
The city was bustling with cars and people, which I was quite sure that they were looking—just wondering why there were three black Cadillacs moving through the streets of Las Vegas. I wouldn't blame them, to be honest, as it was obvious that something was going on since there were so many agents from the F.B.I and Secret Service agents coming out of every building we drove past.

I looked out the window as I could see a man standing out of a balcony who had a pair of binoculars hanging from around his neck as he was watching us drive by. He seemed to have a strange expression on his face as he watched our cars go by. I didn't get much of a look at him though.

We continued to travel through the streets to what seemed to be hours, or perhaps maybe thirty minutes, before we slowly began to diffuse from the city. Mountains took up the stature of cities, and now there was only a house that occasionally appeared as we continued down the road.