School Schedule

I sat back down. Aaron was looking at me. I just kept my eyes up front. After Homeroom it was time for my next period, Science. Apparently, Aaron was in the same class along with his friend Alan. Alan has hazel brown eyes and light brown hair. His ability was Memory Recall, he can force certain memories back to someones head. His current power level is 5.2. Aaron was staring at me during class.

My next period was Social Studies. Brittany was in my class. Brittany would throw paper at the back of my head all throughout class.

Next period was lunch my least favorite period. I hated lunch, even if we're eating food I still don't like it. I always get picked on because my eyes are werent a natural color. I walked into the lunchroom and grabbed a burger and a peach cup. I sat down at an empty table. Brittany saw me alone at the table. She grabbed her friends and walked over.

"Ugh here we go. I'm gonna get picked on, and I hate Brittany's ability." I thought to myself.

Brittany had a good side effect to her power. If you hit her barrier your attack will come back at you.

"Hey Liana, how you doing?" Brittany asked. Boy is this gonna be terrible.