Royals Ranking(Boys)

Great, perfect, just peachy. Since all three kids I disliked. I'll just have to deal with it until the end of school. It was a horrible class, Brittany kept glaring at me and Aaron would just stare at me. It was super creepy.

After Technology, school was finally done. I went to my Homeroom and grabbed my things. I walked down the hallway when I saw kids lined up to see people at a table. There was a flier right behind them. I read the flier and I gasped. It said that people would be ranking for the Royals. People would battle out who the top ranks were and theast ones standing would be granted the title of the Royals. The kids would be separated into two groups, boys and girls. I signed up for the battle since last year I was the Queen, hopefully I get the title again. After all the kids signed up we would start right away. I wasn't going home yet.

Everyone finished signing and we got to business. We were brought putside our school to battle. They split us up and we got started. The boys were going to battle first. The first round wasn't very entertaining. Someone lost right away so we went on to the next round. The next round was a little more exiting. Skip a bunch of the rounds and you get to Alan. Alan won right away since his power level was way higher than his opponents. Then it was Alan and Aaron. The match was way longer than I thought it would be. Alan was a skilled fighter even if he did just have a memory power, but alas, Aaron won the match. Aaron earned the title King and Alan earned the title Jack.