
Days passed as Ezra educated the siblings and got educated by them as well.

After a few days, he kept a mana stone in his mouth, allowing him to cultivate while he fought.

He could feel himself reaching the ceiling of Advanced-rank in less than a week. After that, he'll be forced to advance.

He had given most of the hidden knowledge to Fredrick to safeguard.

But of course, few remained untold.

Ezra planned to get them once he arrived at the academy.

If nothing else, there, his movements won't be restricted.

Also, the more he knew about the royal academy, the more amazed he was.

Thanks to Mr. Lennon, who was a graduate of said academy, he got better insight than anything books could've given.

For one, it was a place for those of high status, nobles, sons of guild masters, or clan elders.

In a sentence, it was…

'A hot pub to make connections'

Ezra nodded to his conclusion. There, he'll be able to meet legends of the next generation.

'Now this, I hadn't thought of'