

Ezra's eyes snapped open. His chest heaving at the tremendous inhale before deflating as he exhaled.

His eyes now open, but his vision lay blurred, it felt like looking through a dusty hourglass.

Blinking rapidly, his senses returned.

The sudden awareness caused a wave of mana outburst, raising him from his lying posture just a bit, while wiping the dust afar.

His eyes came clear as did his memory.

A full minute passed as he relived the battle with Alvarach all over again, letting out a long sigh as his gaze wandered…

"Father" he muttered.

[You're awake…about time]


"He's awake!"

The sudden shout jolted his consciousness as he turned his head to the side.

There sat Ashton, with built muscles and his chiselled chin, no more was he a boy, now a man.

By the way, he found his body wrapped in bandages all over.

"Ezra's awake!"

With quick steps, a group arrived by his side.


