The Flooding Army

"Well, there's that," I muttered, looking at Hans. It was just us two and the wind. Papers flew in the air, as if they were flocking to take the houses that were abandoned for a short period of time.

"So if the TSA comes, do we just surrender?" I asked. "It's two against a hundred."

"A hundred is a bit much," Hans chuckled. "It's a bit much. I shrugged. "Just saying. It's two against a lot of people."

"That technically isn't wrong," Hans said. "But you know, we can fight them off. We fought a bunch of muggers off."

"Keyword, muggers," I said, leaning my head in to truly emphasize my point. Then, as I said that, suddenly, joined footsteps began to echo a bit from the forest. A sudden feeling of realization hit me, knowing what was to come.

"Alright—I'm starting to rethink this," Hans said. "Really starting to."