
"What's that over there?"

This statement caused the mercenaries to raise their heads as they noticed the gap created by Fredrick after being smashed.

"It looks like…an entrance!"

At the same time, the eyes of all the others lit up with greed.

'An entrance to the treasures within!'

Similar thoughts went through the minds of the other mercenaries, but none dared to move.

'Whoever makes the first move is going to be chewed by the rest'

As such, they stood still and began observing one another, when…


A mercenary flashed past them at a speed too fast to follow.

With nimble steps, he hopped on the large broken rocks and jumped into the gap like a monkey, leaving the others speechless at the sight.


Only after a few seconds did they get their acts together and rush for the gap without reservations.

Every passing second meant less time to plunder treasure, and they needed as much time as they could get.