1.1 Rage, Rage against the dying of the light

1.1 Rage, Rage against the dying of the light


POV (Unknown)

"Mother, who is that?" A young girl asked. She looked no older than 5, and was being carried in her mother's arms. She had blond hair and green eyes, with a look of childish optimism.

"That is Titania, Queen of the Fairies." The mother answered the child, looking at the statue the child was pointing at. The child looked back at the statue with a sense of wonder and amazement.

"She was married to the Fairy King Oberon," The mother continued, "And according to legend, was put under a spell to love a weaver, before the spell was released."

"She looks so pretty." The child though out loud.

"She is beautiful." The mother agreed.

"Can I be a Fairy Queen someday?" The child asked her mother.

"Of course, You can be anything you want." The mother reassured her child, an amused expression on her face.

"Come on now, We have to make it to the festival." The mother said. The child cast one final glance at the statue, of a woman, with butterfly wings attached to her back, before agreeing.


POV Ulaine

She awoke again.

"A memory?" She wondered out loud. Was it a memory of her past life, or of the life of this body?

She had little time to contemplate this before as screen appeared.

[You completed the Special Mission: Great Escape!]


Spector - Nicholas "Grey Boy"

A sadistic, Twisted individual who was crowned as one of the worst villains alive during his life. He is roughly 10-14 years of age in appearance, wearing a private school uniform, combed black hair, and glasses. His power allowed him to warp time in endless loops, in an area of 5' by 5' by 8' feet. These area's he created where not infinite, but would last for thousands and thousands of years. He is able to manipulate the amount of time before the area reverted to a previous state. Noticeably, anyone trapped inside the time loop's memories would not revert, and would keep the memories from each time loop. Nicholas himself is permanently stuck in a self-inflicted time loop of 5 seconds, meaning anything done to him, his clothes being dirtied, being killed, was reverted every 5 seconds, making him virtually immortal. The only known way of harming him was when he was killed by the fairy queen Glaistig Ulaine and his power was taken. Later, a clone with the same power was killed by Flechette/Foil. It is also of note while Grey boy could enter, Leave, and manipulate the things inside the time loop, he could not stop the time loops he himself created. Due to his nature, his true age is unknown.

The user of this spector can create time loops in a 5' by 5' by 8' feet area. The user automatically loops themselves in a 5 second time loop, rendering them virtually immortal. The user gains a 'Monochrome' look, and loses all color, turning black and white. They will also 'Glitch' every 5 seconds when the loop is performed. Due to the user's abilities, when they 'Deselect' the power, all time loops created will automatically cease to exist. ]

She wrinkled her nose. She knew who Grey Boy was based on a few loose memories she possessed, and because she killed him. It was one of the few 'Heroic' actions that she preformed while she was alive. He was a psychopathic killer, a 'villain' as society deemed him. He had the ability to loop time in specified areas, and his own body was stuck in a time loop, meaning anything done to him would be reversed every 5 seconds. He would trap people in time loops, and laugh as he condemned to a hell of his own design. They would be forever trapped, as no other power could interfere with his. Except ,well hers and Foils, as far as she knew. He joined the Slaughterhouse 9, a group of the worst villains in existence, led by the infamous Jack Slash, and would go around from town to town, looking for members to join them.

They would torture and break people, and turn them into weapons'.

'Beware the Broadcastor' her memories whispered to her.

She had only a few moments to pick herself up from where she lay before a new screen appeared.

[Welcome to Remnant]

[A dying world where the Remnants of humanity have been pushed to the brink of extinction. Creatures of Grimm, imitations of legend created by a long gone God of Darkness hunt humanity, commanded by a Dark Witch. Magical energy has long sense been drained from the planet, leaving Crystalized fragments in the form of 'Dust Crystals' behind. They are used as energy sources to power futuristic technology. Under these harsh conditions, humanity has created Huntsman academies to train Huntsman and Huntresses to carry out missions for the sake of humanity. They even have developed a mystical art called 'Aura' in which a persons soul is expelled out their body then used as a barrier. It enhances the persons Physical Abilities and provided a fore field to tank attacks during combat. The even develop 'Semblances' which are mystical arts that are unique to a person, and a a representation of the persons soul.

Despite being on the brink of extinction, humanity is facing problems of discrimination against Faunus, a species much similar to mankind, though each contains characteristics and abilities of a certain species of animal.

In this dying world, key individuals are being picked off by the Dark Witch Salem. These individuals are needed in the future and will be of key importance in humanities' struggle. You must track them down save them, as their predestined deaths draw near, so that they may live to fight for humanity another day.


-Save Maria Calavera

-Save Summer Rose

-Save Nora Valkyrie and Lie Rin

Bonus Missions:

-Defeat Tock

-Defeat The Nuckelavee


-Eidolon Spector]

She read the floating panel in silence. Afterwards, several questions floated through her mind. But first, a floating holographic map appeared, showing a white dot in the middle of what appeared to be a mountain range. Several Red dots, she assumed to be these 'Grimm', where present all around her. Though they seemed to be stationary. Meaning they were waiting for something, or they were sleeping.

Another screen appeared before her.

[The Grimm Reaper's Reaping]

[The legendary Huntress, The Grimm Reaper, Is in danger. Ambushed by a Hunter named Tock, sent by The Witch Salem, she will fall in battle if you do not save her first.]

[Time 2 Minutes 27 Seconds]

That was all that she needed before Uaine was off. 'Only 2 Minutes?' She sarcastically remarked in her head. 'If I didn't know any better, I would think they were going easy on me!' On her map, a Yellow dot appeared not too far away. Despite this body not being her own, it felt as though she had lived in it for several years. There was no getting used to walking or her new bodies height, it all came naturally to her.

She quickly ran south towards the dot, while several red dots surrounded the yellow dot. She was running up a mountain, jumping from ledge to ledge, quickly orienting herself before jumping again. Halfway up the top, she started running across it, circling around to the other side.

[Time: 1 Minute 7 Seconds]

She round the edge of the mountain and looks to the other side. She can see three armed men and a woman surrounding another woman. She is dressed in dark blue dress with black hair and is wearing a skull mask to cover her face. The Woman in front of her makes Uaine pause for a second. Her skin is dark green, with scales scattered across her skin. With yellow eyes and a Mohawk, it gave her the appearance of a thug. 'A Faunus?' Uaine wondered. This was her first time seeing one, and suddenly the Faunus discrimination started to make sense. If humanity couldn't stop discrimination of their own species, it made accepting a different species than themselves a hundred time harder.

Just then, Uaine swore a promise. 'The Heretics! Do they not understand the value of the Cat Girl Waifu?! They must be stopped!' After realizing her love for anime which she suspected might be from her last life might cost someone their life, she quickly focused. The Skull-Mask woman who she assumed was the Grimm reaper was facing the three grunts while wielding what appeared to be 2 mini scythes, 1 in each hand. The woman blocked as one slashed with a black, and quickly side stepped when another lunged at her.

Uaine was quickly descending the mountain, and reached a wooden bridge that led to a flat area in the mountain side where the battle was taking place. She leapt across it in big strides, rushing to get there as fast as possible.

The Grimm Reaper slashed downwards as another grunt lunged at her, taking his head, then quickly spun around and slashed the throat of the second grunt attempting to attack her from behind. Then the other green-skinned woman who Uaine assumed was Tock that had been standing by idle so far, lunged at her with inhuman speeds. The Grimm reaper quickly turned around, and tried to put distance between them, but she was too slow. She raised her Mini scythe in an attempt to block whatever attack she through, but the both her and Uaine's surprise, she opened her mouth to reveal drill-like teeth that in one motion, bite through one of the handles. The Grimm Reaper Tried to counter by swinging her other Scythe towards her abdomen, but it bounced harmlessly of her Aura which flared Green when hit.

Tock swung her sword in her left hand towards the Grimm Reapers Face, before jumping away.


POV Tock

She was a simple person. She liked fighting and doing whatever she wants. It was probably why she had the semblance she had. Her semblance was simple. She could turn invulnerable for 60 seconds, but after those 60 seconds were up, she would be drained of all her aura, leaving her open to attack. But she counteracted that with her physical abilities. She was a crocodile Faunus, and her skin was naturally harder than a humans and had scales that could block attacks. She was also much stronger and faster than a human. Not to mention the strength of her bite.

She was hunting a huntsman that went by the Alias of The Grimm Reaper. Amusing, in you ask her. She apparently possessed rare eyes that could kill any Grimm, or so her master said. She saw it in action when she arrived to see the Woman turn an entire Nevermore into stone. She then understood why her Master was cautious. If she could do that to a Titan Class Grimm, then things would get very interesting. She was right in the middle of killed the Huntress, when she felt something. It reminded her of her childhood. She remembered of when her father told her fairy tales. The woman in front of her was named the Grimm Reaper because she was famous for killing large amounts of Grimm. But for a single second, she remembered the tale of the original Grimm reaper. Of a being that imbodied death, and carried a scythe. For s fraction of a second, she felt as though the Grimm Reaper himself was behind her, taking his scythe and putting it around her throat, ready to reap her soul.

Every cell in her body screamed at her to move. As though death itself was coming. It was only years of experience that allowed her to move. She pushed her legs to move, leaping away, the ground under her feat cracking. And in the split second, where she just was, another figure appeared. She wore billowing dark green robes outlines with lime green. She looked human, but that was in doubt. She possesses inhumanly beautiful features, messy blond hair, and Green eyes. She then spoke. Her voice was of two people speaking at once. One was a beautiful, quiet female voice, and the other scared her. It sounded like a snobby rich kid at first. High pitched and young, likely no older than 12. But it was not normal. It was cruel, sadistic, and mocking her. As if she was nothing.

She had heard voices like that before. Rich kids confident you couldn't touch them due to their wealth or status. She kiddnaped and tortured many of them while working as a mercenary. But his voice was different. It was completely unnatural. Like it was resetting itself.

[Kin of Yaldabaoth, you stand before the queen of Fairies.] It spoke.

She was sweating profusely, and her mind vibrated. What stood before her shouldn't exist. What kind of Semblance is this?

[For high treason against the crown, for attacking a disciple of The Brother's Death, you face judgment. May you sleep, "Quoth the Raven, Nevermore"] It spoke again.

She gripped her sabers, her knuckles turning white. Not only was she fighting what appeared to be someone of importance, she was crazy!

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------A/N: Hello! A chapter 1 day after releasing the prologue? I must be crazy! 2.2k Words this chapter as well. I felt the need to really make the MC do something, so that's why this chapter was so long. For those who know RWBY, I will be surprised if you know who this is. Also, Do you think the MC should be called Glaistig or Uaine? I personally think Uaine, (As that's what I did this chapter,) But thoughts are always welcome! Next Chapter will be Maria/Grimm Reaper POV, so look forward to that. Romance wise, she might cling to Uaine as a hero/savior, and develop a crush, but I don't know if she should become a member of the Harem. What!? You thought this wouldn't be a Harem?! This story will be a reverse harem, meaning both males and females will likely be apart of the MC's reverse harem. I will try not to just add random people for no reason, and actually add romance. Mc's will present herself as a crazy person, (Like how Glaistig was in worm). Constructive criticism, pointing out errors, idea's, or simply yelling at me to work faster is always welcome! Tell me who you think should be in the harem, or what world the MC should visit next.

Cool Art Of characters: MC Glaistig Uaine:


Maria/ Grimm Reaper:

Grey Boy: