An Attack on Transport

"Okay, nice," Hans said. "Let's get our weapons, shall we?"

We began to walk over to the back of the SUV, as the trunk opened, revealing entire stacks of guns, knives, and explosives, and those staffs that weren't even much of staffs.

Brie picked up the black little pen-sized staff and looked at it in confusion. "How do you—" *Slink* Suddenly, the rest of the staff popped out of its shell, as Brie nodded although her face was still in denial.

"So where do we even put all these weapons? I don't think it's much of a good idea to put a knife, nonetheless a grenade in your pocket," Greg said.

I searched around the vehicle, which over by the far corner there were these little outlines of what could be called some sort of belt.

I reached for it, grabbing what revealed to definitely be a belt, which had a bunch of slots for weapons. "Perfect," I muttered, as I turned around, revealing their answer.