Camaguey Trip

Today was the day that we began our "little mission." Excitement poured through my body as I dressed up for school, and put on some brown pants with a blue shirt underneath it as well as black shoes with yellow laces on them. I did this before I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled as I saw my own reflection staring back at me—a friend of mine who had always been there for me in times of need. A friend who always helped me whenever I asked for help and advice. A friend who always seemed to be there for me when I needed him the most.


I walked out of the room as Mom gave me a kiss on the cheek before she smiled at me. Dad was already gone by now, which meant he had already left to get ready for work before he had left the house already with a cup of coffee in his hand. Once I made it to the front of the school, I waited to see Greg standing there, with his happy smile.