
Morning of the Ninth day, the Grandmasters are still stuck in their bitter battle, riddled with injuries, while the demons are being healed by Alvarach.

Talia had fallen to a combined attack, leaving her in a state worse than that of Rita, her presence on the battlefield decreased by ninety percent as a result.

As it were, only five Grandmasters were rumbling with action, but against four inexhaustible opponents, they wouldn't last much longer.

Meanwhile, Zydrax gives Ezra good news.

[The second part is complete]

'What exactly did you do?' Ezra questioned. He felt the changes, but feeling and understanding the process were two different things.

[I connected tendrils of pure elemental energy and infused them into every mana particle within you]

'So now you just have to meld it and I'll advance to Mythic Rank?'

For the first time in a long time, Ezra felt excitement.