Talking with Nikki

It's been a month since our last mission dealing with Maddie Cone. I do have to say; she was a crazy one—not gonna lie. But something has caught my eyes and grabbed me in thought. The surprise that Greg was supposedly trying to tell me, and allegedly it's a secret. I'm gonna be honest with you, I have not the foggiest idea of what it could be. I'm telling you—no clue at all.

Was someone hurt?

Am I in danger?

To be honest, in every way I'm always in danger—like people hunted me two times in a row. I need to start putting on a mask or something like that, because soon enough everyone's gonna be hunting me.

It was scary getting hunted by the FBI and TSA, and then the BMO. Thank goodness those were in the past but I assure you, this mission—I'm gonna get hunted somehow, I bet you.