The Disc

I could hear the groans that came out of Nikki's mouth, the pain that wrecked me inside.

"You…you did this to her?" I asked him with my heart breaking at the sight of my friend being tortured in front of me. "What is wrong with you?" Dr. Mord shrugged, "I'm not exactly sure. Maybe I just will do anything just to avenge my sister."

My mind felt like it was being torn apart into pieces as I stared at Nikki. I never thought she would be put in such a horrible position—such a horrific position at all! "Let her go!" I shouted, my eyes widened with fury and hate. But Dr. Mord shook his head as he looked at me, his eyes burning with enjoyment and pleasure, as if it was something he enjoyed seeing me in pain and helplessness—which it wasn't for me at all, I felt so powerless and broken inside.