
Soon enough, night decided to be upon us. Brie was still driving, and soon enough we were on the road alone with no other cars growling by us in sight.

By the side of us was a beach that was accompanied by the glittering ocean. "Aww, it's so beautiful," Brie said, looking to the side. "Wanna stop by it?"

"For what?"

"What do you mean for what? Look at this beautiful sight. We're close to California anyways, you're telling me you don't want to see this just once. You might never see it in your life," Brie said with a smile.

"Fine, but just for a short while," I said. Brie nodded, as she turned over to the left, climbing over the curb before going into a little parking lot to the side.

The parking lot was empty, with a large fence of wood with some trees scattered around it.