Picking a Weapon (4)

Bolton furrowed his brow. The boy was obviously right.

His body was too underdeveloped to use such a heavy weapon, but he refused to believe that the greatest minds of the greatest era that created this hadn't thought of such a situation beforehand.

"You Highness, have you tried infusing mana into it?"

"No" Ezra said while holding his chin.

"Then please try it out"

With nothing to lose, Ezra did as instructed.


The scythe lit up with blinding light instantly, forcing both men to close their eyes, before dimming immediately after.

Ezra opened his eyes to see a white outline extend all over the weapon.

The connection also seemed to have grown stronger.

With just a thought, the scythe decreased in size at a visible rate till it was the size of a crest.

Ezra couldn't help but be baffled.


And truly, it was warranted.

Only then did the words about the weapon being one of the greatest humanity ever made sink into his head.