Glorious Opportunity

Without delay, both men went straight into the conversation.

Fredrick did most of the talking, briefing Ezra on their entire journey along with the unexpected variables and rewards.

'Hmm…' this got Ezra thinking.

'To think I missed so many details…but it is to be expected since rumors and tales are always a bit erroneous'

The flaw of his past life memories was clear.

'I can't fully trust all the rumors I've heard'


'With this event alone, a lot of things will change from how it happened in my past life'

This much was for sure.

'So, the more time passes, the easier it is for memories to grow erroneous, or completely useless'

Which means…

'I need to gather as many pieces as possible in the shortest time possible'

Meaning, he'd have to take more risks.

'Hmm…' Ezra fell into contemplation.

When all was said and done, he didn't regret pursuing the plan the way he did, not one bit.

Only, now he had to be more cautious, thorough, swift and decisive going forward.