Breakfast Time

He went to the door to the left, which he opened up to a bedroom, with two beds, a dresser placed at the bottom right corner, a mirror directly on the wall facing the other side, a wooden floor and ceiling, and this fan that occasionally screeched.

"These are your beds," Barry said. "Now, it's lucky that I have two beds, because I was about to sell one of them, and see if I could buy another gun."

"Why?" I asked.

"Well, before you guys came, I was going to get some people to help me on my quest. Luckily, you two came, and with your talents—I think we can save this timid town," Barry said. "Nonetheless, here are your beds. Have a good night's sleep."

He closed the door, which silence accompanied us in the room, except for a few creaks from the fan. "I don't know what we got ourselves into, but I hope it works," I said.