The Deal

The man put the vehicle in drive, and we sped away, with the four other cars following us. The road was littered with cars and buses, in fact, even motorcycles.

There were buildings that towered into the sky, and other buildings that stayed at eye level. There were small buildings, and big corporation towers that shot up from the ground.

It was electrifying.

"Imagine living here. That must be cool," Nikki said. "And September said that–"

"Don't start that now," September quickly shot, coming to her defense. "That was only for an established agency there."

"Alright…okay," Nikki chuckled, shaking her head. September narrowed her eyes at her before looking outside the window.

"So are there going to be YMPA or 'Fake TSA' agents guarding the area? Are we going to be safe from any sort of attacks?" I asked.