
The Big Plan

Some time passed and it was now the middle of March. Mayr had discovered a few weeks ago that two men had been spying on him.

Although he knew of these men, he made sure to behave in a way that made it seem like he had no idea about them. He would never look towards them or have anyone he interacted with look towards them.

This way, those men would feel that their cover had not been blown and Mayr wouldn't have to worry about them being substituted for others or getting back up. Mayr had to keep control of the situation, and a sure way to do that was to make these men feel that they were the ones in control.

Although none of the other captains reported anyone spying on them, Mayr was always cautious when setting up meetings with them, just to be sure that their judgment wasn't erroneous.

Mayr would spend the entire day with Nesh. Kris would also be with them for most of the day. The only time he wasn't was when he had to be at his sales location. Since Kris was still living with Mayr, Mayr wanted to ensure that Kris didn't make any careless moves while people were observing.

Mayr had been extra cautious to ensure that the men spying on him did not find his, or any of his friends' residential locations. Getting the families involved in this would be a massive headache to solve.

It was quite evident to Mayr that most of the information about the crew was given to the Mafia by Farugio, but because of the naivety and ego of Farugio, he probably did not even pay attention to the captains. He felt that they were "below him". Mayr was confident that Farugio mainly gave information on Nesh and him because that's where all of his anger was directed.

To ensure that the other captains were not put in the crosshairs of the Mafia, Mayr began communicating with them via Kris. If there were any messages that needed to be sent, Mayr would send them via Kris's phone in code. Messages were sent from Kris's phone in code to ensure that if the Mafia were to use their connections in law enforcement to tap Mayr's or any of his friend's phones, they would find nothing of value.

The money collections were given to Kris's men, who would give the money to Kris at different times, and then Kris would hand the money over to Mayr when they were both home. Mayr had established this schedule ever since he ascertained that mafia spies were watching his every move


In the town across from Youngsville, Anthony sat in a dimly lit, fancy restaurant among his most trusted executives. They sat on a long table with a silk, blood red cloth on top and a magnificent chandelier hanging above it. After walking in from the front door, one would have to walk through a corridor to enter the dining area. Aside from Anthony, his crew, and a few waiters, no one was in the dining room.

This was no normal get-together. Anthony had called in his top executives for an important meeting. Before Anthony began speaking on the topic of the meeting, he simply joked with his men and asked them about how their affairs were running, as one does when they meet acquaintances.

As the men were conversing and laughing, one of the waiters walked up to Anthony and whispered "Your nephew would like a word, sir". With an eye roll and a slight look of annoyance, Anthony told the waiter to let him in.

The waiter acknowledged this instruction and went to get Farugio. After a little over a minute, the waiter walked into the dining room through the corridor with Farugio sheepishly walking in behind him.

"What is it, Reggie?" Anthony said with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"The Youngsville crew is still out there." Farugio replied scaredly, "I-I was just wondering if you thought that there was anything I could do to solve that problem."

Anthony's eyebrows slanted and his eyes widened. The annoyed expression on his face became more pronounced. "What!?" he exclaimed. He then looked to a well-dressed, short man to his right, "I thought I told you to take care of those brats, Tommy!" Anthony continued.

"I know, boss." Tommy replied, "Reggie told me that the kid's name was "Sojo" or something. So I sent some new recruits to take care of the kid. Just give him a quick beating. But apparently, he's tough. He beat the three of them up. He supposedly had help as well. I didn't do much more because we don't have resources to waste on anything else other than our main goal right now. You know this better than anyone. So, I just sent 2 of my guys to keep an eye on him, and once we're done with our main business, we can give the kid a quick beating and call it a day."

Anthony took a deep sigh and calmed himself down. "I understand that you're thinking logically, Tommy," Anthony said, "but we also have a reputation to uphold. That kid came and busted up the backroom of my restaurant and beat up my nephew. We can't let this go for too long. Tell your guys to give you all the information that they have on these kids and deal with this by the end of the week. Got it? We don't have time to spend on these little child games."

"Got it, boss." Tommy replied. Anthony looked back at Farugio. "It'll be done by the end of the week." Anthony said sternly. "Now, I don't want you coming back to me about this childish nonsense. Understood?"

"U-understood, Uncle Tony." Farugio said sheepishly. After this, Farugio was escorted out of the restaurant. Now, it was just Anthony and his top executives.

Once Farugio left, Anthony took another deep sigh and put a serious look on his face. "Now, it's time to talk about important business." Anthony said coldly. Everyone at the table became serious as well and respectfully looked at Anthony, waiting for him to continue. "This will be our biggest mission to date." Anthony continued with a sharp look in his eye, "It's time to Overthrow Ento Mayr and take control of this country."