"That's Elaine's brother?" Aaron asked surprised.
"Mm hmm. Her last names is Alka and she always talks about how she wants to be like him." I said.
"Oh, she's gonna be super sad and she'll start crying if I tell her." I said worriedly.
"Not to mention Alan. He might ettept murder if Elaine gets sad or something." Aaron said.
We both knew what we had to do. So we waited until 12:30. Once 12:30 hit we had everyone eat.
"Elaine, Alan? we need to talk to you guys." I called out to them.
"Yea what is it?" Elaine giggled.
Alan put his hand to his face.
"I really hope he doesn't kill me." Alan said under his breath.
We told everyone to stay near the place we had lunch and brought Elaine and Alan to someplace quiet and near the club.
"Elaine, I don't know how to tell you this so I'll show you."
I pulled out my phone. The news was trending all over the internet. I showed her the news on my phone. Her smile quickly turned to a frown and she started crying. After the video finished she covered her mouth and started crying harder.
"I...thats...my brother!" She sobbed.
Alan started to get mad. He hugged Elaine.
"He's gonna attempt murder now." Aaron whispered in my ear.
Alan calmed down and I hugged Elaine to.
"I think we should finish early and go back to the hotel. We'll just let the members hang until dinner." I said.
Elaine didn't answer.
" Sounds good." Alan answered.
We gathered the members and headed back to the hotel. Elaine and Alan stayed in Aaron's room whe everyone else just hung out.
"I feel really bad for elaine." I said.
Aaron and I were in mine and Elaine's room.
"Yea, I'm surprised Alan didn't burst." Aaron said.
After a few hours everyone came down to the lobby to eat dinner. Elaine and Alan came down 15 minutes after everyone else came came down.
"Hey guys, we're doing buffet style tonight." I said.
Elaine was wearing a hoodie with her hood on her head. Her eyes were red from crying. After everyone ate. We all went to sleep.