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"You really like it up the butt don't ya?" Alex commented as water splashed with every one of his thrusts into her tight little asshole.

The waves splashed against Kaya's face as she was on all fours taking it up the butt moaning.

"S-Shut up! Who's fault is that?" She tried to glare at him but her pleasure gave her a sexy expression.

"Yours?" Alex laughed and slapped her jiggly butt and making water splash around.

They soon got out of the bath and Alex picked her up in his arms and brought her down on his dick. He went deep inside her while her legs were over his shoulders and she clung to his arms.

She had never experienced sex in the air before so it was kind of scary, but knowing this giant beast of a man was holding her up made her feel safe. He came deep in her and put her down to let her ride him.

She bounced hard on this pelvis making her big butt ripple and he couldn't help but give it a few big smacks and leave red raised handprints on her. After marking her with his hands and cum, they continued for a while longer before they called it a day.

They had been fucking for long hours for pretty much the entire day and Alex especially was exhausted. Alex told Kaya to sleep on the topic of their relationship if she really wanted one with him just like what he and Grace were currently starting and what Alicia was more than surely going to say yes to as well.

Being in a more serious relationship with him meant sharing with other girls and on top of that, they needed to decide whether they would follow him on his journey, or stay at the inn. Although it wasn't Alex's decision, he gave her his opinion on them staying here since he would be spending long hours in dangerous places while this place was safe for them thanks to Alan promising their protection.

Alex explained that Grace could go with him because she was an actual slave and according to Alan, if she went too far away from him, her collar would explode, killing her instantly. It was one of the reasons why slave collars were so diabolical so although Alex didn't want to take her either, he had to.

Plus, he knew that Alicia and Grace didn't get along so he didn't want the two of them to be stuck in the same place for so long. The Setters mentioned how difficult she was to deal with since her mentality was so different from a normal human, and they threw the problem known as Grace at him, telling him to take her when he leaves.

Sharla had also come up and told him earlier that morning that she would help Grace "train" a bit so she wasn't so much of a burden for him but she could only train the girl so much with her weird slave mentality that was off-putting for many.

That was another issue he still had to try and resolve but that was for another time.

Kaya had a lot to think about and after going home and meeting a scolding Alicia again for leaving her out, they all cuddled up and slept for real this night.

In the morning, he went out to the front of the inn after finding out that the Mantrigelds were leaving for their home in the capital. Apparently, one of their members found them and would accompany them back home.

Actually, Alex almost died last night but had no idea and was lucky Eva had a special way to communicate with members of her family otherwise his neck would have been sliced through and spray blood all over the blonde he had just started getting more serious with.

Although the strange person wore a completely gold mask and was in full battle armor they moved around extremely fast and Alan felt immense pressure from the person, meaning they were stronger than him!

This being had gotten through his detection and it made him grit his teeth in frustration. Another reason he was unable to do anything against the noble house who humiliated him and took his leg.

They all tried to ignore the deadly servant and said their goodbyes to Eva and Kailey.

"Bye Bye Big Sis Emma!" Kailey had tears in her eyes and hugged Emma tightly.

She tried to discreetly wipe her tears on the young woman's clothes but she was easily caught.

"Don't give me that you troublemaker! I'm not your tissue!" Emma tickled her and the little girl started squealing in joy.

Eva finished thanking Alan and Sharla with a heavy awkward atmosphere as she sat in the carriage already. She was healthy enough to make the trip back home but it was still unknown if she would be able to use her legs again.

Sharla recommended finding a more competent healer if possible but Eva assured the redhead that even as a 3rd Rank, she was better than most high-ranked healers. It was a sad truth but Sharla just thought she was being polite so smiled and brushed it off.

Eva sighed since she was telling the truth. Healers in major cities and in the capital mostly worked for churches and only worked for huge sums of money. While the Mantrigelds had plenty of money, it wasn't a smart idea to waste money on a half-assed check-up. The healers of the churches refused to actually use their hands and get them dirty to heal their patients.

They only threw a heal spell or two and called it a day, even if that person would end up with out-of-place bones and loss of limb movement. They were too high and mighty, believing they should never touch the dirty body of another when they could just fix it with a heal spell or some bullshit like that.

Their prices for services were ridiculous as well so unless Eva's father could find someone who was an actual good doctor, she had no hope to walk.

Eva then looked to the entrance and soon found Alex coming out followed by Grace. She was shocked to see how much he changed since they last saw each other and she felt he had hit the 2nd Ring! She was very surprised and excited for the young man and even blushed slightly as he had become even more handsome.

However, her naughty thoughts made her heart hurt as she thought of her husband. Alex looked quite similar to him, just taller and more muscular but he seemed to still have the same sweet smile as him.

She continued to mourn for him and her family and she quickly remembered something and spoke to their protector while watching Alex getting tackled by Kailey.

"Did you recover the bodies of my siblings, their families, and the servants?"

The protector leaned closer to her in a whisper.

"Yes Lady Evelyn, however some of their bodies were in such a bad state, it would be best if there was no open casket funeral."

Eva wiped tears from her eyes and nodded. She needed to stay strong in this situation.

"Can you contact father?" She asked.

"Already done," the protector responded, "Master Winslow is aware of your and Lady Kailey's survival and is already in the process of setting up for the heir ceremony."

Eva gave her protector a weird look. 'Father is going to make one of us his heir? That's impossible! A woman has never taken over one of the major families since their founding!'

She was shaking! Not only would this make their already dying house even more of a laughing stock, but neither she nor Kailey was ready to take over such a monumental task! She was most likely disabled for the rest of her life and Kailey was only 10!

She was already assuming it would be Kailey to succeed her father. She wasn't worried about that so much but could the young girl fill such big shoes? She had never shown interest in training or getting stronger like other kids and just wanted to play and enjoy life.

Eva had a massive headache now but wasn't able to deal with it when Alex walked up to her. The mysterious protector stepped in front of him and Alex lifted an eyebrow at him. Did it look like he was going to hurt her?

"Stand down Pride, this young man saved our lives. We owe him a great debt." Eva scolded her subordinate.

The person called Pride lowered his head.

"Apologies Lady Evelyn," Pride's masculine voice echoed passed his golden mask before he turned to Alex, "Apologies for my rudeness, and many thanks for saving Lady Evelyn and Lady Kailey. You have saved the Mantrigeld family from udder destruction."

His prideful, yet subservient attitude was confusing and Alex had a weird look on his face.

"No problem." He said casually before focusing on Eva who smiled wryly.

Pride was almost like a problem child within the Mantrigeld's high Ring protectors since he always acted like some big boss in public unless his masters were around. Then he would become a little puppy who waited patiently for a treat.

Pride thought his masters wouldn't notice his outside behavior but they long since knew but never acted on it. Behind that mask, he was probably smiling brightly at Eva waiting for praise, or looking at Alex like he was a haughty noble.

"Thank you once again Alex for saving us," Eva bowed her head toward the young man.

Her actions made Pride stand back up and release a bit of his aura on Alex so he quickly told her to raise her head. This Pride was dangerous! He could easily kill Alex right now with the snap of his fingers or crush him with his aura alone.

Eva didn't seem to notice unfortunately and just focused back on Alex.

"You still have the Medallion I gave you right?" Eva asked.

Alex nodded and pulled the golden heart medallion and casually flipped it over his fingers. Eva felt awkward about him playing with such a priceless treasure but didn't say anything. Pride also had a weird look under his mask but didn't respond when his Lady didn't.

"Yup." Alex smiled and Eva just sighed.

"Good, if you ever run into trouble that can help you out. If you ever visit the capital make sure to come find us, we will welcome you with open arms."

She smiled brightly at him even though there were some tears in her eyes. Alex smiled back at her as he was tackled in the leg by the little Kailey. She was bottom lip was quivering and she had tears in her eyes as well.

"Mr. Prince, you aren't coming with us?"

Alex smiled with pity and bent down to pat her head.

"No sorry. I have my own journey to start but I promise to visit you the next time I go to the capital."

"You better!" She hugged him and tried to wipe her snot on him discretely again like she had been doing to the other people sending them off.

"Cheeky brat!" Alex grabbed her and threw her over his shoulder as she screamed and giggled.

Pride looked ready to kill Alex as he held onto a sword at his waist but with a quick glare from Eva he stood down. Eva smiled to hide her sadness. This would probably be the last time her niece smiled this much.

A heavy burden would be put on her shoulders and she could already tell the little girl's mentality was changing. She was becoming more mature and more distant every day after everything that happened.

Eva sighed and could only hope this 3-month journey back to the capital would help ease her aching heart and then maybe her father and Kailey's grandfather could help as well.

It would take a full 3 months by carriage to get them back to the capital since Floren was on the outskirts of the kingdom and roads weren't as well built as near the bigger cities. While Pride could make that trip in a few weeks, that was by himself. He had to protect the young women as their protector and couldn't afford any mistakes.

It was already bad enough that he couldn't save anyone himself and it was some lowly commoner who had earned his mistress' favor. He was jealous to put it simply.

With a few more tearful goodbyes, the carriage driver snapped the reigns and got the horses going as Pride walked alongside the cart and the two Mantrigeld girls waved out the window tearfully.

Everyone waved back as some of the less important background characters began to enter the inn again and continue their day.

Eva's gaze lingered on the man who reminded her of her husband. She had many thoughts about him but few answers. The one conclusion she could definitively come to was that he was not normal. She had probed his strength and also asked Pride to do so with their family telepathy and found that although he was only a 2nd Ring, his aura and soul were incredibly powerful.

So much so that he should have been more like a 4th or maybe even 5th Ring evolver! Something was not right here and this seemingly quiet and innocent town was holding a ton of important and powerful figures in it.

The ex-captain, two women with incredible strength, the mines and lumber that was provided in mass quantities to major cities on the front lines yet this place never seemed to get a dime. And the cherry on top being the anomaly known as Alex.

She made a mental note to ask her father about this region and wanted to dig more into Alan's past to see why he seemed to hate her so much. She was sure by this time that it had to do with nobles or the kingdom itself but still needed concrete answers.

As for the unknown Alex, she wanted to send people out here later to find out how he got here and his origins.

"Auntie Eva," Kailey said as she looked toward her prince getting smaller in the distance.

Eva could see her bubbly personality was replaced by a more cold and distant one but could feel her niece's aura flicker around.

"Yes sweetie?"

"Do you think I can become strong like Mr. Prince?" She turned curiously to her aunt.

Eva was shocked by her question but smiled. Her niece truly was growing up to fast.

"I'm sure you can sweetie, it may take a few years but I'm sure Alex would be very shocked to find you catching up to him."

"What?! Mr. Prince told you his name and not me!" Kaya pouted and started 'cursing' her prince by calling him meany and stupid.

Alex wouldn't be able to hear her but Eva couldn't help but laugh and hug her niece tight.

"Don't grow up too fast okay?" She whispered to Kailey and the little girl hugged her aunt back.

Their journey back would be a long one but the two of them could become closer than ever and forge a bond that together, could help save their noble house.