Furniture Adventure

The conversation we were having before was dispersed right after she got that pancake. She seemed to have lost her train of thought, or something along those lines.

"So, we know the plan tomorrow right?" I asked her, in which she nodded. "When's the plane flight?"

"Three pm, so we should have some time before we have to get onto the flight," she said.

"Okay, good," I muttered. "Should we try and get different clothes so that the TSA won't notice us as much?"

She paused for a moment, then nodded. "Probably a good idea to be honest," she said, scraping up her food. "I wanna look like a tourist."

Fantasies were already beginning to form inside her head.

"Well, at least it's anything different," I said, shrugging. "I'm just going to try and wear something that isn't like me, you know what I mean?" I said, but she shook her head.

I sighed. "Tourist, yeah, good idea."
