Hotel Motel

"Well quite some bad things to be honest," September said, looking down at her hands on her lap as she spoke to him. "We've been going through some things recently, but we need your help to find out if he's okay."

"Yes he is," he said. "He's in his room."

"You really might want to get him out of here as quickly as you can," Tisiah said. Zakeshi Kin looked at us confused, "Why?" "Because he is in danger of getting kidnapped," September said, taking out a picture of him from her bag. "This is his picture."

Zakeshi Kin looked at the picture and then back to us with an expression of concern on his face. "Maybe it's just business threats, the usual thing that happens," he said. "There's no actual threat."

September shook her head, "No this is a bit more serious than that, we've been warned about it."

He looked at the picture again, "Do you think someone is trying to kill him?"