The Galaxy's Champion

{The galaxy begins ultra-light warping}


Ezra disappeared.

Immediately reappearing, it took a few more seconds for his body to unfreeze.

{Ultra-light warp completed}

Rubbing his neck, Ezra looked around, annoyed.

"Just what is it with today? Where am I?"

Floating in a strange and unfamiliar part of space, Ezra's gaze roamed the distance.

There was nothing to see, no planet nor asteroid nearby to take sight of, completely different from the environment beside Orion.

A voice called out.

"For how long are you going to stare?"

Booming, the voice came at Ezra from every direction.

Apprehensive, Ezra searched fervently for the being.

"Always remember to look down after looking up"

On instinct, Ezra looked down to see a bizarre sight.

A platform lay beneath him, plain as glass but slightly less transparent, stretching far and wide with nothing discernible atop it.