
"Mr. Setter we have an emergency!" Old man Ben burst into the inn drawing all attention to him.

Most of the patrons had worried and wondered why the mining crew had showed up late. It seemed there was an accident of sorts. Most thought it was a cave in or monster attack but when one of the bulkier miners came in carrying a deathly pale woman, everyone sucked in their breath.

They could see the blood soaked bandages that were wrapped around her legs and could only imagine how bad her injuries were. Alan narrowed his eyes from the bar before setting his glass down carefully.

"Honey!" He called out in a booming voice and Sharla soon came running out still in her cook uniform watching her husband approach a crowd in the dining area.

She was confused why her husband sounded so concerned only to pale when she saw the woman on deaths door. Not carrying for anything else she dropped a spatula and her cook hat flew off as she appeared near the group.

"Go away! Can't you see she's hurt! Bring her downstairs!" She began ordering the people in the area.

The bystanders watching stayed out of their way while a couple of miners helped bring the woman safely to a room on their home floor that was meant for Sharla's medical room. She mostly just kept some supplies or memories of her travels with her friend and wasn't used often.

While Sharla got to work stabilizing her patient, Old Ben stayed and talked to Alan.

"Mr. Setter, the freelo-Alex had asked for us to help these women out. Apparently, they were attacked by bandits and they were the only two to survive. Old Ben held the young Kailey's hand with tears coming down her face.

One moment they were talking happily with each other when all of a sudden her Aunt crashed. The driver went as fast as he could but her Aunt was quickly getting worse. She thought everything was going to be fine but now she might lose her aunt again.

Alan's gaze softened as he looked at the little girl. It reminded him of Emma when she was young and had a soft spot for children despite his attitude.

"Alright, my wife will do what she can to help."

He was going to speak again when another miner came in shouting in a similar fashion to Old Ben while several wounded young girls came in clinging to each other in fear thanks to being surrounded by many men for the last hour or so.

'Just what is going on?' Alan thought as he was finding this confusing. Did Alex really save a bunch of girls from bandits? Alan normally cleared away any bandit camps and monsters in the outer rings once a year at least but now he was thinking. Did he forget to do it one year?

If he did it would be normal for bigger groups to come together.

The patrons of the inn were looking at this situation with a mix of fear and confusion. Did the freeloader really help these people? Or was he the one to abuse them? They weren't sure but with several miners and even the victims testifying in his favor, it seemed more and more like he was the good guy in this situation.

Emma came and helped take Kailey to where her mother was, while several other female workers helped to take the girls to rooms upstairs. There was only one good doctor in the inn, so although there were a few adventurers who offered their medical advice to the girls, they couldn't really identify any serious problems.

The girls were also in much better condition so hopefully, they just needed rest and time to heal. More miners kept bursting into the inn claiming there were more survivors of the same incident so Alan just went outside and waited after getting sick of them bothering his establishment.

He still had an Inn to run so although he wanted to help, he still had his workers continue their jobs. Alan saw a total of 8 women in the 4 carts that came through and stopped in front of his inn and causing a commotion outside.

The miners quickly shooed them away but news traveled fast about something serious happening at the famous inn so a few couldn't help but try to stick their noses in it.

The 5th and final cart came in and before a miner could explain the situation, Alan stopped him in understanding. Out of this cart was only one girl and she was quite beautiful and her body was very... curvy... to say the least, with an eye-catching metal collar around her neck.

Alan couldn't help but glance as a hot-blooded male but was still faithful to his wife. She was just so out there that she drew a lot of attention. The miner who didn't get to explain earlier, with the help of Old Ben, explained the events that transpired according to Alex and although some details were lost in second-hand storytelling, Alan got the gist of it.

'Seems he took my words seriously.' Alan thought feeling a little proud, 'however...' he narrowed his eyes at the beautiful lady. She still had some bruises and cuts on her body but it wasn't nearly as bad as it used to be, however, Alan took this as Alex beating her.

But that didn't make sense either so there must have been some missing information about how she got that way. Plus, this woman had a slave collar on her. Alan knew the gravity of that item and how dangerous it was.

It was supposed to be illegal and only used for dangerous criminals now, but they still find their way onto the black market. He could feel Alex's aura off of it meaning he was now her Master. The young girl just looked around curiously before turning to Alan.

With a tilted head, she asked, "Are you, Mr. Alan? Master told Grace that she should tell you to keep Grace safe or Master would quote: 'burn down this inn and anyone who harms her.'"

Her words made everyone pale and look to the man in question whose eyebrow was twitching.

'This brat is getting cocky.' He thought but felt he did this to warn people about getting close to her.

She was a very attractive girl and her big titties hanging out for all the world to see basically, barely covered by her dress. Alan sighed before nodding.

"Alright you'll be safe here, where's the brat now?" He looked to the miners who began looking to the miners who were last in the line home.

The last one Alex talked to remember something that should have been mentioned sooner.

"Oh! Mr. Setter, Alex asked me to deliver this stuff to you since he said he was running out of space in his storage ring." He whispered the last part since storage rings were very valuable.

They went to the last carriage and opened it up to find the bloody arm of a beast fall out. Most of this carriage was filled to the brim with monster parts, weapons and some gold and jewels. The miners had ended up squeezing together on the carriage ride to the inn so they could hold all the stuff Alex wanted.

After all, they were getting paid very well for this so a single uncomfortable carriage ride was worth it.

'He really did it huh?' He said quickly looking over everything.

'Still one more and the worst. Don't die brat.' Alan thought as he moved on and took all this stuff and shoved it in his own storage ring. Other than a bit of blood, the carriage was empty again, and the miners who weren't needed anymore left while Alan and a few miners like Old Ben decided to stay and help.

Alan was originally going to send Grace to his room on the second floor but quickly remembered that he cleaned it out to let people stay there. The kid would be gone for a while so there was no use in leaving it empty, plus, Alex ended up spending most of his free time with Alicia anyways.

He decided to give his stuff to Alicia to hold onto and the latter happily accepted. Although he didn't like it, it was more convenient for the two of them to be together. Alan knew this was going to be awkward but he took Grace to Alicia and Kaya's room where the girls were taking a few days off still.

After knocking, Kaya opened the door and was surprised to see Mr. Setter and a gorgeous woman there.

Before she could ask questions, Alan began to explain a short and more to-the-point version of Alex's adventures and Alicia had one point come to listen as well. She was excited to hear her close friend was doing fine and seemed to be okay.

He even managed to help several people from a group of bandits and take down several 2nd Ring monsters which Alan decided to tell the girls. Now that they were involved with the idiot, his secrets about his abnormal strength would come out eventually.

Alicia had already told Kaya about it before who had already had her suspicions about it after seeing that weird Ring tattoo of his when they fucked. The girls both gave Grace complicated looks when they found out she was Alex's slave.

It was almost as if "slut" was written on her forehead with how seductive her body was. Both girls were sure Alex the troublemaker had already put his hands on her. They weren't sure what to feel but they tried to keep an open mind.

Slaves were a normal thing for nobles and wealthy, but for the common folk, it just seemed plain wrong to make less fortunate people into objects and labor hands. Many weren't treated right even though there were supposed to be laws to protect them.

After Alan gave his interpretation on Alex saving her from a bandit, they felt a little better, but why not set her free? Grace couldn't be bothered to answer their questions since her master wasn't here, but when she heard that Alicia was the dainty girl with brown pigtails, she narrowed her eyes.

Ignoring the serious conversation, she interrupted them.

"Are you Alicia?" She asked making everyone look at her weirdly.

"Y-Yes?" Alicia wasn't sure how to answer.

"Grace sees. What is your relationship with Grace's Master? Are you also Master's sex slave?"

Her words left everyone reeling in shock and it took a while to calm down, even Alan.

"E-Excuse me?" Alicia felt a bit offended but blushed at her kinky-sounding question.

"What do you mean sex slave?" Kaya had been silent most of this time since she knew she wasn't as close to Alex as the other two were.

"Grace is Master's sex slave. Master treats Grace very well and Grace pleases him with Grace's pleasure holes."

"Ight I'm out." Alan waved goodbye and escaped the situation.

He would make sure to have a long talk with Alex when he got back. Alicia and Kaya paled after realizing he left this mess of a woman on their doorstep.

"C-Come in first." Alicia decided it wasn't the best place to talk outside so they led Grace into their room.

After Kaya and Alicia whispered to each other about what to do, they continued talking to Grace to get useful information out of her. It was a very long and painful process that included very detailed scenes of Alex and Grace's sex life making the two girls blush hard and curse the man they enjoyed in bed.

They eventually found out that Alex saved her from her "old master" and "healed her" while "fucking a bitch bandit" whatever that meant. They had their ideas but they could only ask them directly from the source later on.

They also learned that he was almost done, only having to kill a 3rd Ring monster which made Alicia faint. After waking and calming the young girl down, they decided to help her get to sleep.

The girls who all had sexual encounters with the freeloader were going to have a long, awkward next few days together until the man in question came back.