Final Form!


Tossing away the second demon turned into a deflated corpse, Alvarach sped up, maintaining the distance between him and Ezra.

Whilst flying, he rips open the head of the fourth demon and absorbs its energy before tossing it away.

Soon after, Ezra sped past the Grandmasters looking like a red beam from his use of the fire element.

"Yes" muttered Alvarach in his hoarse voice, feeling his reserves fill up at a rapid pace.

Clenching his fists, he makes do and lands, awaiting his pursuers arrival.

In less than five minutes, Ezra appeared.

Naturally perplexed at Alvarach's sudden stop, he raised his senses to the highest level, landing several feet from Alvarach.

With the duo facing each other, Alvarach initiated a conversation.

"Why do you fight us?"


"I sense my demonic essence flowing through your veins, why do you fight us when we are of the same kind?"

Ezra simple stared, astounded. He blinked rapidly, ensuring that he wasn't hearing things.