those lucky NFL players, right now."
"You are so much better than an NFL player, Finn." Rachel said. "I'd rather do the bow-chicka-wow-wow with an artist than a sports figure. You're an artist since you have your own Glee Club and you're a drummer in a cover band."
"Bow-chicka-wow-wow?" Finn laughed. "I need to write that one down." Finn attempted to pull away from Rachel but Rachel hung on to him, pulling him down as she connected her lips to his.
"Why don't you come to my practice tomorrow?" Rachel suggested against Finn's lips. "I want you to see why I actually like it so much, and now I can't judge Quinn, Santana or Brittany."
"It's a date." Finn lovingly said, pressing a kiss to Rachel's lips.
Kurt sat in his room, looking down at one of the songs that he was planning to do with the band, until he noticed Santana and Puck entering the room, crossing their arms towards him. Santana sat down on one side of Kurt while Puck stood on the other side, giving him glares that were making Kurt feel uneasy.
"All right, what do you want?" Kurt sighed, putting the song sheet down.
"I just got a call from Starchild, well actually Finn got a call from Starchild and I happened to have his phone so I answered the call." Santana said. "Starchild said that you called him and told him he wasn't allowed in the band?"
"Dude, why would you do that?" Puck asked. "You know he's good. He has a chance to make your little band good. Besides, everyone loved him."
"It's like I told Finn, he's too over the top." Kurt explained.
"Well, Finn didn't think so and Finn is the king of knowing when things are too over the top." Santana smirked. "Kurt, what is it about Starchild that you don't like? We all actually like him, so I don't see the reason why you don't."
"Look, I like him, I do it's just…" Kurt sighed getting up from the bed.
"It's just what?" Santana sighed.
"This is my band! Why should I share the spotlight with someone that's probably going to take it all from me? Besides, I have nothing really. Finn has a successful Glee Club and I think a successful underwear modeling career; I mean H&M called him to model their boxers, Rachel's in Funny Girl…"
"And I'm still trying to find my niche." Santana comfortingly said. "Kurt, not everyone found something yet. Sure, Puckerman's goal might just be to work in a guitar store the rest of his life."
"Not true." Puck shot dagger looks at Santana. "My dream is to be in a famous rock band…and I kind of want to do what KISS does and wear makeup on stage. That was fun."
"The point is…" Santana shot a glance at Puck before continuing to speak to Kurt. "You're not the only one that wants to feel acceptance. Maybe Starchild wants to feel acceptance too. You probably hurt his feelings by kicking him out of the band. I mean…I'm sure all Starchild wants is some people who understand him, and I know it sounds odd coming from me since I hated everyone when I first started Glee Club. It turns out you guys are my family…my annoying…boneheaded family who continued to leave the peanut butter jar and bread bag open when no one else is using them, Noah!"
"Are you comforting Kurt or taking all your cheap shots at me?" Puck questioned. "Because I notice that you like to use up all the hot water so no one else can take a shower!"
"You're the one that leaves your clothes thrown all over the place!" Santana retorted. "Finn found your underwear hanging from the television!"
"All right, before you say anything else that underwear was clean!" Puck shouted back. "I bought a new pair and I was wondering where that one went!"
"GUYS!" Kurt yelled, Santana and Puck ceasing their arguing for the moment. "If I call Starchild and speak to him will you both get out of here and argue somewhere else?"
"Sounds fair." Puck said.
"All right." Santana left the room with Puck following as Kurt heard their yelling continuing from down the hall.
"What I wouldn't give to be Finn and Rachel right now." Kurt covered his ears with pillows, trying his hardest to block out the noise.
"Now are you sure that you got this?" Finn asked as he and Rachel entered the gym the next afternoon. Rachel was wearing her red and black cheerleading uniform, her hair tied into a ponytail with a black bow and some white sneakers, gazing at Finn with a smile.
"Yes, I am sure that I have this." Rachel grinned, grabbing Finn's hand and giving it a squeeze. Finn felt slightly better but he had to admit that he was worried for Rachel. He knew how much she wanted to do this and he was happy she was passionate about something else, but what if she fell on her head again and forgot him all over again? Finn didn't know what he was going to do. He loved Rachel with all his heart and there was nothing he wouldn't do for her…but he also had to think about what Rachel wanted. He was just going to have to put his fears aside and let Rachel be happy. As Finn and Rachel entered the gym, Finn noticed that Brody was there stretching with some of the other cheerleaders.
"Brody?" Finn sounded surprised. "What are you doing here?"
"Oh, I work out with the cheerleaders now. Someone has to teach them how to do flips and stuff before College Sectionals." Brody smiled. "I see you found out Rachel was a cheerleader now."
"Yeah…I happen to have a long, long, long…long history with cheerleaders." Finn rubbed the back of his neck with his hand, feeling slightly embarrassed. "Anyway, if this makes Rachel happy then there's no reason for her not to do this. I'm going to support her just like she's supported me in the past."
"Awesome." Brody nodded his head, snapping his fingers as if he just thought of something. "Hey we're going to do a routine. Would you like to stay and watch it? I'm sure Rachel would like it."
"Sure, I'd love to see it." Finn said, looking over at Rachel with a grin. "I'll just go and sit in the bleachers so that I don't get in the way." Finn made his way to the bleachers to take a sit, giving Rachel a thumb up as she smiled, making her way over to the cheerleaders so they could begin the routine.
{The cheerleaders walk forward at the start of the song and they start breaking down into a dance number that involves flips, cartwheels and being thrown in the air. Rachel starts dancing with Brody since Brody is her dance partner for the number}
Turn up the music
Let's get out on the floor
I like to move it
Come and give me some more
Watch me getting physical,
Out of control, ah
There's people watching me, ah
I never miss a beat
Still the night, kill the lights
Feel it under your skin
Time is right, keep it tight
Cause it's pulling you in
Wrap it up, you can't stop
Cause it feels like an overdose (Brody: Feels like an overdose)
[Rachel with the cheerleading squad]
Oh, oh
Evacuate the dance floor
Oh, oh
I'm infected by the sound
Oh, oh
Stop this beat is killing me
Hey Dr. DJ let the music take me underground
(Brody: Everybody in the club)
Evacuate the dance floor
Oh, oh
I'm infected by the sound
(Brody: Everybody in the club)
Stop this beat is killing me
Hey Dr. DJ come burn this place right down to the ground
My body's aching
System overload
Temperature's rising
I'm about to explode
Watch me I'm intoxicated
Taking the show
It's got me hypnotized, ah
Everybody step aside
Still the night, kill the lights
Feel it under your skin
Time is right, keep it tight
Cause it's pulling you in
Wrap it up, you can't stop
Cause it feels like an overdose (Brody: Feels like an overdose)
[Rachel with the cheerleading squad]
Oh, oh
Evacuate the dance floor
Oh, oh
I'm infected by the sound
Oh, oh
Stop this beat is killing me
Hey Dr. DJ let the music take me underground
(Brody: Everybody in the club)
Evacuate the dance floor
Oh, oh
I'm infected by the sound
(Brody: Everybody in the club)
Stop this beat is killing me
Hey Dr. DJ come burn this place right down to the ground
Come on and evacuate
Feel the club is heating up
Move on and accelerate
Push it to the top
Come on and evacuate
Feel the club is heating up
Move on and accelerate
You don't have to be afraid
Now guess who's back with a brand new track?
They got everybody in the club going mad
So everybody in the back
Get your back up off the wall and just shake that thing
Go crazy
Yo lady
Yo baby
Let me see you work that thing
Now drop it down low, low
Let me see you take it to the dance floor
Everybody in the club
(Rachel: Evacuate the dance floor)
Everybody in the club
(Rachel: I'm infected by the sound)
Everybody in the club
(Rachel: Stop this beat is killing me
Hey Dr. DJ let the music take me underground)
[Rachel with the cheerleading squad]
Oh, oh
Evacuate the dance floor
Oh, oh
I'm infected by the sound
Oh, oh
Stop this beat is killing me
Hey Dr. DJ let the music take me underground
(Brody: Everybody in the club)
Evacuate the dance floor
Oh, oh
I'm infected by the sound
(Brody: Everybody in the club)
Stop this beat is killing me
Hey Dr. DJ come burn this place right down to the ground
Finn clapped his hands as Rachel skipped over to him. She twirled around in her cheerleading uniform, giving Finn a smile. Finn was still processing that Rachel had become a cheerleader—and she was actually good at it. He just hoped he wouldn't be like Quinn, Santana or Brittany in the sense where they wore their cheerleading uniforms all the time, every waking hour of the day.
"So what did you think?" Rachel asked, holding Finn's hands. "Did you like it?"
"Like it? No." Finn said with a straight face. Rachel's smile vanished, but as soon as hers vanished, Finn grinned widely. "I loved it!" Rachel's grin returned as she hugged Finn tightly. "Can I ask you something?"
"Sure, anything." Rachel said.
"You're not going to wear the cheerleading uniform everywhere you go, are you?" Finn asked with slight teasing.
"Finn, this isn't McKinley." Rachel giggled. "I'll only wear this uniform when I'm at actual practice. I don't want to cause a scene about it or make you embarrassed or anything."
"It's not that I'm embarrassed about it, I think that it's amazing." Finn said. "I'm proud of you, Rachel. I really am. It's just…you're my cheerleader. You already were one before you officially became one. You were the one that cheered me on and believed in me. You're mine." Rachel smiled as Finn pulled Rachel into a hug, burying his head in Rachel's arms as Rachel buried a kiss in Finn's hair.
"Hey, I'm glad that you could make it." Kurt said that afternoon at the diner as he sat in one of the booths. "Hey, I'm taking an intermission!" Kurt turned to see Starchild…in normal clothing, no makeup and gigantic glasses. "Starchild, you look…different than from when I last saw you."
"Kurt, can I ask you something?" Starchild folded his hands on the table.
"Sure, what is it?" Kurt asked.
"Have you ever come into a big city with just some hope that you could fit in somewhere, some place…" Starchild wondered. "I mean, that's why I created the whole 'Starchild' thing."
"Starchild's not your real name?" Kurt wondered. "What is it?"
"Elliot Gilbert." Elliot sighed. "Ah, it felt good to get that off my chest."
"Elliot Gilbert. Are you the long lost brother of Elena Gilbert from The Vampire Diaries?" Kurt jested, trying to lose the tension.
"Oh I wish." Elliot said. "Elena has her life together…except that now she's a vampire and she doesn't know which Salvatore brother to date."
"Tell me about it." Kurt felt a pang of guilt as he looked to Elliot, realizing that his actions really hurt him. "Look, I'm sorry that I called you and said you were out of the band without giving you a chance. Trust me, I had an earful from my brother about it."
"I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU, KURT!" Finn paced back and forth in Kurt's room as Kurt sat there, burying his face in his hands. "How could you do something so awful? All he wanted was a chance to fit in somewhere and you treated him the way you were treated when you were in High School. What is wrong with you?! I've never been so disappointed in you in my whole life! Are you listening to me?! ARE YOU?!"
"Trust me…" Kurt stopped thinking about the conversation (more like Finn yelling at him) and went back to Elliot. "The last thing I wanted to do was hurt you. The truth was, it was my band and I was afraid that someone was going to come and steal my spotlight. But all you really wanted as a person was to fit in somewhere and I acted just like those bullies at my school. Finn was right; all anyone wants is a place to fit in. So I hope you can forgive me, Elliot."
"Does this mean you'll let me try out for your band?" Elliot wondered.
"No." Kurt shook his head. Elliot looked slightly disappointed but Kurt immediately smiled.
"You're in." Kurt said. "I mean all anyone wants is to fit in, right? When I was in Glee Club, I learned you could be anyone you want, whether you were gay, bi-sexual, an outcast, a cross-dresser, anyone. So I'll see you at 4:30 at my place. You can be Elliot, Starchild or anyone in between, and hopefully Finn can stop yelling at me for being such a jackass."
"Lady Hummel, you still have work to do and you're dating Blaine." Santana walked to the table, looking at both Elliot and Kurt.
"Santana, this is Elliot Gilbert aka. Starchild." Kurt said. "He's in our band."
"Hot damn, Starchild, is that you?" Santana gazed at Elliot who nodded his head. "Well, you look really good. I have to say. Oh and Kurt, I thought of a bitchin' name for our band if you're really interested."
"We're not naming the band 'The Apocolipsticks'." Kurt eyed Santana with a serious face. "It needs to be something more serious, something with an edgy vibe."
"The Barbra Streisand's." Rachel entered the diner in her regular clothes and sat next to Kurt and Starchild.
"Rachel, what are you doing here? You don't work today." Kurt reminded her.
"I know but I heard you were trying to figure out a name for your band…that and Finn had a meeting with Madame Tibideaux regarding the Glee Club so I have nothing to do for the next hour." Rachel shrugged her shoulders as if it was nothing.
"Finn's not in trouble for what happened last week, is he?" Santana asked.
"No, he's not." Rachel assured Santana. "Every teacher has to go to one of those meetings and since he's running the Glee Club and not technically a teacher he can still go to the meeting to get some experience. He thought it was an 'educational familiarity' in his words."
"Gee, he's taking this thing seriously." Santana scoffed.
"I never saw Finn so passionate about anything." Kurt admitted. "I guess music is the first thing he's really passionate about. So, back to the band name, 'The Barbra Streisand's'…no, sorry Rachel. I still love you though."
"Hmm…I have an idea." Rachel said. Santana, Elliot and Kurt faced Rachel, noticing she was brainstorming. "How about, 'Pamela Landsbury'?" Everyone looked over to one other, their smiles widening.
"I like it, it's fresh, it's edgy, it's fun…" Kurt looked to Santana and Rachel. "Pamela Landsbury?"
"Pamela Landsbury sounds like an awesome name!" Elliot enthusiastically agreed.
"Pamela Landsbury it is!" Santana smiled. "Now, we need to start this band off with a musical number that introduces everyone to who we are…"
"And I know just the number." Kurt slyly said, facing Rachel, Santana and Elliot. Kurt had a strong feeling that the band was going to be a huge success, but only if they all stayed true to themselves and brought out their inner rock stars…
{Scene changes to the loft where there are seven microphones set up. Dani, Elliot, Puck, Santana, Kurt, Finn and Rachel stand behind the microphones as they all start singing and looking at one another with a grin. Throughout the song they play a 'hot potato' game with Finn's football where when one of them get the ball they pose in a dramatic pose that signals that they are high and mighty and that no one can tear them down.}
You can be amazing
You can turn a phrase unto a weapon or a drug
You can be the outcast
Or be the backlash of somebody else's lack of love
Or you can start speaking up
Nothing's going to hurt you the way that words do
When they settle 'neath your skin
Kept on the inside and no sunlight
Sometimes a shadow wins
But I wonder what would happen if you
[Kurt and Santana with Pamela Landsbury]
Say what you wanna say
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave
With what you wanna say
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave
[Dani, Puck and Elliot with Pamela Landsbury]
I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you (Dani: You)
I just wanna see you
I wanna see you be brave
[Dani, Puck and Elliot with Pamela Landsbury]
I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you (Dani: You)
I just wanna see you
I wanna see you be brave
Everybody's been there
Everybody's been stared down by the enemy
Fallen for the fear and done some disappearing
Bow down to the mighty
Don't run, stop holding your tongue
[Rachel and Puck]
Maybe there's a way out of the cage where you live
Maybe one of these days you can let the light in
Show me how big your brave is
[Rachel, Puck and Dani with Pamela Landsbury]
Say what you wanna say
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave
With what you wanna say
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave
And since your history of silence?
Won't do you any good
Did you think it would
Let your words be anything but empty
Why don't you tell them the truth
[Elliot and Dani with Pamela Landsbury]
Say what you wanna say
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave
With what you wanna say
And let the words fall out
Honestly I wanna see you be brave
[Santana, Elliot, Dani and Kurt with Pamela Landsbury]
I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you
[Rachel and Puck]
I wanna see you be brave
[Santana, Elliot, Dani and Kurt with Pamela Landsbury]
I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you
[Rachel and Finn]
See you be brave
[Rachel and Kurt]
Yeah, oh
[Santana, Elliot, Dani and Kurt with Pamela Landsbury]
I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you
[Santana, Rachel, Finn, Puck, Elliot, Dani and Kurt]
I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you
I just wanna see you
{Everyone starts cheering and high fiving as they look at one another with a grin}
Adam Lambert and Elliot "Starchild" Gilbert
Demi Lovato as Dani
Dean Geyer as Brody Weston
Marry The Night (Originally by Lady Gaga): Performed by Elliot "Starchild" Gilbert
Evacuate the Dance Floor (Originally by Cascada): Performed by Rachel Berry and Brody Weston with NYADA Cheerleaders
Brave (Originally by Sara Bareilles): Performed by Pamela Landsbury