Meet and Greet

The next day came and with no time to waste. Right after school I joined the inside of the room—which I still don't know what it's called. Mr. Drails looked up at us once he saw us, and he smiled as he said, "Alright everyone! Now it's time to go over our plans for this mission."

We sat in a line on top of a few tables and chairs, while Mr. Drails took a seat on top of his chair as well as his desk, so we all had a view of him as he continued. "Now we've got two missions." He gestured at September as he continued.

"The first mission is going to be stealing the folders that contain the information we need to find Dr. Mord's lab."

"What's the second one?" I asked and Mr. Drails chuckled, which made me blush.

"Well, that's classified for now."