Fifth Step Nascent

Amidst the cheers and fervent murmurs of the audience, Ezra's gaze was focused on the marble beneath his feet.

Surprisingly, despite the heat from Ezra's wave of fire, the marble podium lay mostly intact, proof of its quality.

'What is it made of?' Ezra wonders, tapping it with his feet a few times before raising his head towards the audience.

With Transcendents defeated, all that remained was whether or not a nascent was going to challenge him.

If one did, the ceremony would continue and if they didn't, the ceremony would end and Ezra would be admitted as an Elder.

A minute passes with the distinct murmuring dying down as the audience awaited what came next.

For the majority, such displays of power were rare sights, so even without much context as to who Ezra was, his show of power turned many of them to fans.