Erasing Trails

 "Hmph" the master snorted, pushing Theron back. "Don't go getting any funny ideas"

His body was riddled with cuts from Ezra's sword, from which he bled onto the battlefield.

But all that mattered not. 'I can't die here' 

He slashed faster. "Die!"

"No thank you"

Theron matched him, dodging and blocking most of his attacks, rarely counterattacking.

But that was all. Rather, it was impressive he even managed to do this much.

The more Theron endured, the fiercer the attacks became, because time was running out.

Injuries came upon Theron, but he didn't flinch.

When it dawned that he couldn't defeat Theron with just his weapon, he changed his approach.

Slashing to the side, Theron moved his Halberd in that direction.

'As expected,' the man kicked him and before Theron could react, he fell to the ground with a thud.

Spitting blood, Theron tried to stand but the man stepped on his shoulder.