Chapter 10 The Battle Begins

"Wow a lot has happened, so that why your here" Knox's says "Yes, oh if you see Elijah tell him that I'm alive I don't think I'll be able to meet him anytime soon." Bjorn says to Commander Knox as he walks away to his armies section. as Bjorn walks back he is stopped by Yafal "Hey, follow me Mil'lynn called for a meeting amongst ourselves." Bjorn follow Yafal moments later the come to a large tent, inside sitting at a table the other members Yafal and Bjorn sits down. "Alright now that we are all here, I called for this meeting just to tell everyone that tomorrow will be a extremely hard battle. it will be long and tiring but we have 100 soldiers from the eastern stronghold alone with us five we just need to be careful and rest well tonight." Mil'lynn ends the meet and everyone goes to their tents to sleep. Bjorn in his tent falls asleep, early the next day in the morning waking up Bjorn exits his tent. rushing around soldiers gearing up and preparing themselves for war. the crown rumbles as everybody stumps and brushes around Bjorn sees Madiir "Hey Madiir, what going on why is everyone preparing in a rush?" "a report just came in the demons has been fully taken over now there is demons invited that we have to take care of along with the forest line." Madiir replies to Bjorn "We will be leaving soon, follow the soldiers in your arrive to the gathering point I will meet you there soon." Madiir tells Bjorn as he leave, following the soldiers Bjorn walks eventually arriving to the gathering point and seeing three sections one for the East one for the West and the southern forces. joining the Eastern section beyond lines up with the other elites, standing on the stage before death angels look out at everyone Hayyle steps forward and begins to speak "everyone this is a historical moment in history, the four gods and the four regions gather against a common enemy THE DEMONS! Today we March to the forest of the damned to battle and take back our land. this battle will be broken into three groups the Western, Eastern and the southern groups will operate in their own groups holding a section of the Forest line. the Eastern group will have to take back the city Vita before joining the forest line... now let's March. the three armies now I'm joined forces March towards the edge of the forest line the Eastern forces split off making their way towards vita. 2 hours later the Eastern force walking the terrain, following the road as they start to notice that something is slightly different as they begin to see Vita in the horizon. meanwhile inside of Vita Arch demon and demonic beast roam the streets in the town square the arch demons gather Speaking in a unknown language. they seem to be drawing a seal on the ground with the blood of dead people, as they finish the arch demons chant a spell and as they chant the seal on the ground starts to Glow releasing demonic energy a flash of light illuminates the area. when the light fades standing inside of the seal the leader of the arc demon, Ziglalth steps forward taking a deep breath then he releases an overwhelming wave of demonic energy. to Bjorn with the Eastern forces suddenly feel and overwhelming presence a strong demonic being has appeared. "!? do you all feel that!! Mil'lynn Shouts

"That was definitely the presence of a commander demon!" Yafal says nervously "how did one of the commander demons get this far without its presence being known?" Bjorn ask sitting in silence no one responds "It's impossible for a demon of this to have been here without us knowing they must have somehow brought it here." Selina tells them "so only to figure out how the demon appear is to go into town?" Kenya shouts "honestly I don't think that's a good idea even if we have the soldiers that's a commander demon it rules over its race of demons if it's here that means it's either the Demonic Beast or a arch devil." confused Bjorn asks "What is an Arch Devil?" "an arch devil is an orange demon that has increased its rank obtaining a new form becoming a devil, they are much stronger than an arch demon and our way more sinister" Bjorn and the others sit thinking on what to do, "so what is the plans now?" Kenya ask "we have to attack the other armies are watching on us." Mil'lynn replies "PREPARE FOR BATTLE!" Mil'lynn Shouts to the soldiers, as the draw their swords they charge Vita. at the same time in Vita "it seems the plan is going well, compare the Demonic Beast I feel a presence heading towards us" Ziglalth says to the arch demons they goes away following Ziglalth's orders back to Bjorn an hours later the arrive on the outer edge of Vita, from a distance they see demonic beast all around the city. "Attack!" Mil'lynn yells as they begin to charge the city the demonic Beast also rush towards the Eastern forces, clashing the battle begins. Bjorn. running channels in energy into his hands strengthening his claws, Bjorn calls through demonic Beast as he supports the soldiers. slowly the Eastern Forest makes their way into vita. Ziglalth in the town square sits on hill of bodies as he thinks "mhm the humans in this realm are pretty decent I can feel a select few that possess unique strength. haha I should be meeting a few soon." back to Bjorn and the others as they enter town arch demons appear, some on the ground some flying they start to channel and energy releasing it shooting a blast at the Eastern Force. "Breaker Fist!!" Selina shouts forming energy over her fist she punches destroying the incoming blast of energy. "Continue on don't lose your pride!" the Eastern Force pushes on fighting the arch demons, the Eastern forces start to lose soldiers as they slowly make their way towards the Town square. moments later and Erie feeling overcomes everyone, as the silence builds they hear crunching footsteps approaching them the arch demons instinctively bow. standing in front of them the arch devil leader of the arch demon faction Ziglalth "so who would like to be first and entertaining me today." Ziglalth ask releasing killer intent Bjorn whispers to Mil'lynn "What are we going to do?" looking at Bjorn she replies "I don't know this energy is stronger than what was expected" suddenly the arch devil points at Kenya "what about you" as he points suddenly a beam shoots out piercing Kenya's chest. taken by surprise everyone is shook scene Kenya be killed with such ease. Bjorn stares at Kenya's lifeless body laying in the ground, releasing his demonic energy Bjorn transforms yelling "You bastard!!" in his demonic beast from Bjorn charges Ziglalth "Oh what a surprise" waving his look left hand Ziglalth hits Bjorn sending him flying crashing through houses. "Bjorn!!!" the others shout "I can't sit here when Bjorn is trying to fight!" Madiir says "Devastating blow!" Madiir shouts channeling energy into his great sword swings it releasing a wave of divine energy at Ziglalth. putting on a sinister smile Ziglalth stands tanking the blow causing a smoke screen. settling may hear a crackling laugh through the smoke, "hahaha great! I thought it wouldn't be worth the time when Volgath told me to come seems I was wrong." as the smoke clears appearing with only a scratch on his face "n..noway only a scratch!" minutes later over to Bjorn under rubble slipping between being conscious and unconscious he hears a unfamiliar voice "My son...don't be afraid of who you are, you will become a pillar in this world." as Bjorn hears these word his demonic energy begins surging, Bjorn's serpent dragon body begins changing. the scales on his body become sharp and flake up, the horn on his head grow longer and white hair appear down the back of him body all the way to his tail. letting out a screeching Roar Bjorn let's a wave of demonic energy out, over Mil'lynn and the others. Yafal and Selina are unconscious on the ground, the soldiers are all dead with either holes or gashes in them only Madiir and Mil'lynn stand. suddenly they hear a roar with a wave of demonic energy hitting them "Is this Bjorn?" Madiir shouts "he must have gotten woken up, this devil is extremely strong. when he sent Bjorn's beast form flying I knew thing was going to get dire." Ziglalth feeling this demonic energy get excited "This energy!! this is what Sor'gol was talking about, so he really was their descendant." coming flying in a high speed Bjorn lands in front of Mil'lynn and Madiir guarding them. "Sorry guys I was out for a second." noticing that he looks different Ziglalth says to him "it seems you have progressed past your first stage." confused Bjorn replies "what? first stage?" Ziglalth laughs "Don't worry about and come at me this will be worth my time!" Channeling demonic energy a green glow moving up his scales to his mouth, then Bjorn releases a emerald blast. Ziglalth jump and wings shoot out his back then begins to fly, "that was a pretty nasty attack" looking down the arch demons that could move are shriveled up drain corpses. "you guys need to go tell the others that a commander has appeared, I will hold him for as long as I can." Bjorn tells Mil'lynn "what!? that's stupid how long do you think you can last for?" "it doesn't matter we can't lett him escape this place...Just go!" Bjorn shouts then flies up to Ziglalth, Mil'lynn grabs Selina and Madiir grabs Yafal then retreats out of Vita. "Do you think they can get far?" Ziglalth says to Bjorn aiming his hand at the city "Devil's Domain!" Ziglalth shoots his energy down to the city as it hits the ground it begins to create a force field slowly increasing in size. "if they are lucky they will make it but you on the other hand can't escape now. this is a barrier stopping all things from entering it or leaving unless the caster allows it." Ziglalth says to Bjorn laughing charging through the air beyond rolls whipping his tail at Ziglalth using his scales as razor blades. Ziglalth is cut but it regenerates right away "your going to have to do a lot more damage then that I'd you want to really hurt me." they begin flying at high speed clashing releasing shockwave everytime they hit. Ziglalth slashes at Bjorn but twist his body avoiding a direct hit, Ziglalth hits Bjorn's scales but is defected off. they both fly back distancing themselves form each other "For a demon that doesn't think it's one, you fight just like one hahaha" suddenly a dark flame flow all over Ziglalth's "It's time for me to get serious, I hope that This was you all?" Ziglalth powers up even more and Bike thinks "Damn he is getting even stronger I have to think of something, something that will do real damage." in a instant Ziglalth disappears "what!?" reappearing right next to Bjorn slashing cutting right through some of Bjorn's scales and skin, "Argh!!" Bjorn then releases a emerald gas around him hiding himself while making Ziglalth back away. "Smart, using that nasty gas as a cover but that won't save you for long." Ziglalth channels the black flamed energy into his wings making them expand, as they start growing bigger Ziglalth flaps them creating a strong wind pressure pushing the green gas away. as the gas disappears Bjorn is nowhere to see then suddenly coming from behind Ziglalth releasing bloodlust, Bjorn bites him injecting a venomous energy into his body then backs away.