2x12: TKO

Episode Synopsis: Rachel and Simone work together to come up with a Regionals set-list on such a short notice, all while dealing with their arrogant competition The Acafellas (The Wanted). Finn continues battling whether he should accept Puck's apology for kissing Rachel. Kurt confides in Santana when Blaine breaks up with him and Santana questions Kurt's happiness.

"Are you ready?" Finn smirked as Rachel and Santana sat at the kitchen table a few days later, holding out their empty plates with anticipation. Santana and Rachel both grinned widely at him, emphasizing that they were hungry and they couldn't wait to see the trick that Finn bragged about doing one so many times. "All right, here we go!" With a flick of his wrist, Finn flipped the pancakes that were inside the skillet onto the plate that Santana was holding, causing Rachel to laugh with glee. Finn mimicked the same motion, putting the pancake on Rachel's plate as Santana clapped her hands with excitement.

"Well, looks like we had a Cirque De Finn Hudson performance in our kitchen." Santana playfully chided as she took a bite out of the pancakes. "Nice work Finnocence."

"And he didn't even make a mess in the kitchen." Rachel beamed proudly towards her husband. "I remember the first time Finn ever offered to make me breakfast, there was pancake batter everywhere and I could have sworn I found an eggshell in my bra."

"I think there was bacon in the orange juice the first time too." Santana added. Finn playfully pouted towards them, noticing that the two girls were now just teasing him.

"I came a long way from that guy who left eggshells in Rachel's bras and bacon in orange juice." Finn sat down at the table next to Rachel as she leaned her head on his shoulder. "Besides, aren't the pancakes delicious?"

"They are fabulous." Rachel raved. "I'm so proud of you, babe." Rachel leaned in and pecked Finn's lips before going back to her breakfast. As the three of them sat in the kitchen, Kurt trudged in with his face all puffy, looking as if he had been crying for the past couple of hours. Santana and Rachel turned to give their attention to Kurt who was pouring himself a glass of orange juice. "Hey sleepyhead." Rachel smiled at her friend. "Finn made breakfast if you're hungry."

"I'm not really hungry right now…" Kurt spoke with a monotone voice.

"All right then…" Santana shrugged her shoulders. "How about after breakfast, you and I curl up on the couch and watch Project Runway. I know you get into a hissy fit when people mix two different patterns together, thinking that they look good."

"Yeah, I don't really want to watch Project Runway right now either." Kurt slowly made his way out of the kitchen while shaking his head slowly. "I think I'm just going to go back to bed." With that, Kurt left the kitchen, leaving Rachel, Finn and Santana in a daze. They had to wonder what had Kurt in such a saddened mood. It almost looked like someone punched Kurt in the gut and told him his dog died.

"Do you think Kurt is okay?" Rachel wondered as she took a bite of her pancake. "I mean he's been acting a little odd lately."

"He seems a little sad to me." Finn agreed, looking into the living room and spotting Kurt lying down on the couch. "I wonder what's wrong."

"I'll tell you what's wrong." Santana pushed her empty plate away as Finn let out a groan.

"Here's another round of Santana's odd yet probably believable stories." Finn whispered to Rachel as Santana continued.

"Kurt obviously misses Blaine so he's moping around the house like a sad sack." Santana shrugged her shoulders as she seemed content with her answer. "I would do the same thing if it were me."

"I don't know Santana." Rachel shook her head as she gazed at her friend. "Kurt seems really sad. Something must be wrong. Maybe something happened with Kurt while Blaine was here."

"Well, whatever it is, I'm going to get to the bottom of it whether Lady Hummel likes it or not." Santana got up from the chair and made her way out of the kitchen. "Oh, thanks for the pancakes Finnocence." Santana left the room, leaving Finn and Rachel alone as they stared down at their breakfast.

"Do you think she's going to let Kurt tell her when he's ready?" Finn questioned, staring at Rachel with interest.

"One can only hope." Rachel went to take the last bite of her pancake. "Kurt doesn't do well when he's upset or when he's under pressure." Finn and Rachel gazed at one another, as they heard footsteps enter the kitchen. Rachel turned to find Puck with his hands stuffed in his pockets, staring at the couple with hesitation. "Oh, good morning Noah." Rachel politely said as she got up from her seat to put the dish away. "Did you sleep well?"

"Me? Yeah, I slept fine…" Puck said, but his eyes never left Finn's, who was currently ignoring Puck and finishing his breakfast. Puck still figured Finn was furious with him for kissing Rachel, and Puck had tried multiple ways to get Finn to forgive him. It was a lot easier to get Rachel to forgive him and the two of them were able to go back to being friends again. "So how have you and Finn been?"

"We've been fine." Rachel said, noticing that Finn was still staring at his plate. "Um, I'm going to go and get ready for school while I wait for Finn to finish his breakfast. There's some pancakes and cereal." With that, Rachel exited the kitchen, leaving both Puck and Finn there along with the awkwardness and silence.

"So…" Puck started to say as Finn simply huffed, taking his plate and putting it on the counter. "How is everything?" Finn continued to look away from Puck, finally releasing an angered sigh.

"I don't know what's worse; you coming in here and acting like everything is fine and dandy or the fact that you're ignoring the slight detail that you kissed my wife." Finn snarled. "She may have forgiven you but don't think that I'm a pushover as well. What's this really about Puck, huh? Are you just trying to get back on my good side so that you can run away and kiss Rachel again? Well, if that's your plan then I don't really want to hear it." Finn started to leave the kitchen in order to get ready for his day, but Puck let out an exasperated sigh, not understanding what more it would take to get Finn to stop being mad at him.

"Finn, how many times do I have to say I'm sorry?" Puck questioned, causing Finn to turn back around. "How many times do I have to tell you that I regret kissing Rachel because I know that she's into you and she's not into me? How much longer are you going to torture me with anger? When are you going to forgive me?" Finn continued to stare at Puck, crossing his arms and letting out a scoff.

"Forgive you?" Finn thought that Puck was making some joke. "Puck, you've done this one too many times with my ex-girlfriends and Rachel. You had sex with Quinn and had a baby with her while she was with me and then you made out with Rachel…three times. I honestly don't think that I could ever forgive you for this. It's…it's not happening. Not in this lifetime and not ever." Finn turned around and made his way out of the kitchen, leaving Puck to sit there alone and think about the consequences of his actions.

Rachel entered the NYADA choir room later that afternoon, holding some sheet music with songs that could be performed at Regionals. The only issue? Regionals were in two days and there was no way that Rachel was going to be able to come up with a set list in time. As Rachel continued to make her way to the choir room, she noticed Simone walking towards her—and Simone looked pretty frightened.

"I need to talk to you." Simone said, grabbing Rachel's hand and pulling her towards the auditorium. As Rachel and Simone entered the auditorium, Rachel seemed surprised when Simone closed the door, facing back towards Rachel and stuffing her hands in her pockets to get her phone. "So I was browsing for our competition at Regionals and I found something that might be of interest to you." Rachel looked at the phone and saw an all male choir group smirking towards the camera.

"Hi Finn Harmonic…" One of the boys on the camera said. "We hope that you're prepared to get a taste of failure at Regionals. Your Sectionals victory was a fluke…and we're going to show you why." The video shut off and Rachel looked over to Simone with interest.

"Who are those guys?" Rachel wondered.

"According to their school blog, they're The Acafellas." Simone answered, bringing up the school website on her phone. "They're really good...they've won Nationals five times in the last seven years. Also to be a part of their Glee Club you have to be male and have at least 100,000 hours of show choir rehearsals under your belt."

"Ouch, sounds strenuous." Rachel looked surprised. "So they're after us. Which means we need to be bigger and better than them."

"But how?" Simone asked. "I mean, they seem pretty sure that they're going to win Regionals…but I have to admit that their British accents are really hot."

"Yeah…they are.' Rachel agreed before refocusing. "But we're going to be fine."

"Do we even have a set list for Regionals?" Simone raised an eyebrow towards Rachel. "Lately it seems that Puck and Finn are constantly at each other's throats and Finn's not coming up with ideas. If we don't come up with a set list and a routine in two days then we are going to lose…and it's not going to be pretty."

"You're right." Rachel said. "We are going to lose and it's not going to be pretty…which means we need to come up with something."

"We?" Simone pointed to herself to make sure that Rachel was talking about her.

"Yes, we." Rachel repeated. "If we work together, we can come up with the greatest set list and win Regionals. I hear that Nationals is in Los Angeles this year…and the only way we're going to Los Angeles is if we work together and get the Glee Club back into shape…and that's also going to have to include getting Puck and Finn on the same page. So what do you say Simone Barberrie? Are you willing to put aside our rivalry for the good of the Glee Club?" Simone continued to stare at Rachel until a smile appeared on her face. Simone held her hand out as Rachel shook it, the both of them nodding at one another.

"Let's do this, Rachel."

"Kurt! Will you please stop moping and take care of table six?" Santana put down a receipt in front of Kurt's table as he broke out of his trance. Kurt gazed at Santana sadly as she let out a sigh, realizing that he was taking his sweet time getting up from the chair. Kurt walked past Santana and gave the cook the order before taking a seat back at his cubicle to finish sulking in silence. Santana had enough of Kurt's moping, so she sat across from him, staring him into his eyes with an annoyed expression. "All right Lady Hummel, what's going on? You're acting like your favorite designer jeans were discontinued. Come on. Spill." Kurt continued to look at Santana before reluctantly letting out a sigh.

"Blaine and I broke up, okay?" Kurt sighed. Santana's face softened as she continued to look at Kurt. She took her hand and put her hand on top of Kurt's, her eyebrows furrowing in sadness.

"Kurt, I'm so sorry." Santana softly said. "What happened?"

"The whole me thinking I liked Elliot thing happened." Kurt said. "He thought that I was moving on from him while we were together so he just broke up with me and went back to Lima. Oh Santana, I am in such a big mess. Blaine won't event talk to me, Elliot's with someone else, Blaine and I are totally over and it's all my fault. Maybe I should just give up on love and be that sad depressed sack that has 97 cats in their apartment."

"All right, stop your pity party right there." Santana put her hand up as she continued to gaze at her friend. "If you ever get 97 cats, I will call Animal Control, you got me? And second of all just because you and Blaine broke up, it doesn't meant that your life is over. Brittany and I broke up and I'm not acting like it's the end of the world. I mean, I'm in New York, I'm trying to find my own person and I'm doing things that I love that make me happy. Do I wish that I was with Brittany? Of course…but just because you and Blaine are over, it doesn't mean it's the end. I mean look at the countless amount of times that Rachel and Finn broke up yet look where they are today. They're married."

"Yeah, I always pictured that Blaine would lead me to Dalton, sing me a lovey dovey Beatles song and propose to me on one knee." Kurt leaned back in his chair. "I mean, I had all these plans and then…I came to New York. I kind of hate Blaine right now for making me come here. We would have been happily together if I stayed in Lima."

"But would you really be happy being a barista your entire life at The Lima Bean?" Santana's question caused Kurt to think for a moment. Santana had a point. Would Kurt have been happy if he was a barista for the rest of his life? He didn't think so.

"You're right Santana." Kurt softly said. "I wouldn't have been happy if I was working as a barista…and I don't think I would have been happy if I was still in Lima."

"Of course you wouldn't." Santana softly assured him. "You're destined for better things than Lima, Ohio Kurt Hummel. Don't let one breakup define what you're going to do in life. Maybe you and Blaine will get back together soon…who knows. But I do know that right now you need to take time and focus on yourself. It's not healthy constantly worrying about others when you're sitting here moping all by yourself. Okay?" Kurt nodded his head as he gave Santana a quick hug, but Santana held onto him longer than she should have.

"Santana, you really are an amazing friend." Kurt whispered.

"Of course I am, Lady Hummel…" Santana playfully chided as she faced towards the piano. "Come on, there's something I want to do…and I could only do it with a good friend of mine." Kurt grinned as he and Santana made their way over to the piano and sat down. Kurt gazed over at Santana as the both of them stared at the semi-empty room…and they started to sing.

{The piano player plats the piano as Kurt and Santana gaze at each other with a smile}


Someone once told me you have to choose

What you win or lose

You can't have everything

Don't you take chances

Might feel the pain

Don't you love in vain

Cause love won't set you free

I can't stand by the side

And watch this life pass me by

So unhappy

But safe as it could be

[Santana and Kurt]

So what if it hurts me

So what if I break down

So what if this world just throws me off the edge

My feet run out the ground

I gotta find my place

I wanna hear my sound

Don't care about all the pain in front of me

Cause I'm just trying to be happy, yeah

I just wanna be happy

{Kurt looks at Santana and stares out and notices people are staring at him as they look into the performance}


Holding on tightly

Just can't let go

Just trying to play my role

Slowly disappearing, oh

But all these days they feel like they're the same

Just different faces, different names

Get me out of here

I can't stand by your side, oh no

And watch this life pass me by, pass me by

{Santana walks over to Kurt and grabs his hand as they look out towards everyone}

[Santana and Kurt]

So what if it hurts me

So what if I break down

So what if this world just throws me off the edge

My feet run out the ground

I gotta find my place

I wanna hear my sound

Don't care about all the pain in front of me

Cause I'm just trying to be happy, yeah


So any turns I can't see

Like I'm a stranger on this road

(With Kurt: But don't say victim

Don't say anything):

[Santana and Kurt]

So what if it hurts me

So what if I break down

So what if this world just throws me off the edge

My feet run out the ground

I gotta find my place

I wanna hear my sound

Don't care about all the pain in front of me

Cause I'm just trying to be happy, yeah

I just wanna be happy

As the pianist finished playing the song, Santana and Kurt engulfed themselves into a hug, giving each other a grin as they looked over at the crowd. Kurt knew that Santana was right: he had to find himself in order to achieve true happiness—and maybe the break up with Blaine was a small blessing in disguise.

Rachel and Simone sat in the NYADA library later that afternoon as they continued to try to come up with ideas for Regionals. After hearing The Acafellas challenge them, Simone and Rachel's brains went into overdrive, trying to come up with a plan that was going to crush their competition. Currently Simone and Rachel were occupying the old dry erase board that was in the middle of the room while Rachel wrote some words on the board. It was mostly suggestions—but it was a start.

"All right." Rachel capped the pen as she continued to look at the board. "So far we have themes for 'Vintage', 'The Beatles', 'Elton John' and 'Summer Songs of 2013'."

"It's a good start." Simone shrugged her shoulder slightly. "But I feel like that we need more. I mean The Acafellas are good. I was looking up their routine for Sectionals and they were phenomenal. They did Every Teardrops A Waterfall by Coldplay…I think they even outshined Coldplay and no one can outshine them."

"Yikes." Rachel gripped the pen closer to her, feeling the nervousness rushing through her head. She immediately shook off the nervousness as she started pacing back and forth. "Okay, we need something big, something theatrical, something out of the box that no one in our generation as a show choir has done before!" Simone tapped her chin thoughtfully, getting up from her seat as she started pacing around the table. Finally, her eyes widened and she pointed at Rachel with a smile.

"I got one!" Simone excitedly said. "A set-list that's devoted to songs that are influenced by…wait for it…disco!" Rachel's smile illuminated the room, clapping her hands and letting out a squeal of delight.

"Simone…you are a genius." Rachel said as Simone blushed slightly.

"Well…" Simone usually wasn't modest. As a matter of fact, she never really liked Rachel…but there was something about hanging out with Rachel that showed her a new side to her. Rachel was passionate, she was smart, she was actually a lot of fun to hang around. Most of all, when Rachel and Simone worked together, great things happened. They were both driven, enthusiastic and they weren't going to let some Glee Club called The Acafellas knock Finn Harmonic out of the show choir circuit. They were going to win. Simone's face turned solemn as she gave Rachel a friendly smile—a real friendly smile. "Rachel?"

"Yes?" Rachel wondered, giving Simone a grin.

"I'm really glad that I'm working with you to win Regionals." Simone said. Rachel reciprocated Simone's smile as the two girls looked at one another.

"I'm really glad that I'm working with you too." Rachel answered back as Simone smiled. "Let's get this set-list to Finn and he can tell the Glee Club."

"Good idea." Simone and Rachel both ran out of the library and made their way over to the choir room, but as they opened the door they noticed that there was a trap…and they were about to trigger it. On the end of the trap was Finn, and he was just finishing the last piece.

"Finn?" Rachel raised an eyebrow towards him as he looked back to Rachel. "What is all this?"

"And who is this for?" Simone added, staring at the trap. "Someone must have really upset you in order for you to come up with revenge."

"Wait a minute…" Rachel gazed at him, shaking her head towards him. "Finn, this has nothing to do with Puck, does it?"

"What if it does?" Finn shrugged his shoulders as he clapped his hands together and stared at his trap. "When Puck walks in the room and steps on that rope, it's going to start off a chain and Puck's going to get doused in paint. Red paint too, just so it has a message that he's a backstabber."

"Finn, this is very childish." Rachel crossed her arms while raising an eyebrow. "Puck has said sorry a million times and if you would understand how he's feeling, he's hurting. He misses Quinn and he was hurt when he found out she cheated. He kissed me because he was…a bit delusional. You need to get over it and you need to forgive him. It takes a man to apologize for his actions when he's wrong and you need to be a man by forgiving him, Finn. He already said he was sorry so what more do you want? Do you want his blood? His organs? His worldly possessions?" Finn continued to gaze at Rachel as he looked up at the trap. Finn hated to admit it, but Rachel was right. What kind of man was he if he didn't at least talk with Puck about the situation? Finn heaved out a heavy sigh and nodded his head towards Rachel.

"You're right, Rachel." Finn agreed. "I mean, I'm supposed to be a man…but I'm just being petty. I should go and talk to Puck…"

"Right after you talk to a rival Glee Club of ours…" Simone smirked, staring over at Finn. "They're after us and they're saying Sectionals was a fluke."

"What?" Finn stared at Rachel, noticing she was nodding her head. "Sectionals wasn't a fluke. We won Sectionals fair and square."

"Tell that to The Acafellas." Simone said. "They're convinced Finn Harmonic shouldn't have won and now they're after the Glee Club. I thought you should know that." Finn continued to look at Simone and Rachel before becoming nervous.

"And they might win because we don't have anything planned!" Finn yelled. "I had been so busy being petty that I didn't even prepare anything. We might as well forfeit."

"Stop panicking. Rachel and I thought of something." Simone stated. "And since you're lost and have no idea what we're doing, you're going to listen to us and we'll cruise our way to Nationals." Finn let out a deep breath while nodding his head, gazing at Rachel with slight confidence. Simone wasn't lying about having a set-list—so all they had to do was show themselves to The Acafellas.

"Fine, let's go talk to them." Finn walked over towards the entrance but as he walked, he tripped over the mechanism he planted—and the red paint fell on his head. Simone and Rachel covered their mouths in surprise as Finn turned to them with red paint all over him. His face was straight as he spat out some paint from his mouth, his eyes squinting with annoyance. "Not a word…either of you…"

A half hour later, Rachel, Finn and Simone walked along the hallways of Baruch College, another college that was in the heart of Manhattan. Their quest was to find the Acafellas and to tell them that they were no longer to bully them. As Rachel continued her trek down the hallway, she heard scales being sung—and they were rather pleasant to hear.

"Guys." Rachel whispered, garnering Simone and Finn's attention. Rachel made her way over to the choir room as she peered inside from the window, trying her best not to be seen. Rachel's efforts were thwarted when she heard someone head in their direction.

"HEY!" The male shouted as Rachel whiplashed towards him with Finn putting a protective hand on her shoulder. "What do you think you're doing?"

"Me?" Rachel pointed as Finn took a step forward. "We were just coming to talk to the Acafellas so they could leave our Glee Club alone."

"Oh, you want us to leave your Glee Club alone?" The boy feigned sympathy before his voice turned harsh. "Well that's tough luck, love. From the looks of it, it seems that you were cheating because you know we're going to kick your little asses at Regionals."

"Hold the phone here." Finn's voice boomed as the boy stared at him. "I don't know who you're talking to like that, but at NYADA…we don't appreciate that."

"What are you going to do about, tubby?" The boy smirked as his teammates came out of the classroom to catch Finn, Simone and Rachel in their hallway.

"Look, we already know that you're trying to tarnish our Glee Club's name." Simone crossed her arms, her eyes furrowing towards the singing group.

"And you stole the name 'The Acafellas'!" Finn added with a slight whine. Rachel knew exactly where Finn was getting at as she rolled her eyes and gave her husband a hard look.

"Finn…it was three years ago, move on." Rachel told him, which caused Finn to suddenly stand up straight and face his competition. Rachel faced her attention back to The Acafellas as she made her way towards one of them. "Listen, we know all about you and your little group and we're not intimidated and we're not scared of you. Sure, we may be new to the college show choir circuit, but we're not going to let you bring us down and we're going to beat you fair and square."

"Oh, listen to her." One of the boys mocked. "Isn't she just the sweetest? She wants us all to get along; well…I don't know if you were told this little girl…but we don't play nice with competition."

"We devour it." The second boy spoke as Finn, Rachel and Simone gazed at one another. "You might want to give up love because we're taking home that Regionals trophy…and there's nothing you can do about."

"Oh really?" Finn walked over towards one of the boys, giving him a serious face. "I know your game…Colton. Yeah, don't look surprised I know your name. I read it in the show choir pamphlet. You're Colton, that's Zack, Troy, Will and Alex…and you five are the lead singers of The Acafellas. I don't know and don't really give a damn what you did in the past…but you're going to wish that you never stepped across Finn Harmonic…because we are going to kick your ass at Regionals…even if we have to knock you right out…"

{The members of The Acafellas start vocalizing as Colton, Zack, Troy, Will and Alex walk over towards Finn, Rachel and Simone. Rachel and Simone look at Finn and Finn looks back over at them as Colton continues to glare at the three of them}

[The Acafellas]

Ah, lights out TKO,

Let's go


Baby, everyday your training to get the gold

That's why your body's crazy

But you can't run from yourself, that's where it's difficult

[Colton, Zack and Troy]

Girl I can see in your eyes that there's

Something inside that made you evil

Where did you go?

Cause that just ain't fair

Over here thinking bout the stuff you say

Don't know why it gets to me

[Colton, Zack, Troy, Finn, Will and Alex]

It cuts right through my eye, yeah it hurt, won't lie

Still can't see, think I saw you with another guy

Fair fight, knocked down, then I got over you

Can't fight no more you knock me out

(Finn and Colton: What am I supposed to do)

I don't understand tell me how could you be so low

Been swinging after the bell and after all of the whistle blows

Tried to go below the belt, through my chest

Perfect hit to the dome, damn it babe

This ain't the girl I used to know no not anymore


[Colton and Finn with Rachel and Simone]

I'm out for the count yeah girl you knock me out

With just a TKO

I'm out for the count yeah girl you knock me out

With a TKO, T-T-TKO

Out for the count, girl you knock me out

With a TKO

Now I'm out for the count yeah girl you knock me out

With a TKO

[Finn and Simone]

Baby, now I don't even know what we're fighting for

(Finn and Rachel: This rematch sex is amazing)

But nobody wins if somebody's heart is swollen

[Finn, Rachel and Simone]

Cause when I see you move like you got something inside

That makes you lethal

Where did you go, that just ain't fair

Over here thinking bout the stuff you do

Don't know what I got to lose

[Finn, Simone, Rachel, Colton, Will and Alex]

It cuts right through my eye, yeah it hurt, won't lie

Still can't see, think I saw you with another guy

Fair fight, knocked down, then I got over you

Can't fight no more you knock me out

(Finn and Simone: What am I supposed to do)

I don't understand tell me how could you be so low (Finn: Yeah!)

Been swinging after the bell and after all of the whistle blows

Tried to go below the belt, through my chest

Perfect hit to the dome, damn it babe

This ain't the girl I used to know no not anymore


[Colton, Will, Alex, Troy and Zack with The Acafellas]

I'm out for the count yeah girl you knock me out

It's just a TKO

I'm out for the count yeah girl you knock me out

With a TKO, T-T-TKO

Out for the count, girl you knock me out

With a TKO

Now I'm out for the count yeah girl you knock me out

With a TKO

[Colton and Finn]

Girl, see what you do

See what you do, girl

(with Rachel and Simone: You, you, you knock me right out)

Girl, see what you do

See what you do, girl, girl, girl

(with Rachel and Simone: Girl, you knock me right out)

Hey girl, see what you do

See what you do, girl, girl, girl

(with Rachel and Simone: Girl, you knock me right out)

See what you do

See what you do, girl, girl, girl, girl

(with Rachel and Simone: Girl you knock me right out)

It cuts right through my eye, yeah it hurt, won't lie

Still can't see, think I saw you with another guy

Fair fight, knocked down, then I got over you

Can't fight no more you knock me out

(Simone: What am I supposed to do)

[Colton, Finn, Rachel, Simone, Zack, Alex, Will and Troy with The Acafellas]

I don't understand tell me how could you be so low

Been swinging after the bell and after all of the whistle blows

Tried to go below the belt, through my chest

Perfect hit to the dome, damn it babe

This ain't the girl I used to know no not anymore


Colton walked over to Finn after the song and glared at him, causing Finn to stare back at him in anger. Colton pointed one finger towards Finn and let out a snarl, letting Finn silently know that he had been warned for messing with The Acafellas.

"See you at Regionals." Colton, shoved Finn, then made his way back into the classroom along with the rest of the group. Finn's eyes simply furrowed as the doors closed, turning his head towards Rachel and Simone as he nodded his head.

"Looks like we have to win at Regionals."

The day of Regionals was in full swing and there was nothing more Finn wanted to do than to stick it in The Acafellas' faces that Finn Harmonic was a better Glee Club than they were. Currently Finn Harmonic was in the choir room, putting on their outfits for the competition. The girls were wearing a shimmery silver dress that slightly resembled a disco ball while the boys were wearing shimmery silver tuxedo tops, black slacks and bow ties with their white collared shirts. Simone adjusted the bow in her hair as some of the girls in the Glee Club came towards her.

"Simone, are you sure that we can do this whole routine on the fly?" Vicky questioned while Celina and Melissa nodded their heads.

"I mean, we barely can even master the dance steps and what if we mess up and it looks like we hadn't practiced?" Melissa added. Simone faced the girls, letting out an exasperated sigh.

"We're going to be fine. Look, if Rachel Berry could do a performance on the fly and lead her Glee Club to a Sectionals title when she was in High School then surely so can we." Simone said. "Now, don't fret because if you do then you're going to let it get into your head and you will mess up. We got this…okay?" Simone's voice had softened towards the end as she encouraged them, allowing the girls to slowly release a grin.

"All right." Celina nodded her head while Melissa and Vicky agreed. "We can do this."

"Sure we can." Simone nodded her head as she made way for the three of them to sit. "Now come on. Sit down so I could do your eye makeup. We all have to look our best now, don't we?" The girls smiled at Simone as they made their way to their seats, causing Simone to smile back at them. She shrugged her shoulders slightly as she grabbed one of the utensils to do Vicky's makeup. "Hmm, who knew being nice was so much fun?" Simone said to herself as she started working on the girls makeup.

On the other side of the room, Finn was currently busy watching Puck having issues with his clip-on tie and noticed Puck's mounting frustration with not being able to put it on. Finn couldn't help but feel bad for him since he knew Puck was beating himself up inside after kissing Rachel. Finn released a deep breath and made his way over to Puck, sitting in the seat next to him while Puck continued to struggle.

"Do you need help with that?" Finn sounded concerned. Puck turned his head to see Finn was sitting down next to him, and he had to admit that he was surprised. Shouldn't Finn be mad at him right now for kissing his wife? "Seriously, putting on the clip on tie isn't the hardest thing in the world."

"I know…" Puck sighed Finn helped him. "I always seem to have trouble with clip on ties…I even remember Quinn thought it was kind of funny when I didn't know how to put one on. Ever since we broke up I felt like I was knocked out a ring…and I was a nobody at heart." Finn continued to gaze at Puck while nodding his head slowly. "I mean I was so sure that I was no longer a Lima Loser and I finally had my life on track. I actually found a job, I had the girl, I was doing what I loved...but then It call came crashing down when I decided to go back to my old habits and Quinn was cheating. I don't want to be that guy anymore, Finn. I don't want to be the guy that sleeps with cougars and doesn't realize what he had until it was gone. I don't want to disappoint my friends and I don't want to hurt the ones I love the most. I don't want to hurt anyone, Finn…I don't want to do it anymore." Puck slowly broke down and started to sob as Finn pulled his friend in for a hug.

"I know, Puck…I know." Finn softly said. Finn and Puck sat there for a moment until Puck was ready to get out of Finn's grasp and wipe his eyes. "I know you're sorry for the mistakes you made…and I know you miss Quinn, Puck. I know you do…I probably have been adding to the stress by acting like an ass so I'm sorry…and I forgive you. You were hurt and blinded…and Rachel was just being a great friend to you. She was right. Sometimes when someone breaks up with you…you need a friend to be there for you…and that was her. I'm sorry I was jealous and I'm sorry that I overreacted. I know that you weren't going to steal her from me…you just wanted someone to care about you and she gave you that." Puck nodded his head slowly as Finn gave his best friend a smile. "Brother's fight and get mad at each other…but at the end of the day we have each other's backs. They're still brothers, right?"

"Right." Puck nodded his head as Finn and Puck man hugged once again. Little did the two longtime friends know, Rachel and Santana were looking at the both of them and they couldn't help but give the both of them a smile. Santana and Rachel looked up when they saw the lights flicker repeatedly. That could have only meant one thing.

Show time.

"All right guys!" Finn got up from his seat with Puck following him. The rest of Finn Harmonic gathered into a circle as Finn gazed at each of them. "Let's go out there…and show them who's boss. All right? On three! One! Two! Three!"


Finn Harmonic sat in their seats in the auditorium as they observed the pamphlet that was in front of them. It listed all the show choirs and as Finn feared…The Acafellas were going first. As Finn stared at the stage, Rachel grabbed his hand and gave it an encouraging squeeze as she suddenly relaxed him. Finn had to admit he wasn't as nervous as he was during Sectionals but the fact that The Acafellas were standing in their way kind of frightened him. Finn knew that Finn Harmonic wasn't completely prepared…but Rachel and Simone did their best to whip them into shape in the small amount of time they had. Besides, Finn didn't need anything else to go wrong this year—there was already plenty.

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! GIVE IT UP FOR THE ACAFELLAS!" The announcer yelled. Everyone started clapping their hands as Finn Harmonic stared over at the stage, taking in what was three minutes of complete…discomfort?

{The Acafellas get on stage and they start vocalizing as Colton, Alex, Will, Zack and Troy walk to the front of the stage. Everyone continues to look over at them and they cringe in their seat at the song}


Girl I gotta know

H0w you dance like that

Dance like that

You dance like that

Cause you're putting on a show

Can I take you back

Take you back

I just gotta ask you to


Show me yours, I'll show you mine

Don't you worry, you're too fine

We've got one thing on our minds

And we've got plenty of time

[Colton, Alex, Will, Zack and Troy with The Acafellas]

Girl I gotta go, I'm finished with the show

And if you wanna (beep) me, I won't say no

T-T-T-Touching on my, while I'm touching on your

You know what we are gonna and I don't give a

Girl I gotta go, I'm finished with the show

And if you wanna (beep) me, I won't say no

T-T-T-Touching on my, while I'm touching on your

You know what we are gonna and I don't give a


I can't get you out of my mind

With the way you walk

The way you walk

The way you walk

Baby you should be a sign

The way you make me stop

Make me stop

Make me stop


Cause some like fast and some like slow

Ladies come and ladies go

Skip the tell and let's just show

Because I want you to know

[Colton, Alex, Will, Zack and Troy with The Acafellas]

Girl I gotta go, I'm finished with the show

And if you wanna (beep) me, I won't say no

T-T-T-Touching on my, while I'm touching on your

You know what we are gonna and I don't give a

Girl I gotta go, I'm finished with the show

And if you wanna (beep) me, I won't say no

T-T-T-Touching on my, while I'm touching on your

You know what we are gonna and I don't give a

{Shows everyone but Rachel and Simone staring in shock. Rachel and Simone look at each other and fist bump as they give The Acafellas an evil smirk}


Girl you know I want you, want you, want you now

I know you want me, want me, want me now

Cause they're not that much to figure out

So baby let's get down

[Colton, Alex, Will, Zack and Troy with The Acafellas]

Girl I gotta go, I'm finished with the show

And if you wanna (beep) me, I won't say no

T-T-T-Touching on my, while I'm touching on your

You know what we are gonna and I don't give a

Girl I gotta go, I'm finished with the show

And if you wanna (beep) me, I won't say no

T-T-T-Touching on my, while I'm touching on your

You know what we are gonna and I don't give a

As the song finished, everyone continued to stare at them but gave an appreciative clap. It was mostly appreciative because the song was over and The Acafellas could finally get off the stage. As Colton stared into the audience, he noticed Rachel and Simone giving a smirk and giving him a fake wave. Colton growled as he, his group got off the stage and Rachel, and Simone got up from their seats while heading towards the back. As Rachel and Simone made it to the back, Colton walked over to them and crossed his arms.

"What was that about?!" Colton yelled. Rachel and Simone turned to each other, looking back towards Colton as their faces feigned innocence.

"Whatever are you talking about Colton?" Rachel asked while Simone smirked.

"You…you tricked us!" Colton yelled. Rachel and Simone thought back to the conversation they had with Colton when Finn left Baruch and went to do his shift at the diner.

Simone and Rachel sat down with Colton in the Acafellas Glee room and folded their hands with a smile. Colton continued to eye the both of them and had to wonder what it was the both of them wanted.

"Colton, we didn't mean to get so competitive with you." Simone said as Colton stared at them. "I mean, Finn is a very competitive person so it means he gets crazier about Sectionals, Regionals and possibly Nationals than he should…"

'Which is why we decided we don't want to go to Nationals." Rachel added, piquing Colton's interest. "We want The Acafellas to go to Nationals instead of Finn Harmonic and since I know a few things about show choir, I thought that we could help you get there."

"We're doing Celine Dion ballads for our number." Simone said with a smirk. "So, it's going to purposely bore the audience…but if you do something that brings the entire auditorium to life then you just might have a chance to beat us. Of course, we know that you're doing your Michael Jackson, Madonna mash up super number but we thought that you could do this number instead. It would go so much better with your voices and I think that you'd really have a shot at winning the entire competition if you did this." Colton grabbed the paper from Simone as he read the set-list, and as he did so his smile appeared. The song was perfect—heck, it was given to him by two members of Finn Harmonic.

"All right, we'll do this number." Colton nodded his head with a smile. Simone and Rachel got up from their seats and waved, and as they left, Rachel turned towards Simone and wringed her hands together.

"Do you think they're going to do it?" Rachel wondered as the two of them made their way out of the school.

"Of course they are." Simone said. "The Acafellas are a bunch of idiots."

"Oh, you're talking about that." Rachel pointed her hand over to Colton before her face got serious. "My husband had a pretty bad year…he doesn't need you to make things worse for him and of course we all knew that you were going to make it bad when we happened to spot your Glee Club heading to our choir room before the show."

"Trust me; I know all the tricks of the trade." Simone said. "You told Zack to come to our choir room to tell us we were going last. Which was why when he got to the choir room, I paid him $20 bucks to walk back to where he came from." Colton's eyes shot wide as he faced Zack, seeing Zack was simply shrugging his shoulders.

"Face it, Colton. You don't have what it takes to outsmart two divas." Rachel crossed her arms as Simone waved for him to move. "You're dismissed." Colton didn't know whether he was going to harm Rachel or Simone, but he quickly thought against it when he saw Finn and Puck walking towards them.

"Something wrong, Colton?" Finn's voice pretended to be friendly, but he had an eyebrow raised.

"We didn't think so buddy…run along now." Puck clapped his hands to scare Colton into going back to the other members of The Acafellas while Finn stared at them.

"All right, what did the two of you do?" Finn chuckled towards them.

"Nothing." Rachel and Simone spoke in unison while giving each other a small smile. Finn nodded his head and went back to the other members of Finn Harmonic.

"You switched their song, didn't you?" Puck wondered while smirking at them. Instead of getting upset, Puck patted both their backs and gave his seal of approval. "Nicely done, ladies."

"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! FINN HARMONIC!" The announcer said over the speakers. Puck, Rachel and Simone joined the other Glee Club members as Finn gave Rachel a smirk. Rachel continued to look over at Finn with confusion as everyone else began to take their place.

"I know what you did…" Finn motioned over to The Acafellas, but his face wasn't upset. Instead it was full of amusement. "That was the most badass thing you've ever did and it was pretty awesome." Rachel smiled and rubbed Finn's back quickly.

"No one shoves Finn Hudson and gets away with it." Rachel simply stated, causing Finn to place a quick kiss on Rachel's cheek. Finn got into place as the other members of Finn Harmonic stared at the boys number. It was time to bring the disco vibe back to 2014!

{Brody, Finn, Puck, Kurt and Dustin take their place on the stage as the music begins. They start dancing around the stage as everyone begins to cheer}


Give me your, give me your, give me your attention baby

I gotta tell you a little something about yourself

You're a wonderful, flawless, ooh you're a sexy lady

But you walk round here like you wanna be someone else

(Finn, Kurt and Dustin: Oh, woah, oh)

I know that you don't know it but you're fine so fine

(Finn, Kurt and Dustin: Fine, so fine, oh, whoah, oh)

And girl I'm gonna show you when you're mine all mine

(Finn, Kurt and Dustin: Mine all mine)

[Brody and Puck with Finn, Kurt and Dustin]

Treasure, that is what you are

Honey you're my golden star

You know you can make my wish come true

If you let me treasure you

If you let me treasure you, you, you


Pretty girl, pretty girl, pretty girl, you should be smiling

A girl like you should never look so blue

You're everything I see in my dreams

I wouldn't say that to you if it wasn't true

(Finn, Kurt and Dustin: Oh, woah, oh)

I know that you don't know it but you're fine so fine

(Finn, Kurt and Dustin: Fine, so fine, oh, whoah, oh)

And girl I'm gonna show you when you're mine all mine

(Finn, Kurt and Dustin: Mine all mine)

[Brody and Puck with Finn, Kurt and Dustin]

Treasure, that is what you are

Honey you're my golden star

You know you can make my wish come true

If you let me treasure you

If you let me treasure you, you, you

[Finn and Kurt]

You are my treasure

You are my treasure

You are my treasure

Yeah you, you, you, you are

You are my treasure

You are my treasure

You are my treasure

Yeah you, you, you, you are

[Brody and Puck with Finn, Kurt and Dustin]

Treasure, that is what you are (Finn: You are my treasure)

Honey you're my golden star (Finn: You are my treasure)

You know you can make my dreams come true (Finn: You are my treasure)

If you let me treasure you (Finn: You are my treasure)

If you let me treasure you, you, you

{Song ends and everyone starts cheering as the rest of Finn Harmonic gets on stage as they smile over at Rachel and Simone who nod their heads}

[Finn Harmonic]

Da, da, da, da, da, da

Da, da, da, da, da, da (Santana: Yo)

Da, da, da, da, da, da

Da, da, da, da, da, da (Santana: Gotta get you home)

Da, da, da, da, da, da

Da, da, da, da, da, da (Santana: Get you all alone)

Da, da, da, da, da, da (Santana; Yeah!)


The way that you're moving

You know what you're doing

I want you to prove that I'm right about you

Do it, hey, admit it

(Finn Harmonic: Da, da, da, da, da, da

Da, da, da, da, da, da)

Oooh, sing it

(Finn Harmonic: Da, da, da, da, da, da

Da, da, da, da, da, da)

[Rachel with Simone and Finn Harmonic]

Oh, I got the feeling down deep inside

Got the feeling I can't deny

Got the feeling that makes me high

Only thing is baby


I want it all

(Finn Harmonic: Da, da, da, da, da, da

Da, da, da, da, da, da)

I want it all

[Rachel and Simone with Finn Harmonic]

All I need is one more night with you

It's amazing what just one more night can do

I want it all (Finn Harmonic: Da, da, da, da, da, da

Da, da, da, da, da, da)

I want it all (Finn Harmonic: Da, da, da, da, da, da

Da, da, da, da, da, da)

All I need is one more night with you

It's amazing what just one more night can do

I want it all (Finn Harmonic: Da, da, da, da, da, da

Da, da, da, da, da, da)

I want it all (Finn Harmonic: Da, da, da, da, da, da

Da, da, da, da, da, da)


You get me excited

But I keep it private

My world is divided without you

It won't be the same, can't take it

(Finn Harmonic: Da, da, da, da, da, da

Da, da, da, da, da, da)

Ooh, sing it

(Finn Harmonic: Da, da, da, da, da, da

Da, da, da, da, da, da)

[Simone with Rachel and Finn Harmonic]

Got the feeling down deep inside

Got the feeling I can't deny

Got the feeling that makes me high

Only thing is baby


I want it all (Finn Harmonic: Da, da, da, da, da, da

Da, da, da, da, da, da)

I want it all (Finn Harmonic: Da, da, da, da, da, da

Da, da, da, da, da, da)

[Rachel and Simone with Finn Harmonic]

All I need is one more night with you

It's amazing what just one more night can do

I want it all (Finn Harmonic: Da, da, da, da, da, da

Da, da, da, da, da, da)

I want it all (Finn Harmonic: Da, da, da, da, da, da

Da, da, da, da, da, da)

All I need is one more night with you

It's amazing what just one more night can do

I want it all (Finn Harmonic: Da, da, da, da, da, da

Da, da, da, da, da, da)

I want it all (Finn Harmonic: Da, da, da, da, da, da

Da, da, da, da, da, da)

[Kurt and Finn]

Got the feeling down deep inside (Rachel: Oh yeah)

Got the feeling that I can't deny (Simone: Oh yeah)

Got the feeling that makes me high

Only thing is baby


I want it all (Finn Harmonic: Da, da, da, da, da, da

Da, da, da, da, da, da)


I want it all (Finn Harmonic: Da, da, da, da, da, da

Da, da, da, da, da, da)

[Rachel and Simone with Finn Harmonic]

All I need is one more night with you

It's amazing what just one more night can do

I want it all (Finn Harmonic: Da, da, da, da, da, da

Da, da, da, da, da, da)

I want it all (Finn Harmonic: Da, da, da, da, da, da

Da, da, da, da, da, da)

All I need is one more night with you

It's amazing what just one more night can do

I want it all (Finn Harmonic: Da, da, da, da, da, da

Da, da, da, da, da, da)

I want it all (Finn Harmonic: Da, da, da, da, da, da

Da, da, da, da, da, da)

{Finn, Simone, Rachel and Kurt start dancing as if they're dancing in the disco era and Rachel and Simone smile at each other as the music ends and they stop and pose}

The audience went nuts for Finn Harmonic as Simone and Rachel gazed at each other with a smile. They had done it; they had pulled off a set-list on the spot. Now…they only hoped that it would mean that Finn Harmonic won Regionals. The fate of them going to Los Angeles was in the hands of the judges…and they were sure The Acafellas were going to pull something since Rachel and Simone tricked them into singing an inappropriate song.

"May I have your attention please?" A woman who was one of the judges for the show choir said. "It's time to announce the winner for the 2014 College Regionals Show Choir championship. So if I could have the top three Glee Clubs on the stage." It took about an hour of choosing three show choirs from 50 and Finn Harmonic was one of them. It also seemed peculiar that The Acafellas were in the top three. Apparently, the judges thought that the number was invigorating. Standing alongside Finn Harmonic and The Acafellas was a group called The Altos—consisting of nothing but Alto singers. Although they couldn't belt notes as high as Simone or Rachel could, they sure were impressive and it was a surprise that they were also in the top three. "All right, in third place, we have…" The room was silent as the woman looked through the paper folded in the envelope. "The Altos!" The Altos bowed and took their third place Regionals trophy, although they did look quite disappointed that they weren't going to Nationals. "And now, the winner of the 2014 College Regionals Show Choir Championship. And the winner is…" Rachel grabbed both Finn and Simone's hand as they stared over at the woman while The Acafellas gave a triumphant smile. The woman opened the envelope and stared out at the crowd.


As soon as it was announced Finn Harmonic won, Rachel jumped into Finn's arms and Kurt and Santana patted Simone on the back. The group continued to celebrate as everyone clapped for them. They couldn't believe it; they were on their way to Nationals. They were going to Los Angeles and actually have a chance at winning the entire show choir circuit in their first try! There was no feeling that could replace this one. Finn Harmonic truly felt like they were on top of the world.

{Scene changes to the NYADA auditorium the next afternoon as Finn and Puck sit on stools and release a smile}


If you love somebody

Better tell them while they're here cause

They just may run away from you

You never know quite when, well

Then again it just depends on

How long of time is left for you


I've had the highest mountains

I've had the deepest rivers

You can have it all but life keeps moving

[Finn and Puck]

I take it in but don't look down

{Shows everyone on Finn Harmonic running on the stage as Finn grins over at Rachel who smiles back at him}

[Finn and Puck with Finn Harmonic]

Cause I'm on top of the world, hey

I'm on top of the world, hey

Waiting on this for a while now

Paying my dues to the dirt

I've been waiting to smile, hey

Been holding it in for a while, hey

Take you with me if I can

Been dreaming of this since a child

I'm on top of the world


I've tried to cut these corners

Try to take the easy way out

I kept on falling short of something

{Rachel and Simone walk towards each other and hug as they look out at the auditorium}

[Rachel and Simone]

I coulda gave up then, but

Then again I couldn't have cause

I traveled all this way for something

I take it in but don't look down

[Rachel and Simone with Finn Harmonic]

Cause I'm on top of the world, hey

I'm on top of the world, hey

Waiting on this for a while now

Paying my dues to the dirt

I've been waiting to smile, hey

Been holding it in for a while, hey

Take you with me if I can

Been dreaming of this since a child

I'm on top of the world

[Finn Harmonic]

Oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh

Oh, whoa, oh, oh, oh

{Kurt and Santana walk towards each other and give each other a hug as they look over at Rachel, Simone, Finn and Puck}

[Santana and Kurt with Finn Harmonic]

Cause I'm on top of the world, hey

I'm on top of the world, hey

Waiting on this for a while now

Paying my dues to the dirt

I've been waiting to smile, hey

Been holding it in for a while, hey

Take you with me if I can

Been dreaming of this since a child

And I know it's hard when you're falling down

And it's a long way up when you hit the ground

But get up now, get up, get up now

And I know it's hard when you're falling down

And it's a long way up when you hit the ground

But get up now, get up, get up now

[Finn, Puck, Rachel, Simone, Santana and Kurt with Finn Harmonic]

Cause I'm on top of the world, hey

I'm on top of the world, hey

Waiting on this for a while now

Paying my dues to the dirt

I've been waiting to smile, hey

Been holding it in for a while, hey

Take you with me if I can

Been dreaming of this since a child

I'm on top of the world

{The song ends and everyone starts cheering as they all look at the Regionals trophy in the auditorium chair}


Ariana Grande as Simone Barberrie

Cassadee Pope as Celina Jones

Olesya Rulin as Melissa Stewart

Jesse McCartney as Dustin Shafer

Dean Geyer as Brody Weston

Max George as Colton

Siva Kaneswaran as Alex

Jay McGuiness as Will

Tom Parker as Zack

Nathan Sykes as Troy


Happy (Originally by Leona Lewis): Performed by Santana Lopez and Kurt Hummel

TKO (Originally by Justin Timberlake): Performed by The Acafellas, Finn Hudson, Rachel Berry and Simone Barberrie

Touching On My (Originally by 3OH!3): Performed by The Acafellas

Treasure (Originally by Bruno Mars): Performed by Finn Harmonic Boys

I Want It All (Originally by Karmin): Performed by Finn Harmonic

On Top Of The World (Originally by Imagine Dragons): Performed by Finn Harmonic