The Sunset

"When you say something big, how big?" Hans asked. "Like there's-an-entire-camp-of-those-people big, does that tell you enough?" I asked.

"You're telling me there's an entire camp of them?!" Barry shouted after a series of muffled sounds. "Yeah, that's kind of what he said," Mimb said, leaning over to speak, which he pulled back and shot a look at me. 

I could easily just put it on speaker.

"Okay, we need to tell this to Mr. Trilby, and fast," Mimb said. Barry scoffed, "You don't say. We definitely need to tell him, which makes me wonder—did he manage to find a secret passage from one of the rich."


"Mr. Trilby," Hans said. "He said he was going to ask his rich friends if they have any secret evacuation exits."

"Oh, yeah!" I declared in realization. "Well, figures, we should hurry and head back. However, where in the world are you guys?!"