Let's End This!


The sound of metal clashing against metal reverberated and Kurt found himself ten steps from his original position due to the rebound of the attack.

The next moment, Grenald's figure appeared from within the thick fog of dust.

Blood was smeared all over his body and dripped from the edge of his mouth. With the help of a health potion, he was able to recover just enough to stand.

In his hands were two short handed silver axes completely made from liquid metal and his eyes had turned red with blood long ago.

"Why the hell do you like yapping so much?" he asked while taking a fighting stance.

His body was already in terrible condition, so fighting a prolonged battle was a big no-no, and the amount of mana he had left also wasn't much.

With that and the nasty gaping hole in his thigh, even Grenald knew who was at the disadvantage.

So he prepared himself.

'I'll attack with everything I've got as fast as I can'

Kurt's forehead popped a massive vein.