1.4 Rage, Rage Against the Dying of the Light

3rd Person POV

It was midday, when suddenly, over an unknown forest, space distorted and a hole formed. Out of it, Uaine floated out of it, a transparent green orb surrounding her. She eyed the floating Mini-map to her left, before forming another portal midair. She had done this several times, teleporting to a location, viewing the map to find out which direction she needed to go, before teleporting again. She continued this, before two dots appeared on the pop-up. She looked around the find herself in a forest, with no landmarks in sight. Much of the surrounding area was destroyed, with large sections or earth being displaced, and what looked like trails of where lasers razed through the surrounding area. This nothing to calm the anxiety Uaine was starting to feel

Slowly descending from were she was floating she made her way to were 2 figures were standing. As she got closer she could see that only 1 figure was actually standing the over another. Her blood ran cold to see a Grimm-Like creature, standing over a woman, who was bleeding out with a black katana impaled in their chest. It rested his hand the the Katana, staring at the female figure.

'Was I too late?' She wondered stiffly, before turning her eyes to the timer.

[7 minutes, 58 seconds.]

'She's still alive, but she need help.' she summarized from the situation. The Human-like figure turned its head towards her. It was unlike any Grimm she had seen so far. It was human like in stature, looking similar to a male human. It wore clothing, a black robe with a white cloth belt holding it around its waist. Its face was covered by a bone mask with protruding teeth, with red markings on the mask. Large horns protruded from the sides of its head, and long orange hair ran down its back. Its chest was exposed, revealing a large hole in its chest where its heart would be, and she could see right through it.

It turned it head towards her and watched as she landed on the ground. This unnerved her. Unlike the other Grimm, she could see intelligence in its eyes. It studied her, and clearly knew how to wield a katana, when it pulled the Katana from the downed woman's chest and flicked it to the side, blood splattering on the ground.

Uaine watched it strangely. The Grimm felt familiar, as though she had seen it before. It confused her. Something to do with laundry detergent?

[Several Constellations are Laughing at The God of Darkness]

[The God of Darkness Denies all Claims of "Liking Anime". He states that he created it purely for its astetic look.]

She swiped her hand, dismissing all messages that were filtering through.

She eyed the woman. She needed help desperately. And this thing didn't look like someone to wait their turn. Thus, she needed to deal with this threat quickly.

The Grimm, sensing her will, pointed its sword at her, before swinging it behind him. The ground just beyond where the woman lay was uprooted in an instant. Her eyes widened.

'He can destroy the land scape with merely a swing of his sword?!' She thought.

She steeled her resolve, before forming the Green Bubble that she dispersed not to long ago, and slowly rose from the ground.

[Mission: Defeat the Vasto Lorde Grimm]

[Penalty: None

Rewards: None ]

The name stirred some familiarity, built she dismissed it. Familiar or not, she would have to defeat this being to save this woman.

The Grimm looked into her eyes, and roared. Suddenly, two huge Demon-Like wings sprouted from its back. Then with one flap, the surrounding trees were flown away, the woman was pushed away, but landed safely on the ground, and the Grimm shot into the sky. Uaine quickly shot after him.

It flew several hundred feet into the sky before hovering, waiting for her. She soon reached him. The stood off, watching each other, floating a few feet away from each other. The Grimm preformed a quick slash of its sword, and a magical slash of Back-Red energy collided with her Green Shield. She felt it shudder, cracking slightly, before the repairing itself. She watched the Grimm watch her. It quickly deduced her shields weakness. After blocking an attack, it takes a few seconds to repair and recharge for the next, leaving a window to attack and break it. Normally this would be a dangerous drawback, but there was a reason her power gave her this, and she had an inkling of what it was.

It preformed another slash, but Uaine was ready for it this time, and quickly flew out of the way. It preformed several more in quick succession, and a few clipped her shield. She still dodged most of them, and made it out unharmed.

Suddenly, it stopped its onslaught of attacks, before raising its arm, and pointing at her. Energy started to gather it its finger point, and Uaine prepared to dodge whatever it was. Suddenly it spoke.

"Cero" it spoke in a deep, unnatural voice.

This caught her so off guard that she didn't dodge, and took the full force of the attack. She instinctively raised her arms in front of her face and closed her eyes. And she felt the beam of energy crash against her Shield. After a few seconds, she lowered her arms and opened her eyes. Besides several cracks that quickly repaired themselves on her shield, she was fine. The Grimm slowly lowered it arms, and she got the sense that it was not surprised that she could block the attack, but impressed nonetheless.

It spoke again. "Come" it said, before flying off.

This caught her off guard again, as she was so focused of the fact that she blocked its attack she momentarily forgot about the revelation that it could speak. She quickly focused and flew after it. Despite her speed, she had to teleport closer to it to keep pace, and even then it gained distance till she could not longer see it, but merely follow the direction it went. She wanted to teleport on-top and end the battle with a touch, but now that it was flying, it would be much harder. Thus, she would have to wait for it to stop, were she could launch a surprise attack. She flew more some time, before finally seeing the Grimm in the distance.

What she saw next surprised her. A huge, futuristic city was that floating in the sky. She knew this world was futuristic, but she didn't expect this. The Grimm was hovering in the air, surrounded by floating ships. Huge turbines whir as the hover in midair.

"Unidentified person! You are in restricted airspace! You are under arrest! Please land immediately or we will be authorized to use deadly force!"

Uaine doubted they could produce anything that could even scratch the Grimm, but she floated a ways away out of principle. The Grimm scoffed, before it raised it sword, and with a single slash, destroyed all of the airships simultaneously. It then turned to the city.

She could make out many solders going around, and many airships and what looked like spaceships, started to rise up. The Grimm raised it finger, and spoke. "Cero." A huge beam of energy ripped through the compounds of the city, destroying their entire air force. She cringed, as she watched with morbid fascination. She wondered why she didn't stop him from firing. She realize it was her power, guiding her. She supposed that they would have probably attacked her as well if they weren't incapacitated. She stopped that train of thought as the Grimm turned to face her. She idle noted all the drones that hovered a little bit away.

Their very obvious camera's monitored her and the Grimm.

"Finally, the pests have been taken care off." it spoke in a deep, echoing voice. She could almost taste the surprise of the people manning the drones. They froze for a second, dropping a few inches before continuing to hover.

[You are rather intelligent, for a Brother Grimm.] She spoke. Her own voice echoing with the her own voice, the voice of Grey Boy, Tock, And A thousand quiet voices of Eidolon's power.

It cocked its head to the side, and she felt the surprise coming off it at her voice.


Deep within the technological city, Several people are sitting in front of computer, and several superiors are yelling orders.

"Are you sure?" a woman asked a middle aged man, who wore a military uniform.

"Yes." He spoke in a serous voice.

"Its still experimental." The Woman warned him.

"Do it." He spoke fin finality.


They only had a few seconds to see an object screaming towards them, before it detonated. A huge explosion boomed in the sky, before suddenly, it imploded upon itself. It caused an even bigger when the implosion stopped.

Uaine dropped her arm that she used to cover her eyes. 'A missile?' She wondered. It even imploded, through what she assumed was the use of futuristic technology, or dust. She suspected the latter.

The Grimm swung its sword, and caused a huge wave a wind to push the cloud of dust that the explosion caused away. Her shield had already repaired itself, and the Grimm looked unharmed. She could only imagine that the leaders of the city were sweating profusely now.

The Grimm turned to the city, raising its arm, pointing it at the city. It was clear that it didn't care about who it killed, it just was simply retaliating on whoever was unlucky enough to be in its way. It was aiming directly at the center of the city. Uaine couldn't allow that.

She formed another hole and teleported directed in front of his beam. The Grimm looked unsurprised. Perhaps this was its plan. To threaten the civilians and force her to block its attack.

"Cero" It spoke. As the beam fired at her. She prepared to meet it head on. She was planning to fire Matter Eraser to counter it, but when she tried, she found something worrying. It was empty. It was already drained of energy from which Eidolon used it against Behemoth. And thousands of people were about to die. She immediately let go of the teleporting power. Another filled its place.

[Swallow God]. She spoke. The beam was absorbed by a white light that emitted from her hand.

That definitely surprised the Grimm.

It stared at her for a few moments before she spoke.

[Why prepare our duel before Olympus?] she spoke.

It cocked it head again, obviously questioning the meaning of her words, before realizing.

"Ah, I am an ancient creature having lived for hundreds of years, fighting is the essence of my being. Its been an eternity since I've had a good fight against someone worthy. Thus, I wish to show our fight to the world. After all, a worthy battle should be shown in all its glory, not hidden away." It answered. "What's the point of fighting if no one knows about it? If no one sees it, did it really happen?" it continued.

"Why are you concerned? Do you have some family in this city?" It questioned.

[Nothing of the sort. I hold no love for the church of the broken god.] she rebuked.

The Grimm ignored her words. And raised its hand. It fired another Cero, and she absorbed it again.

[You are unlike any other Sentinel of the Reaper I have seen.] She spoke afterwards.

"I have been told." It spoke. "I'm interested, What is you Semblance? It seems to be teleportation, flight, a shield, and some sort absorption. But I feel as though you've barley begun to show your true potential." It spoke.

It swung its sword, and Uaine dodged.

[What of the Rose? Why not duel with her?] she questioned.

"When I said I haven't had a true fight in years, its because their hasn't been anyone worthy of fighting in years. She was strong for the people of this world, but she wasn't anything compared to what they once could do." It answered. "You are trying to rescue her aren't you?" it asked its own queston.

"Well, you only have a few minutes before she bleeds out." It warned.

Uaine knew. Her eyes flicked to the side, where the panel with the timer sat floating.

[3 minutes 21 seconds]

She needed to finish this soon.

[You call us, 'people', yet you seem human. Were you once mortal, oh Vasto Lorde?]

It was silent, before answering. "I don't know how you know my name, but yes. It was well over a thousand years ago, but I once was human. Not that its important. What I once was does not effect what I am." it answered with finality.

Uaine scoffed. It raised its arm again, intent to fire off another beam, before Uaine circled around towards its side, away from the city. She assumed that now the fight had started, it wouldn't bother with the city unless that provoked him again.

He muttered "Cero" before another beam, raced towards her. She looked at the timer

[1 minute 57 seconds]

2 minutes. Ironic. That was how much time she had to save Maria.

She needed to end this now.

Instead of absorbing the beam, she let it wash over her shield. She figured out as well why her power gave her the shield. It was given to her because it was meant to block strong attack's, not barrages of attack's. She figured out that the Grimm couldn't fire of its beams back-to-back.

She pushed against the beam, getting closer to the Grimm. The Beam destroyed the ground behind her, while the Grimm was confused. Why didn't she absorb the attack? Its vision was completely filled with the beam, thus it couldn't see Uaine getting closer to him.

Once she reached him, she started to activate another attack. Unowning to the Grimm, Uaine was by absorbing the beams, Uaine was able to charge the Matter Eraser for one shot.

The second that the beam ceased, the Grimm's eyes widened to the sight of Uiane only a few feet in front of him.

[Matter Eraser!] She shouted, and the world 𝘚𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘮𝘦𝘥. The Beam itself was as black as the void, as no light could travel from the beam, outwards. The light, like a black hole, was unable to escape. Unlike a black hole, it was because the Matter Eraser simply destroyed all particles at an atomic level, including light itself. Thus, no light could leave because their was no light 𝘵𝘰 leave, It was simply destroyed.

The sound worst worst part. It was like a thousand nails on chalkboard, a screech that reached the stars. Finally, it died of.

The ground behind the Grimm simply ceased to exist, leaving a hole that extending 𝘩𝘰𝘱𝘦𝘧𝘶𝘭𝘭𝘺 𝘯𝘰𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘰𝘶𝘨𝘩 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘦𝘵'𝘴 𝘤𝘰𝘳𝘦 𝘢𝘯𝘥 𝘰𝘶𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘴𝘪𝘥𝘦.

But the thing that surprised her was the Grimm. It let out a wet cough of pain. He looked, for lack of a better word, 𝘚𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳𝘦𝘥. The entirety of the right side of his body was gone. Black tendrils lashed out from his right side, likely trying to regenerate his lost limbs. The rest of his body looked worse for ware as well. His bone mask was cracked, and much of his Grimm body looked to be in the process of turning into dust. he regenerated another, larger wing to keep him flying, but he looked close to passing out of exhaustion. Despite this, the bottom part of his mask was destroyed, revealing a blissful smile.

"You B*tch! You Destroyed by sword!" He spoke, before breaking out into laughter.

She waited while he laughed for several seconds, eying the time warily.

[1 minute 2 seconds]

"Now tell me, what is your power?" it asked almost pleadingly.

[It is a high temple, allowing he to enshrine 3 shards temporarily.] She answered begrudgingly.

"So you can have any three powers at a time?" It spoke.

Uaine was floored. Someone actually deciphered what she said? It seems she underestimated the Grimm's intelligence again. Either way, it would not happen again. Suddenly warry of her enemy, the Grimm continued to speak.

"Let me guess, it gives you powers based on the situation? And you could only use them for a certain amount of time?" He asked rhetorically.

Uaine kept silent.

"Silence eh? Though it doesn't matter. That's why your power kept changing. At first you had that teleportation, and your shield? Then that beam must of been your trump that you were keeping. But why didn't you use it earlier then?" Uaine was goring more worried. Just after she swore not to underestimate its intelligence, he surprised her again. Though the creature was ancient as it stated, over a thousand years old, and must of faced of against countless enemies and sharpened its intelligence a hundredfold over a regular humans.

He spent a moment thinking, before answering his own question. "Ah, its because you already used it before, isn't it? It makes sense, after all, such a powerful ability requires a lot of energy. And you absorbing my attacks powered it enough for just one attack. Oh, what I wouldn't give to have fought you when that power was full." he fantasized.

She sent him a questioning look.

"Oh, don't give me that." He scolded her like a child. Though compared to her, she really was just an infant barley out of the womb. If the child had the power to turn a large city into a smoking crater spread across 12 different dimensions. "I know how to gage power. That "Matter Eraser" gave of the feeling of an ancient and long used power. An old, rusted, broken sword. It that sword was Excalibur." he finished. This caused Uaine to snort.

The Grimm smiled at her reaction. Uaine turned and looked at the timer.

[16 seconds]

She looked at the Grimm, and he smiled in understanding.

He toke one look at the drones hovering a few feet away them, before flying opposite of the city.

[Mission complete: Defeat the Vasto Lorde]

[Rewards: None]

'She immediately dropped her [Swallow God] power, and used a power that teleported you to where you needed to be, but caused an explosion where you teleported. She was of course, immune to the explosion, and quickly flew to where the woman was laying after teleporting.

[8 seconds]

She dropped her teleporting-exploding power and gains a power that reverted the target to their peak condition that they were in that day. Her hands glow yellow, as she holds them above the woman. She watched as the woman healed, and broken injuries' reverted back to normal.

Once she was done, she looked at the area where the sword impaled her, and saw nothing. Satisfied that the power had run its course, she shifted the woman into a princess carry.

She let go of her healing power, and her original teleporting power returned, though about 1/3 drained after all its usage. She teleported above the city, and found a suitable, public place to lay the woman down. Once she did, she teleported away.


"Halt! You under arrest for conspiring with criminals!"

To say Summer Rose was confused when she woke up would be an understatement.


A/N: 3.1k words. My longest chapter ever. Of course, most of you will probably recognize the Vato Lorde from Bleach. Question, what do you guys think of the new RWBY anime? Personally, I think its awful. Mostly because they skipped over all of the character development. The promotion for the new anime was apparently awful as well. I didn't like they new character's or plot points, and I really, really hated Juane's voice actor for some reason. Liked Penny's voice actor though. Alot. Still, if people want it, I could add some stuff from the anime, though I wouldn't like it. Next chapter will be an interlude, to see how the world is impacted by Uaine's fight, and what happened to Maria. I've decided to stay in RWBY a bit longer, to see the reactions of the child main characters and the world. The Hollow/Vasto Lorde was actually inspired by a Bleach/RWBY crossover. I don't remember which one. As always, Constructive criticism, pointing out mistakes, rambling, comments, idea's, or just yelling at me to work faster is always welcome.

The Vasto Lorde:

Summer Rose: