Truth and Bonds

Out of nowhere, I heard footsteps coming fast behind me and my first intention was to run. I quickly got up to my feet, but when I turned around, I saw Mr. Drails staring at me right there.

I was dead without a doubt, and I mean without a doubt.

"Connor," he said. "What are you doing?" I couldn't find myself to talk, but that is until he taken a gander at what I was holding in my grasp.

He appeared to be surprised himself, sighing as he gradually walked to me and gradually took the birth certificate away from me.

"All things considered, I suppose you found out," he said, this time with an all the more weighty sigh as though it prompted a while back, which I'm certain was a while back when I was conceived.

"Connor, if you can if it's not too much trouble, sit down in that chair please," he said in a repressed voice.

Yet again I did and he did something very similar, and he sighed, but this one was the heaviest of all.