Kalinalla Royals

We announced to everyone that we were going to the park for a picnic. Us presidents had already packed a ton of food for everyone to share. We jumped back onto t the bus and headed over to a park with grass. Alan and Aaron watched everyone as they explore while Elaine and I set up the food.

"Ok, foods ready!"

We called everyone came over to grab their food and found a spot in the grass with their friends. After everyone grabbed their food, we presidents grabbed our food and sat down.

"Everyone is having a good time." I said as I sat down next to Elaine.

"Yea looks like." They agreed.

"Yo, what the hell are you lot doing here?" Someone called out.

People who were nearby grabbed their kids and left the park.

"What do we have here? Some kids who stole our nice spot at the park?" Another kid said as he approached us from the front.

Aaron and I stood up to see four kids walking towards us in all four ways.

"We're the Kalinalla Royals, this is our spot your in." They said.

Elaine and Alan stood up as well.

"We're very sorry, we had no idea this was your guys area. We are not from around here." I said looking at them with a look.

"You think we'll let you off the hook that easily? We'll make a deal. Since you two girls are looking real hot, why don't you guys just give up and we can take you two to our dorms. How bout it?" They held out a hand.

"These two boys are real perverted."

I thought to myself I looked at Elaine to see if she agreed and she nodded with a smile. I stuck my hand out.


The boy was about to shake my hand when Aaron grabbed his wrist.

"Let go of me. She made a deal and she's willing to except it." The boy said.

I shoved Aaron so he wouldn't hold his wrist.

"Fine go with those perverted guys. I don't care."

Aaron turned away. The boy shook my hand. I looked at Elaine and nodded. I looked back at the boy. Three beams shot the other three kids legs. I threw the boy who was holding my hand to the ground.

"What made you think I would ever go with someone like you?" I glared at him.

"We're the Kalinalla Royal, strongest around." He shoved me away and stood up. This is gonna get interesting.