
The morning dawned, or at least it barely did. I woke up early at seven, or maybe that's the normal time, but the sky was a very dark blue, but there was this gray light that entered the room.

But right in front of me, or at least over at that counter over there was Brie, who was just sitting there, looking around.

Her eyes fell upon me, and she flashed a smile, as if it was normal to see someone suddenly awake to see you looking mindlessly. "Just bored… by the way," Brie quickly defended, as if she was reading my mind.

"I hope so," I said, clearing my throat before I got up from my bed. I stood onto my feet, as my toes rested against the soft carpet.

I walked slowly, while she continued her blank stare. Now, immediately, my head was practicing the things that he said. Be comfortable, but only match their energy.

"Hey…" I muttered. "So you wanna—maybe—do something?"

Brie looked at me, her eyes widened in concern.