New Plans

"For such grave offences" the Emperor's tone picked up.

"They will-

Silence reigned as the attendants stretched their ears to get every word.

-be imprisoned for a lifetime. Wrung dry spending the rest of their lives in Arcadia"                     

There was momentary silence, and then chaos broke loose.

"What?! They're not killing him?!"

"The demon must not be allowed to live!"

"Execute them!"

Others made small talk. "Did he say Arcadia? Isn't that the cursed land?"

"Is it? The one with the worst criminals?"

The Emperor released his lightning in full force.

The sudden increase in pressure had many shivering in their shoes.

With the silence restored, the Emperor nodded. 

"You shall speak in a manner befitting your status, or you will be thrown out in due haste"

The nobles had their prides wounded, but they dare not try nonsense.

After all, this was the Emperor's domain.