The Ride There

"How did Fulton even know about our situation?" I asked. The man responded, "Fulton said that you guys were in France and there was a possibility you'll need to be picked up. Then the distress signal came from here, and then the next thing you know, we see you being attacked. Let's get inside, we don't really want anyone to notice us here."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," Brie muttered as we entered the helicopter. The two helicopters continued to hover in the air, as we got inside of the aircraft in which we all took seats in the back. It was a big helicopter.

"Now, I hear you guys need to get to Iceland, correct?" the man asked. Greg responded: "Yeah, you'd be correct."

"Well, I think it's best that you know my name. We're going to be accompanying you at our command post that's stationed there. We'll help you, for sure," he said. "Now about my name: Mark Mossier is my name by the way. And no, it's not French."