Buying Time

'Time to end this'

Rowan's breath cooled and slowed as he thought so.

He closed his eyes and shut out sounds from his ears.

From his body, a light yellow aura erupted.

Rowan had been conserving energy since he saw no need to rush things. After all, in a battle of attrition, it was all about the last man standing.

He just had to outlive his opponent.


'I was wrong'

He was definitely wrong on that, and he paid dearly for it. The energy he thought to conserve had all been wasted when he had to protect his body from the snake's tail, else it would have been more than just ribs that were broken.

The snake swarm was closing in by the second. Now, time was no longer on his side. He couldn't afford a battle on two fronts, especially not in his current condition.

So, there was only one answer.

He had to finish off the big snake.

And he had to do it fast.

To do so with the highest rate of success…

'I'll put everything into one attack'