Adventurer's Guild

The rest of the trip quickly passed. They settled down for the last night before leaving for the dungeon city in the morning.

None of Milo's dogs bothered him except for a few glares but that was nothing new.

He did get some bomb ass pussy though since Lucy wanted to experience his cock one last time before they parted ways. Her plump ass and slightly droopy tits made him cum buckets inside her. She wasn't as womanly as some of the other girls he had been with before since she had hard muscles and scars on her body, but that was a given considering her profession.

She was an adventurer as well but settled with guard duty after a few years. It was a mostly peaceful job and it paid pretty well. She also got to visit a lot of places so it was a win in her book.

Alex made her scream and cum hard since he got her to wear the ring temporarily. After he finished his last time with Lucy, Grace dove onto him in jealousy and he fucked her brains out as well.

In the morning with little sleep, they continued on their uneventful journey to the south gates of Carson. It wasn't super crowded since there wasn't much activity south of the dungeon city but the other three entrances in the other cardinal directions were extremely packed.

This was a great city for trade since adventurers were always here and the city had continued to expand with the demand for dungeons. It once started out as an outpost when the first dungeon appeared in the area, but quickly grew into a city with several million in population.

The second dungeon only made it more popular.

They easily entered and Alex peeked his head out of the carriage to get a look at the new city he would probably call home for a few months at least.

On the outside of the city walls, it was hard to tell, but on the inside, it was a bustling city of commerce. There were hundreds of carts and stalls lined up along the roads while the carriage made its way through.

The roads actually weren't as organized as the carriage roads in Floren but maybe that was due to how quickly this town was built overnight. People on foot had to move out of the way of the carriages that went by, making it even more crowded.

It ended up taking a long time just to get to the warehouse area where the carriages would be parked and the horses would be taken care of.

Both towns that Alex had seen had a similar cardinal direction structure, where the main roads ran along the four points: North, South, East, and West.

Carson's streets were a bit windier than Floren's but not to the point that you wouldn't realize what street you were on.

Johnson the guard captain barked out orders, "thanking" those who joined the caravan temporarily and telling those who would be continuing with them that they had a few days of rest.

Since Alex was a part of the former group, he said his goodbyes to Lucy and Gerald after promising them drinks the next time they came to Carson.

He had a very busy schedule for the next few days since he needed to get himself settled in this town plus he was sure Johnson would try to punish those two somehow for fraternizing with the "free labor."

He received several glares from Milo's loyal mutts as he walked away holding Grace's hand toward the Adventurer's Guild, his first destination.

He had learned a lot about this city during his lengthy time preparing for this journey. He spoke to Alex, Sharla, and many of the other patrons about the inner workings of the city.

They all said he should officially register at the Adventurer's Guild before going over to the Dungeon Runner's Guild to do the same.

He had a rough idea of what dungeons were thanks to his earth knowledge but he still wanted to see it for himself to make sure that knowledge was accurate.

He also learned that it was much better for him to spend his time in the dungeons rather than taking jobs from the Adventurer's Guild since it wasn't a solid job to live off of.

It was much easier to live comfortably by going into dungeons every few days rather than risking your life out near the Ether forest.

Since the Ether forest ran along the majority of the west side of the Sorketh kingdom, that was where most of the requests came from.

It was a very dangerous place after the humans destroyed the Beastmen kingdoms there and monsters attacked those border towns nearly every day.

Speaking of Beastmen, Alex was finally able to see more of them up close! Every single one of them were slaves of course, but he spotted many different kin of Beastmen like wolf kin, bird kin, and even the supposedly rare tiger kin!

Alex wasn't really sure how to address their specific animal lineage since there were no books dictating how to talk to them. That was probably because humans didn't care about their lineage at all and since they were slaves, weren't treated as living beings anymore.

He could see that all of those in the area he saw, had ragged clothes and skinny bodies. They looked dead inside and just worked silently as their angry masters glared and made fun of them as they worked.

He even saw a few getting beat up or r*ped in public but was told not to interfere in those matters even if he wanted to. Alan especially told him it wasn't worth it since he too used to want to play the hero.

It only backfired on him every time.

Alex could only sigh and move on. He didn't want to act like a hero either but it was hard to watch such cruel things sometimes. Especially when he had a feeling that most, if not all Beastmen in this kingdom were abused, killed, and r*ped as much as their masters wanted.

Either way, it wasn't his problem or his right to shove his nose in other people's business. It was just another cruelty of this world he had to get used to.

They reached a big wooden structure soon that had the same logo as the Floren branch with the sword, bow, and Diamond as the symbol for the Adventurer's Guild. It was much bigger and in better condition than the Floren branch but that was a given considering it was a bigger town and Floren's branch was taken over by gangs for the last decade or so without anyone fixing the problem.

Most people weren't even aware that there was another big town a month away, most just thought south of here was several small villages so that was one of the reason's why it was so dead on the south gate entrance.

Soon, however, there was sure to be more activity with Marie taking over the town. Heck, that was one of the reasons why Milo went there in the first place! He wanted to dip his fingers first into the potential gold mine that was the "forgotten city" as he liked to put it.

That same geezer would have never imagined Alan Setter lived there though, or he might have just avoided it.

Alex stepped into the building, rubbing his storage ring casually in with his girlfriend holding his hand. If he learned anything from earth novels, this was the place for him to get in some trouble. The entire tavern area of the Guild was full of rough and sketchy-looking characters that all glared at him in the middle of their meals.

The other adventurers' eyes however quickly looked at the beauty with huge tits holding his hand and had a slave collar on. Most of them drooled and their gazes were filled with unyielding lust and stupid grins on their faces as they imagined what they could do to that girl.

The man? Pfft! Just kill him. That was how things worked out anyways.

Life as a mercenary for hire in the Adventurer's Guild was a dangerous one and you could get yourself killed without knowing how if you offended the wrong person.

Heck, you didn't need to offend anyone and could just rob and kill someone because they had something good in their possession. Of course, they couldn't do it out in the open with guards always patrolling the streets, but at night it was much easier using the cover of darkness.

And just as Alex thought, he could feel the lusty stares of the men around him. He had a feeling he knew something cliché was about to happen but he continued his way to the bar and counter anyways.

The bar area at the center of the back wall for the tavern area served as a bar for drinks and for the receptionists who dealt with the internal affairs of the Adventurer's Guild. He ignore the gross stares of the men around him and approached a lovely young woman in similar attire to the ones the Floren workers wore.

It was mostly navy blue with some gold trimmings on it with the Adventurer's Guild logo on top of their right breast. The overall design of the receptionist's outfit reminded him of the attire of a flight attendant except they didn't have fancy-looking hats or anything.

The woman with dark brown hair and matching eyes smiled.

"Hello, welcome to the Carson Branch of the Adventurer's Guild! My name is Tilly and how may I help you today?"

Alex smiled back at the beaut behind the bar but didn't lust over her, he had his own succubus right next to him.

"I'd like to register both of us as Adventurers and form a party."

The woman nodded and grabbed a few things like paperwork but also a flat stone made out of e-stones. This was an e-stone tablet meant for helping with registration. It acted similar to a fingerprint scanner from earth and was used to help identify people.

"Please pour your essence into the stone and it will take a few minutes for your new adventurer card to be completed." The receptionist said as Alex handed his ID card to her. The ID he got from the barracks in Floren could be used as an Adventurer ID so he just needed it updated properly.

As for Grace, she would get a card as well, but it would be completely different from his since she was a slave. She wouldn't get to reap any of the rewards herself and it would only go to Alex with a partial fee to the city. She didn't care about this anyway since she was mostly here as support for the powerhouse of her master.

Alex poured the essence out of his essence ring which made the receptionist look at him funny but she just shrugged it off. There were eccentrics that came into the establishment all the time so you get used to it after a while. Some would refuse to sign on as an Adventurer unless it was done behind closed doors, or refused to do it only if the Guildmaster himself came and talked to them.

They would just shoo all those people away since it was too much work for them. Nobody was forcing anyone to become an Adventurer so they weren't going to accommodate people just because they were secretive by nature. Everyone had secrets so there was no use trying to act special in the eyes of the Guild employees.

To them, even for higher-ranked Adventurers, everyone was the same... most of the time.

Some B and most A rank or above were treated like kings since they would take on the more dangerous jobs for them but that was a given considering they were putting their lives on the line for the entire kingdom basically.

Anyways, Alex was able to get his shit sorted out no problem. His ID now had the AG Logo (Adventurer's Guild) on it with a black letter "F" over it. He found that the more he learned about this world's writing system, the more he realized how close it was to the Greek alphabet from earth, which the English language was born from.

This made it much easier for him to learn so except for a few variations, it was relatively easy to read things again. They also like to speak in old-timey English as well using words like "shoppe" instead of "shop" but it didn't make much difference.


Just as they were finishing up with all they had to do, he heard the sound of chairs sliding across the floor as a few adventurers sitting down got up.

'Oh boy, it's finally starting.' Alex rolled his eyes in frustration and decided to get this over with by turning to face them.